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A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal Extract Based Questions
A slumber did my spirit seal-
I had no human fears.
She scented a thing that could not feel
The touch of earthy years.
No notion has she now, no force-
She neither hears nor sees,
Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course
With rocks and stones and trees.
हिंदी अनुवाद –कवि कहता है कि एक गहरी नींद ने मेरी आत्मा को जड़ बना दिया है I मेरे मन में किसी भी प्रकार के मानवीय भय नहीं थे I वह एक ऐसी प्रतीत हो रही थी जिसे पृथ्वी पर मानवीय जीवन का कोई अहसास नहीं हो रहा था I अब उसमें कोई गति तथा शक्ति नहीं रही है I अब वह न सुनती है ,और न ही देखती है , और पृथ्वी के दैनिक चक्र में चट्टानों , पत्थरों तथा वृक्षों की भागती हुई प्रतीत होती है I
Questions :
(a) What does ‘the slumber’ refer to in the first line?
(b) Who does ‘I’ refer to in this stanza?
(c) Who does ‘she’ refer to in this stanza?
(d) What could she not feel now?
(e) Why can’t she hear or see?
(f) What does she do now?
(g) Name the poem from which this stanza has been taken.
Answers :
(a) It refers to the death of a lovely child named Lucy.
(b) ‘I’ refers to the poet.
(c) ‘She’ refers to a lovely child Lucy who is dead now.
(d) She could not feel the touch of the time spent on this earth now.
(e) She can’t see and hear because she is dead now.
(f) Now she moves all around in this cosmos as the earth does.
(g) ‘A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal’.
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A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal- Quick Review of the Poem