Tips to improve grammar in IELTS writing Task 2?

By | January 28, 2022
Tips to Improve Grammar in IELTS writing Task 2

Role of Grammar in IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing task 2 is a sub-task of the IELTS Writing task. This task includes writing an essay about a given topic that could include everything in a general context. This part checks for the lexical resources, point of view, the way one encodes and translates an idea, coherence, and most importantly, the grammatical construction of the sentences.

IELTS grammar, in general, is not tested explicitly. However, it is one of the determinants in every IELTS task that evaluates one’s grasp of the English language and how aptly one uses it. Now that we know the essence of grammar in the IELTS, let’s see what we can do to bolster the foundation of our essays through correct grammar usage and some IELTS Writing task 2 tips.

Use of Tenses in IELTS  Writing Task 2

When we talk about the grammatical range and accuracy in  IELTS Writing task 2 essays, one most common goof that the aspirants make is the incorrect use of tenses. Intermingling the simple past tense to the past perfect tense (I ate the pudding to I had eaten the pudding) or the present perfect continuous to the present continuous tense (I have been exercising to I am exercising) and so on is a very common errata that is reported by the IELTS examiners and costs the applicants dearly. Therefore, it is extremely crucial for the applicants to have a firm understanding of the tenses, and the basics should be crystal clear.

Have a uniformity in the pronoun usage

Another common error that is reported in the IELTS writing task is the haphazard pronoun usage. On many occasions, examinees start with one form of a pronoun and switch to another form of it. For instance, one could start with ‘their/them/they’ and switch to ‘you/his/her’ and this is not acceptable as per the IELTS scoring patterns. You have to stick to one form and maintain the tonality.

Make correct usage of articles and punctuations

Articles and punctuations are the very basic entities of English grammar. Always ensure making the apt use of it. For example, always know when to use a comma, full stop, question mark, colons, semicolons, etc., as it shows your grammatical prowess and that you have a sound understanding of English grammar. Similarly, the use of correct articles should be paid keen attention to.

Make a sound balance of active-passive voices

In an essay, the overuse of an active voice or a passive voice indicates the lack of grammatical agility in the aspirants. Therefore, you should know when to use “Rama made that beautiful work of art.” and “This beautiful work of art was made by Rama.” There should always be a striking balance of the voices.

Time tested tips to improve grammar for IELTS Writing Task 2

  • Reading and writing practice

A maxim goes, “The more you learn, the more you earn”. Now, this refers to attaining the quality of the sentences you write and the way you transcend the idea enveloped in an intact cloth of grammar. The more you read, the better your ideas and formation of the sentences become, and hence, the better you would pen down your ideas in the writing task 2 essays. Whether you make use of complex ideas or an arduous vocabulary, everything boils down to the correctness and conciseness of your written sentences. Hence, it is always advisable to include reading as an inevitable part of your IELTS practice regime.

  • Take a reference and never shy away from checking yourself

Many a time, we tend to slip the uncertainties under the rug of procrastination. THIS IS A SIN!! The more you procrastinate, the more your personality imbibes the trait of taking things for granted, and IELTS grammar is not something that can be tossed. It is always suggested to have a reference book or a website and so on that is tried and tested and has good reviews about it in terms of grammar.

  • Mocks would help you pull up the socks!

Mocks are the reflection of your skills and how far you have come on the path of preparing for an exam. Real-time mocks and giving them under the dynamics of a real test, that is, time limit, questions, etc., would give a fair idea of how well you can produce your answers keeping in mind the dynamics of scores. Certain websites have good and competent content that might act as an impetus to take your preparation to a level higher than before.

  • Make a good analysis of your weak points

Focus on every aspect of grammar, be it tenses, auxiliaries, verbs, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, and the list goes on and on. Analyze the part where you lack the most and try to figure out ways to fix it. Once the analysis is done, focus on improving it through any reference material and give the mocks again till the time you are assured of your shot

  • Dive into the online resources

This is an era of the internet, as is known to all. The waves of digitalization haven’t left anyone untouched, and hence, make the best use of it to contour your grammatical adeptness. There is a truckload of preparation websites such as that have helped innumerable people and aspirants like you to make a mark in the IELTS. It’s all about the right reference and the right approach that shall transform you into the bead in the string of success.

For now, your focus should be on 3 Cs as far as your grammar preparation is concerned, and they are- CONCENTRATION (while learning), CORRECTNESS (while structuring your sentences in the writing task 2), and CONCISENESS (while finally writing your essay while sticking to the primary idea).

So, this was all about the Writing task 2 tips and tricks and all that you can do to up your game in grammar. There is no shortcut to achieving your dreams, and you have to go through the entire process (fortunately or unfortunately, that includes English grammar), and therefore, any gradation of preparation can’t be taken for granted.