The Hundred Dresses-I- Passages for Comprehension

By | August 19, 2020
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The Hundred Dresses-I

 By El Bsor Ester


 Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow :


Today, Monday, Wanda Petronski was not in her seat. But nobody, not even Peggy and Madeline, the girls who started all the fun, noticed her absence. Usually, Wanda sat in the seat next to the last seat in the last row in Room Thirteen. She sat in the corner of the room where the rough boys who did not make good marks sat, the corner of the room where there was most scuffling of feet, most roars of laughter when anything funny was said, and most mud and dirt on the floor.

Wanda did not sit there because she was rough and noisy. On the contrary, she was very quiet and rarely said anything at all. And nobody had ever heard her laugh out loud. Sometimes she twisted her mouth into a crooked sort of smile, but that was all. I

[H.B.S.E. March 2017 (Set-B)]

 Word-meanings : Rough = indisciplined (अनुशासनहीन); scuffing of feet = creating noise by thumping shoes (पैर पटककर शोर करना); on the contrary = on the other hand   (इसके विपरीत); roars = cries (चीखें); rarely = very seldom (कभी –कभार); crooked sort = awkward (बढ़ेंगी)  l

Questions :

 (a) Where did Wanda Petronski usually sit?

 (b) Did Peggy and Madeline notice Wanda’s absence?

 (c) How did most of the boys create fun in the classroom?

 (d) What kind of a girl was Wanda?

 (e) Find words or phrases from the passage which mean the same as :

 (i) on the other hand, (ii) very seldom.

 Answers :

 (a) She usually sat in the corner next to the last seat in the last row.

 (b) No, Peggy and Madeline did not notice Wanda’s absence.

 (c) They created fun by scuffling their feet on the ground and laughing loudly.

 (d) Wanda was a quiet and calm girl.

 (e) (i) on the contrary, (ii) rarely.


 Nobody knew exactly why Wanda sat in that seat unless it was because she came all the way from Boggins Heights and her feet were usually caked with dry mud. But no one really thought much about Wanda Petronski, once she sat in the corner of the room.

 The time when they thought about Wanda was outside of school hours — at noon-time when they were coming back to school or in the morning early before school began, when groups of two or three, or even more, would be talking and laughing on their way to the school yard.

 Then, sometimes, they waited for Wanda — to have fun with her.

 Word-meanings: Caked with = covered with (से ढके होना): exactly = correctly (सही –सही) I

Questions :

 (a) Where did Wanda come from?

 (b) What happened after Wanda sat in the corner of the room?

 (c) When did classmates think of Wanda?

(d) Why did they wait for Wanda?

(e) Find a word in the passage which means ‘precise’.

 Answers :

(a) Wanda came from Boggins Heights.

(b) After she sat in the corner of the room nobody thought much of her.

(c) They thought of her outsides of school hours.

(d) They waited for her to have fun with her.

(e) exactly.


The next day, Tuesday, Wanda was not in school, either. And nobody noticed her absence again.

 But on Wednesday, Peggy and Maddie, who sat down front with other children who got good marks and who didn’t track in a whole lot of mud, did notice that Wanda wasn’t there. Peggy was the most popular girl in school. She was pretty, she had many pretty clothes and her hair was curly. Maddie was her closest friend. The reason Peggy and Maddie noticed Wanda’s absence was because Wanda had made them late to school.

 They had waited and waited for Wanda, to have some fun with her, and she just hadn’t come.

 They often waited for Wanda Petronski — to have fun with her.

 Word-meanings: Track = walk (चलना); popular = famous (प्रसिद्ध); curly hair = wavy hair (घुँघराले बाल)  I

 Questions :

 (a) Did Wanda come to school on Tuesday?

 (b) Where did Peggy and Maddie sit?

 (c) Who was the most popular girl in the school?

 (d) Why did Peggy and Maddie think of Wanda?

 (e) Which word in the passage means ‘famous’?

 Answers :

 (a) No, Wanda did not come to school on Tuesday.

 (b) Peggy and Maddie sit in the front where other children who got good marks sat.

 (c) Peggy was the most popular girl in the school.

 (d) They thought of Wanda because she had made them tale for school.

 (e) popular.


Wanda didn’t have any friends. She came to school alone and went home alone. She always wore a faded blue dress that didn’t hang right. It was clean, but it looked as though it had never been ironed properly. She didn’t have any friends, but a lot of girls talked to her. Sometimes, they surrounded her in the school yard as she stood watching the little girls play hopscotch on the worn hard ground.

 “Wanda,” Peggy would say in a most courteous manner as though she were talking to Miss Mason. “Wanda,” she’d say, giving one of her friends a nudge, “tell us. How many dresses did you say you had hanging up in your closet ?”

 “A hundred,” Wanda would say.

 “A hundred!” exclaimed all the little girls incredulously, and the little ones would stop playing hopscotch and listen.

 Word-meanings: Didn’t hang right = not fit properly (ठीक से न आना); ironed = pressed with iron (प्रैस करना); surrounded = circled (घेरा बनाया); hopscotch = a kind of game (एक प्रकार का खेल); incredulously = showing disbelief (अविश्वास दिखाना)

 Questions :

 (al What kind of dress did Wanda wear?

 (b) How did Peggy make fun of Wanda?

 (c) Did Wanda have many friends?

 (d) What would Wanda say when Peggy questioned her about dresses?

 (e) Find a word from the passage which means ‘polite’.

 Answers :

 (a) She wore a faded blue dress.

 (b) Peggy made fun of Wanda by asking a question about how many dresses she bad at home.

 (c) No, Wanda did not have many friends.

 (d) Wanda would say that she had a hundred dresses lined up in her closet.

 (e) courteous.


 Peggy was not really cruel. She protected small children from bullies. And she cried for hours if she saw an animal mistreated. If anybody had said to her, “Don’t you think that is a cruel way to treat Wanda?” she would have been very surprised. Cruel? Why did the girl say she had a hundred dresses? Anybody could tell that that was a lie. Why did she want to lie? And she wasn’t just an ordinary person, else why did she have a name like that? Anyway, they never made her cry.

 As for Maddie, this business of asking Wanda every day how many dresses and how many hats, and how many this and that she had was bothering her. Maddie was poor herself. She usually wore somebody’s hand-me-down clothes. Thank goodness, she didn’t live up on Boggins Heights or have a funny name.

 Word-meanings: Bullies = those who frighten the weaker persons (धौंस देने वाले); mistreated = behaved cruelly (क्रूरतापूर्ण व्यवहार); cruel = unkind (निर्दयी); ordinary = simple (साधारण) I

 Questions :

 (a) How did Peggy react when she saw an animal mistreated?

 (b) How would Peggy react if someone said that she was cruel towards Wanda?

 (c) What did Peggy and Maddie think of Wanda?

 (d) How do you know that Maddie was also poor?

(e) Find a word from the passage which means ‘people who frighten weaker persons’.

Answers :

 (a) When she saw an animal mistreated, she would cry for hours.

 (b) She would be surprised.

 (c) She thought that Wanda wasn’t just an ordinary person.

 (d) Maddie wore somebody’s hand-me-down clothes. This shows that she was also poor.

 (e) ‘bullies’.


Sometimes, when Peggy was asking Wanda those questions in that mocking polite voice,  Maddie felt embarrassed and studied the marbles in the palm of her hand, rolling them around and saying nothing herself. Not that she felt sorry for Wanda, exactly. She would never have paid any attention to Wanda if Peggy hadn’t invented the dresses game. But suppose Peggy and all the others started in on her next? She wasn’t as poor as Wanda, perhaps, but she was poor. Of course, she would have more sense than to say she had a hundred dresses. Still, she would not like for them to begin on her. She wished Peggy would stop teasing Wanda Petronski.

 Word-meanings: Mocking = making fun of (मजाक उड़ाना) embarrassed = ashamed of (शर्मसार होना); invented = discovered (आविष्कार करना); teasing = bothering (परेशान करना) I

 Questions :

 (a) When did Maddie feel embarrassed?

 (b) When would Maddie never have paid any attention to Wanda?

 (c) What additional benefit did Maddie think she had than Wanda?

 (d) What did Maddie wish?

 (e) Find a word from the passage which means ‘satirical’.

 Answers :

(a)Maddie felt embarrassed when Peggy asked Wanda questions about her dresses.

(b)She never has paid any attention to Wanda if Peggy hadn’t invented the dresses game.

(c)She thought that she had more sense to say about her dresses.

(d)Maddie wished that Peggy would stop teasing Wanda.



Today, even though they had been late to school, Maddie was glad she had not had to make fun of Wanda. She worked her arithmetic problems absent-mindedly. “Eight times eight—let’s see …” She wished she had the nerve to write Peggy a note because she knew she never would have the courage to speak right out to Peggy, to say, “Hey, Peg, let’s stop asking Wanda how many dresses she has.” When she finished her arithmetic she did start a note to Peggy. Suddenly she paused and shuddered. She pictured herself in the schoolyard, a new target for Peggy and the girls. Peggy might ask her where she got the dress that she had on, and Maddie would have to say it was one of Peggy’s old ones that Maddie’s mother had tried to disguise with new trimmings so no one in Room Thirteen would recognise it.

 Word-meanings: Absent-mindedly = without thinking much paused-stopped (रुके बिना सोचे –समझे); shuddered = trembled (काँपने लगना): target = mark (निशाना); disguise = conceal (छुपाना) I

Questions :

 (a) Why was Maddie glad?

 (b) How did Maddie want to ask Peggy not to make fun of Wanda?

 (c) What made Maddie feel ‘shuddered’?

 (d) How did Maddie think Peggy would humiliate her?

 (e) Find a word from the passage which means ‘trembled’.

 Answers :

 (a) Maddie was glad she had not had to make fun of Wanda.

 (b) She wanted to ask Peggy not to make fun of Wanda by writing a note to her.

 (c)  She shuddered when she thought that Peggy would find Maddie a new target for making fun of her.

(d)  She thought that Peggy would humiliate her by pointing out that she was wearing a dress given to her by her (Peggy’s) mother.

 (e)  ‘shuddered’.



 As for Wanda, she was just some girl who lived upon Boggins Heights and stood alone in the schoolyard. She scarcely ever said anything to anybody. The only time she talked was in the schoolyard about her hundred dresses. Maddie remembered her telling about one of her dresses, pale blue with coloured trimmings. And she remembered another that was brilliant jungle green with a red sash. “You’d look like a Christmas tree in that,” the girls had said in pretended admiration.

 Word-meanings : Trimmings = ornamentation of a dress (पोशाक की सजावट); brilliant = shining (चमकदार); sash = scarf (स्कार्फ); pretended = false (झूठी); admiration = praise (प्रशंसा) I

 Questions :

 (a) Who lived on Boggins Heights?

 (b) How did Pegg make fun of Wanda?

 (c) What were Wanda’s drawings about”

 (d) What did Maddie remember one of her dresses 7

 (e) Find a word from the passage which means ‘shining’


 The minute they entered the classroom, they stopped short and gasped. There were drawings all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill, dazzling colours and brilliant, lavish designs, all drawn on great sheets of wrapping paper. There must have been a hundred of them, all lined up. These must be the drawings for the contest. They were! Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiringly.

 As soon as the class had assembled, Miss Mason announced the winners. Jack Beggles had won for the boys, she said, and his design for an outboard motor was on exhibition in Room Twelve, along with the sketches by all the other boys.

 Word-meanings: Gasped = breathed with open mouth (हाँफना); dazzling = shining (चमकदार); lavish = grand (भव्य); murmured = muttered (बुड़ाबुड़ाना); exhibition = on the show (दिखाना); the  sketches = drawings (चित्रण)

 Questions :

 (a) What was there in the room?

 (b) How did they react to the drawings?

 (c) Who won the contest meant for girls?

 (d) Who won the contest meant for the boys?

 (e) Find a word from the passage which means ‘gathered’.

 Passage-10: (Page 64)

Today, Monday, Wanda Petronski was not in her seat. But nobody, not even Peggy and the girls who started all the fun, noticed her absence. Usually, Wanda sat in the seat next seat in the last row in Room Thirteen. She sat in the corner of the room where the rough did not make good marks sat, the corner of the room where there was most scuffling of roars of laughter when anything funny was said, and most mud and dirt on the floor.

Word-Meaning: Row—line, tired  Scuffling—noisy and dragging movements of the feet on the ground, Roars—loud noise of laughter, Funny—humorous Mud—wet earth’s mixture


(a) Today, why was Wanda Petronski not in her seat?

(b) Who were Peggy and Madeline?

(c) Where did Wanda usually sit in the class?

(d) What kind of boys sat in that corner?


(a) Today Wanda Petronski was absent from the class. Actually, she has left school forever.

(b) Peggy and Madeline were close friends and classmates of Wanda.

(c) Wanda usually sat in the seat next to the last seat in the last row.

(d) Rough boys who did not get good marks sat in the last row.

Passage-11: (Page 64)

Wanda did not sit there because she was rough and noisy. On the contrary, she was very quiet and rarely said anything at all. And nobody had ever heard her laugh out loud. Sometimes she twisted her mouth into a crooked sort of smile, but that was all.

Word-Meaning: Contrary—opposite, Quiet—silent, Rarely—hardly, Twisted—bent indifferent direction, Crooked(here) bent,


(a) Why did Wanda sit in the seat next to the last seat in the last row?

(b) What kind of girl was Wanda?

(c) Did anybody hear her laugh?

(d) Did she have any close friend in the class to talk with?


(a) Nobody knew exactly why Wanda sat in that seat. She might be sitting there because her feet were usually covered with dry mud.

(b) She was very quiet and rarely said anything at all.

(c) No, no one heard her laugh loudly.

(d) No, she didn’t have any close friend in the class to talk with.

Passage-12: (Pages 64 & 65)

But on Wednesday, Peggy and Maddie, who sat down with other children who got good marks and who didn’t track in a whole lot of mud, did notice that Wanda wasn’t there. Peggy was the most popular girl in the school. She was pretty, she had many pretty clothes and her hair was curly. Maddie was her closest friend. The reason Peggy and Maddie noticed Wanda’s absence was because Wanda had made them late to school. They had waited and waited for Wanda, to have some fun with her, and she just hadn’t come. They often waited for Wanda Petronski—to have fun with her.

Word-Meaning: Track- path Popular—famous Pretty —beautiful  Curly —rounded


(a) Did Wanda come to the school the day before Wednesday?

(b) What did they notice?

(c) How was Peggy?

(d) How did Maddie make fun of Peggy?


(a) No, Wanda had been absent from the school for the last three days.

(b) They noticed that Wanda was not there in her seat.

(c) Peggy was the most popular girl in school. She was pretty, had many clothes and had curly hair.

(d) Maddie used to make fun of Wanda by asking how many dresses she had.

Passage-13: (Page 65)

Wanda Petronski. Most of the children in Room Thirteen didn’t have names like that. They had names easy to say, like Thomas, Smith or Allen. There was one boy named Bounce, Willie Bounce, and people thought that was funny, but not funny in the same way that Petronski was.

Word-Meaning: Funny—strange,


(a) Who was Wanda Petronski?

(b) Where did she live?

(c) What did people think about Willie Bounce?

(d) How was Willie Bounce different from Wanda Petronski?


(a) Wanda Petronski was one of the students who sat in Room Number Thirteen.

 (b) She lived in Boggins Heights.

(c) People thought that Willie Bounce’s name was quite funny.

(d) Willie Bounce’s name was not as funny as that of Wanda Petronski.

Passage-14: (Page 65)

Wanda didn’t have any friends. She came to school alone and went home alone. She always wore a faded blue dress that didn’t hang right. It was clean, but it looked as though it had never been ironed properly. She didn’t have any friends, but a lot of girls talked to her. Sometimes, they surrounded her in the schoolyard, as she stood, watching the little girls play hopscotch on the worn hard ground.

Word-Meaning: Faded(here) discoloured, dull, Didn’t hang right—didn’t fit properly, Ironed—pressed with an iron, Lot of—many, Hopscotch—a game in which children hop into and over squares marked on the ground,


(a) Why do you think Wanda didn’t have any friends?

(b) How did she come to school and go home?

(c) Why did she always wear a faded blue dress?

(d) How did she stand on the worn hard ground?


(a) Wanda didn’t have any friends perhaps because she was reticent and had an inferiority complex.

(b) She came to school and went home alone.

(c) She belonged to a poor family, so she didn’t have more dresses to be worn for school.

(d) She stood there watching the little girls play hopscotch on the worn hard ground.

Passage-15: (Page 66)

Peggy was not really cruel. She protected small children from bullies. And she cried for hours if she saw an animal mistreated. If anybody had said to her, “Don’t you think that is a cruel way to treat Wanda?” she would have been very surprised. Cruel? Why did the girl say she had a hundred dresses? Anybody could tell that was a lie. Why did she want to lie? And she wasn’t just an ordinary person, else why did she have a name like that? Anyway, they never made her cry.

Word-Meaning: Bullies—those who show their strength to frighten weaker people, Mistreated—gave ill-treatment, Ordinary—common


(a) Why do you think Wanda always told a lie that she had a hundred dresses?

(b) If anybody called her cruel for treating Wanda badly, how did Peggy feel?

(c) What did Peggy think about Wanda?

(d) According to the children, what sort of name did Wanda have?


(a) She thought that if she told them that she was very poor and had only one dress, they would look down upon her.

(b) Peggy felt surprised if anybody called her cruel at her treatment of Wanda.

(c) Peggy thought Wanda was telling lies that she had a hundred dresses.

(d) They considered her name to be difficult and funny.

 Passage-16: (Pages 67 & 68)

She pictured herself in the schoolyard, a new target for Peggy and the girls. Peggy might ask her where she got the dress that she had on, and Maddie would have to say it was one of Peggy’s old ones that Maddie’s mother had tried to disguise with new trimmings so no one in Room Thirteen would recognise it.

Word-Meaning: Disguise—hide, Trimmings (here) decoration of a lace,


(a) How would Maddie become a new target for Peggy and other girls?

(b) What could Peggy ask her?

(c) Why did Maddie wear Peggy’s old clothes?

(d) What did Maddie’s mother do and why?


(a) If Maddie said to Peggy not to make fun of Wanda, she herself would become the new target of Maddie and other girls as she wore Peggy’s old clothes.

(b) Peggy might ask her where she got the dress that she was wearing.

(c) Maddie was a very poor girl. So she had to wear Peggy’s old dresses.

 (d) Maddie’s mother tried to disguise the old dress with new trimmings so that no one in Room Thirteen would recognise it.

Passage-17: (Page 68)

As for Wanda, she was just some girl who lived upon Boggins Heights and stood alone in the schoolyard. She scarcely ever said anything to anybody. The only time she talked was in the schoolyard about her hundred dresses. Maddie remembered her telling about one of her dresses, pale blue with coloured trimmings. And she remembered another that was brilliant jungle green with a red sash. “You’d look like a Christmas tree in that,” the girls had said in pretended admiration.

Word-Meaning: Scarcely—hardly, Brilliant(here) shining, Pretended—false act, Admiration—praise,


(a) What kind of people live on Boggins Heights?

(b) Did Wanda talk too much?

(c) What did she only talk about?

(d) Why did the girl say in pretended admiration?


(a) Generally, poor immigrants lived in Boggins Heights.

(b) No, she hardly said anything to anybody.

(c) She talked only about her hundred dresses.

(d) She was mocking and making fun of Wanda Petronski.

Passage-18: (Page 69)

The minute they entered the classroom, they stopped short and gasped. There were drawings all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill, dazzling colours and brilliant, lavish designs, all drawn on great sheets of wrapping paper. There must have been a hundred of them, all lined up. There must be the drawings for the contest. They were! Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiringly.

Word-Meaning: Gasped—opened mouth in surprise, Ledge-edge, Lavish(here) many, Wrapping paper—paper used for wrapping, Murmured-uttered silently, Admiringly—in praise,


(a) Why did Peggy and Maddie stop short and gasp?

(b) Why were there so many drawings all over the room?

(c) How many of them were there?

(d) How did everybody react after seeing the drawings?


(a) They stopped short and gasped when they saw so many drawings everywhere.

 (b) It was a drawing and colouring contest in the school, that is why there were so many drawings all over the room.

(c) They were more than a hundred all lined up there.

(d) Everybody stopped, whistled or murmured admiringly after watching the drawings.

Passage-19: (Page 69)

“As for the girls,” she said “although just one or two sketches were submitted by most, one girl—and Room Thirteen should be proud of her—this one girl actually drew one hundred designs—all different and all beautiful. In the opinion of the judges, any one of the drawings is worthy of winning the prize. I am very happy to say, that Wanda Petronski is the winner of the girls’ medal. 

Word-Meaning: Sketches—drawings, Submitted—handed over, Opinion-view,


(a) How many sketches were submitted by most of the girls?

(b) How many drawings did one particular girl submit?

(c) Who was that girl?

(d) Who does ‘I’ refer to here?


(a) Most of the girls submitted just one or two sketches.

(b) One particular girl submitted one hundred designs.

(c) Wanda Petronski was the girl who submitted one hundred designs.

(d) Here ‘I’ refers to their teacher Miss Mason.

Passage-20: (Page 70)

Unfortunately, Wanda has been absent from school for some days and is not here to receive the applause that is due to her. Let us hope she will be back tomorrow. Now, class, you may file around the room quietly and look at her exquisite drawings. The children burst into applause and even the boys were glad to have a chance to stamp on the floor, put their fingers in their mouths and whistle, though they were not interested in dresses.

Word-Meaning: Unfortunately—unluckily, Applause—the sound of cheers, Exquisite—extremely beautiful and well made, Burst into applause—spontaneous clapping of-of hands,


(a) What was so unfortunate?

 (b) What did the teacher hope?

(c) Was her hope fulfilled?

(d) Why were the boys not interested in dresses?


(a) It was quite unfortunate that the winner of the girls’ medal, Wanda Petronski was not present to receive the honour which was due to her.

(b) The teacher hoped that Wanda would be present the next day.

(c) No, her hope that Wanda would come to school the next day was not fulfilled.

(d) The boys were not interested in the dresses because they were all girls dresses. Besides they were told to draw and colour motorboats in the contest.

Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1. She protected small children from bullies. And she cried for hours if she saw an animal mistreated. If anybody had said to her “Don’t you think that is a cruel way to treat Wanda?” she would have been very surprised. “Cruel? Why did the girl say she had a hundred dresses”?

(a) Who is ‘she’ in the above extract?

(b) What impression do you form about her nature?

(c) Why does Peggy get surprised if anybody told Peggy that she had been cruel to Wanda?        

 (d) What cruel way of treating is being referred to here?

Ans. (a) Peggy

(b) The statement shows that she was very kind to animals.

(c) This was because she thought it was Wanda who should be condemned for telling lies.

(d) This is making fun of Wanda about her having a hundred dresses.

2. As for Wanda, she was just some girl who lived upon Boggins Heights and stood alone in the schoolyard. She scarcely ever said anything to anybody. The only time she talked was in the schoolyard about her hundred dresses. Maddie remembered her telling about one of her dresses pale blue with coloured trimmings.

(a) Why did Wanda scarcely ever say anything to anybody?

 (b) What were Wanda’s drawings about?

(c) How did Peggy make fun of Wanda?

(d) What was the game of a hundred dresses?

Ans. (a) Wanda scarcely said anything to anybody because she was from Boggins Heights which was a place for the poor.

(b) Her drawings wore about a hundred dresses—all different and all beautiful.

(c) Peggy made fun of Wanda by asking how many dresses she had in her closet.

(d) Just to tease Wanda when Peggy once asked her how many dresses she had. She replied that she had a hundred dresses.

3. As for Maddie, this business of asking Wanda every day how many dresses and how many hats, and how many this and that she had was bothering her. Maddie was poor herself. She usually wore somebody’s hand-me-down clothes. Thank goodness, she didn’t live up on Boggins Heights or have a funny name.

(a) Who asked whom “How many dresses do you have”?

(b) What was the intention of the speaker?

(c) How was Wanda different from Maddie?

(d) How did Maddie feel about Wanda when Peggy and other girls used to tease her about a hundred dresses?

Ans. (a) Peggy asked so from Wanda.

(b) Peggy wanted to tease Wanda because she was poor.

(c) Both were poor but Maddie was not as poor as Wanda. Wanda wore the same faded blue dress every day but Maddie wore different dresses.

(d) Maddie used to feel very uncomfortable and uneasy.

4. She sat in the corner of the room where the rough boys who did not make good marks sat, the corner of the room where there was most scuffling of feet.

(a) Why did Wanda sit in the corner of the room at the back?

 (b) What kind of boys sat around Wanda?

(c) Who is ‘she’ in the first sentence?

(d) Where in the classroom does Wanda sit?

Ans. (a) Because her shoes used to be caked with mud.

(b) Rough and noisy boys who did not score good marks.

(c) This is Wanda.

(d) Wanda used to sit in the next to the last seat in the last row in room thirteen in the corner where the rough boys used to sit.

5. The reason Peggy and Maddie noticed Wanda’s absence was because Wanda had made them late to school. They had waited and waited for Wanda, to have some fun with her, and she just hadn’t come.

(a) What relationship had Peggy and Maddie?

(b) Why were they late to school on Wednesday?

(c) Why did they wait for Wanda?

 (d) When and why do Peggy and Maddie notice Wanda’s absence?

Ans. (a) They were close friends.

(b) Because they waited for Wanda who did not come that day.

(c) This was because they wanted to have some fun with her.

(d) Peggy and Maddie noticed Wanda’s absence on the third day of her absence when they waited for her to have sonic fun with her.

6. “Don’t you think that is a cruel way to treat Wanda? She would have been very surprised. Cruel? Why did the girl say she had a hundred dresses? Anybody could tell that that was a lie.

(a) Who does ‘she’ refer to in the first sentence?

(b) Why does Peggy surprised if anybody told Peggy that she had been cruel to Wanda?

(c) What cruel way of treating is being referred to here?

(d) Why is Maddie embarrassed by the questions Peggy asks Wanda?

 Ans. (a) Peggy.

(b) Because she thought it was Wanda who should be condemned for telling lies.

(c) Making fun of Wanda about her having a hundred dresses.

(d) Maddie felt embarrassed by the questions Peggy used to ask Wanda because she was also poor and used to wear somebody’s hand-me-down-clothes.

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The Hundred Dresses-I-About the Author & Introduction

The Hundred Dresses-I- Important Word-Meanings of difficult words & Theme

The Hundred Dresses-I- Short & Detailed Summary

The Hundred Dresses-I- Value Points of the Story

The Hundred Dresses-I- Summary in Hindi – Full Text

The Hundred Dresses-I- Multiple Choice Questions in Quiz & Characters of the Story

The Hundred Dresses-I- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type

The Hundred Dresses-I- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type

The Hundred Dresses-I- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type