How to Tell Wild Animals- Short & Detailed Summary

By | August 19, 2020
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How to Tell Wild Animals is  a great poem which is well explained by Edumantra paying special attention on How to Tell Wild Animals Introduction, Message from How to Tell Wild Animals, Theme of the chapter How to Tell Wild Animals, How to Tell Wild Animals Title, Characters of How to Tell Wild Animals, Summary in English, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings, Complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts, Long answers, Short answers pdf How to Tell Wild Animals, Very short Answers, MCQs from How to Tell Wild Animals and much more

How to Tell Wild Animals

By Carolyn Wells

Summary in English- How to Tell Wild Animals


‘How to Tell Wild Animals’ is a beautiful poem by Carolyn Wells about the strange habits and behaviours of some wild animals. The poet says that the Asian lion is a large tawny beast with a fearful roar. A tiger has black stripes on his yellow skin and is always ready to eat his victim. A leopard has black spots on his skin. He leaps on his prey and eats it up. A bear can come to human colonies. He hugs up against a person and can put to death. A crocodile always sheds tears while eating its victim. A hyena always looks smiling. A chameleon always changes its colour according to its surrounding. This is the strange world of some of the wild animals-


1. If you go by the chance to the jungles of the countries lying in the east, you will see a grand and majestic wild beast. If in those thick forests if you see a large and terrible animal with dark yellowish skin, you should be sure that he is the Asiatic lion. And if he roars loudly and the roar terrifies you to death, then you are hearing the roar of an Asiatic lion.

2. If you are roaming around in the forest and you see a noble beast, you must understand that you are face to face with the Bengal Tiger. This noble beast has black stripes over his yellowish hide. He is so quick that the moment you notice him, he will eat you at once. This is the simple rule of distinguishing the Bengal Tiger.

3. If you are walking leisurely in the forest and view a beast, it might be a leopard. His hide is covered with dark spots. The moment he sees his prey, he pounces upon it. His attack is sudden. There is no escape from him even if you cry with pain. He will continue jumping at you and start eating you before you understand that he is a leopard.

4. If you are walking around your yard, you may meet a creature there. The moment he sees you, he hugs you very hard. If he does it so, you must be sure that you are hugged by a bear. If you have any doubt in your mind, then he will just give you another tight hug. This hug may seem friendly but it can be fatal.

5. It is not an easy job for an inexperienced person to distinguish beasts of prey. He will be confused in distinguishing them. He may not be able to distinguish between a hyena and a crocodile. Hyenas are very deceptive. They will attack their victims with weird smiles and kill. them. Crocodiles pretend to be weeping before attacking and killing their victims.

6. A true chameleon is a small animal. It looks like a lizard. It has no ears at all. It doesn’t have a single wing either. If you see only this creature on the tree and not any other thing, you must be sure that you are seeing a chameleon.

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