How to Tell Wild Animals- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type

By | August 19, 2020
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How to Tell Wild Animals is  a great poem which is well explained by Edumantra paying special attention on How to Tell Wild Animals Introduction, Message from How to Tell Wild Animals, Theme of the chapter How to Tell Wild Animals, How to Tell Wild Animals Title, Characters of How to Tell Wild Animals, Summary in English, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings, Complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts, Long answers, Short answers pdf How to Tell Wild Animals, Very short Answers, MCQs from How to Tell Wild Animals and much more

How to Tell Wild Animals

By Carolyn Wells

Answer the following question in 100-120 words:

1.’Many animals can be identified according to the poets’ suggestion. Name the animals. Which ones would you like to identify? Are there any lessons for us from this poem?

Ans. The poet has listed down the ways of identifying seven animals in the poem, viz., and the lion, the Bengal Tiger, the leopard, the bear, the hyena, crocodiles and chameleons. As for me, I would like to identify the bear, the Bengal Tiger and the leopard. However, putting my life on the line just to identify the tiger and the leopard doesn’t seem worth the risk! So if I see a noble beast with black stripes on yellow, I’II knows the tiger, and the peppered spots will reveal the leopard. The bear hug, I wouldn’t mind! The poetess, using humour, seems to warn readers against venturing too close to these animals.

2. The poet has successfully used humour to be able to ‘tell’ or identify ‘Wild Animals’. How do you think we need lots of it in our daily life?

Ans. Humour is the fuel of life. Without it, it would become difficult to continue living. Today, a life of the common man is typically mired in stress, tension, problems and sadness. It is amazing how the smallest problems may take on epic proportions for a common person. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to have a little humour in life. It gives us the much-needed respite from our monotonous routine and helps us face life more positively. Thus, the poetess’ successful use of humour helps liven our minds and brings a smile on our faces.

Q3. Every animal is unique and has some special characteristics. What tricks does the poet adopt in distinguishing various wild animals?

Ans. No doubt, every animal is unique. Every wild animal has his own special trait, colour, size and characteristics. The Asian Lion is found in the jungles of the eastern regions. It is a huge and mighty creature with brownish hide. His roar is enough to terrorise a person to death. The Bengal Tiger is a ‘noble’ and impressive wild animal. He has yellowish hide and black stripes all over it. The Leopard has dark spots all over his body. He is very agile. The moment he sees its prey, he pounces upon it without showing any mercy. The bear is known by his strong and tight hug. It becomes rather difficult for a novice to distinguish among wild animals. However, hyenas and crocodiles can be easily recognised. Hyenas come smiling merrily while crocodiles appear to be weeping. The chameleon is a small creature like a lizard. He has no ears and doesn’t have even a single wing. You can find him sitting on a tree.

Q4. Carolyn Wells takes liberties with language and employs humour to describe the wild animals. Give some examples of humorous descriptions in the poem.

Ans.  It depends on the subject matter what style a poet chooses to adopt while writing a poem. The poem describes wild animals and how to distinguish them. To avoid oversimplification and monotony, the poet uses ‘humour’ as an effective weapon. The ‘humour’ used in the poem is suggestive and mild. It is not biting or scathing in effect. If the Asian Lion “roars at you as you’re dying”. The Bengal Tiger is a ‘noble’ wild beast that “greets you” when you are roaming round in the jungle. The unsparing Leopard will show no mercy and it will “do no good to roar with pain.” If you have any doubts, the bear will “give you just one more caress.” The poet uses subtle humour when he says: “Hyenas come with merry smiles; But if they weep they’re Crocodiles”.

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