In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Summit Within. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Summit Within Word Meanings from Honeydew Class 8.”

Hard Words : The Summit Within Page No.-72

Panorama = wide view, broad scene (विस्तृत दृश्य), Dominant = main, leading (प्रमुख), Humility = modesty, meekness (विनम्रता), Jubilant = joyful, elated (उत्साही), Tinge = hint, trace (थोड़ी सी मात्रा), Ultimate = final, highest (अंतिम)  , Overwhelmed = swamped, consumed (अधिक प्रभावित)  ,

Formidable = daunting, tough (भयानक)  , Stood = remained, positioned (खड़े रहना)  , Surged = swelled, rose (उमड़ना)  , Thankfulness = gratitude, appreciation (कृतज्ञता)  , Remarkable = notable, significant (उल्लेखनीय)  

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The Summit Within Difficult Words in English Page No.-73

Exhaustion = tiredness, fatigue (थकान)  , Imagination = creativity, vision (कल्पना)  , Remote = distant, far (दूर)  , Fade = vanish, disappear (मिट जाना)  , Obstacles = barriers, hindrances (बाधाएँ)  , Endurance = stamina, resilience (सहिष्णुता)  , Will power = self-control, determination (इच्छाशक्ति)  ,

Exhilarating = thrilling, invigorating (रोमांचक)  , Attracted = drawn, pulled (आकर्षित)  , Miserable = unhappy, sad (दुखी)  , Communion = connection, union (संवाद)  , Defied = resisted, opposed (विरोध करना)  , Brutal = harsh, severe (कठोर)  , Halfway = partially, midway (आधा रास्ता)  , Exhilaration = excitement, thrill (उत्साह)  , Glimpsing = seeing briefly, spotting (झलक)

Good Word Meaning of the Lesson The Summit Within Page No.-74

Mystical = spiritual, otherworldly (अद्भुत)  , Aloofness = detachment, distance (दूरी)  , Might = strength, power (शक्ति)  , Ruggedness = toughness, harshness (कठिनाई)  , Resist = withstand, oppose (प्रतिरोध करना)  , Conscious = aware, alert (जागरूक)  , Smallness = insignificance, triviality (लघुता)  , Conquest = victory, triumph (विजय)  , Fulfillment = completion, satisfaction (पूर्णता)  ,

Urge = desire, impulse (इच्छा)  , Eternal = everlasting, perpetual (अनन्त)  , Adventure = exploration, thrill (साहसिकता)  , Emotional = sentimental, touching (भावुक)  , Spiritual = religious, sacred (आध्यात्मिक)  , Typical = usual, standard (सामान्य)  , Rope = cord, line (रस्सी)  , Firm in = secure, stabilize (सुरक्षित करना)  , Belay = secure, anchor (सुरक्षित बांधना)  , Grim = harsh, severe (कठोर)  ,

Strain = exert, stretch (तनाव)  , Nerve = courage, bravery (साहस)  , Curse = condemn, censure (शाप)  , Undertook = began, started (शुरू किया)  , Relief = respite, ease (राहत)  , Snap out = recover, revive (उबरना)

English Difficult Words of the Chapter The Summit Within Page No.-75

Companion = partner, teammate (साथी)  , Inspiration = motivation, encouragement (प्रेरणा)  , Worthwhile = valuable, meaningful (मूल्यवान)  , Peaks = summits, high points (चोटियाँ)  , Ennobling = uplifting, dignifying (प्रेरक)  , Enriching = enhancing, improving (संपन्न करनेवाला)  ,

Obeisance = respect, reverence (प्रणाम)  , Worship = venerate, adore (पूजा)  , Reverence = deep respect, honor (श्रद्धा)  , Fuller = more complete, enriched (अधिक पूर्ण)  , Unscalable = unclimbable, impassable (जिसे चढ़ा नहीं जा सकता)  , Climbed = ascended, scaled (चढ़ा)

Chapter 5 The Summit Within Word Meaning in English Page No.-76

Akin = similar, alike (समान)  , Effects = outcomes, results (प्रभाव)  , Physical = bodily, tangible (भौतिक)  , Spiritual = soulful, religious (आध्यात्मिक)  , Venture = dare, risk (जोखिम उठाना)  , Everester = Everest climber, mountaineer (एवरेस्ट चढ़ने वाला)  ,

Inspiration = motivation, drive (प्रेरणा)  , Ordeals = hardships, trials (कठिनाई)  , Resolutely = firmly, determinedly (दृढ़ता से)  , Worthwhile = valuable, rewarding (मूल्यवान)  , Conquest = victory, triumph (विजय)  , Internal = inner, inside (आंतरिक)  , Equally = similarly, just as (समान रूप से)