Hard Words : Meadow Surprises Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | Honeycomb | Class 7 | 2023-24 Updated

By | October 4, 2023

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Meadow Surprises. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Meadow Surprises Word Meanings from Honeycomb Class 7.” 

Hard Words : Meadow Surprises Page No.-137

Meadows = grassy fields, open areas (खुली ज़मीन), Surprises = sudden events, unexpected findings (आकस्मिक घटना), Velvet = soft, smooth (मुलायम),

Brook = small stream, rivulet (छोटी नदी), Butterfly = winged insect, colorful bug (तितली), Buttercup = yellow flower, small bloom (एक प्रकार का फूल), Unfold = open, spread (खोलना), Drinking straws = tube, proboscis (पीने की नली),

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Meadow Surprises NCERT Solution

Nectar = sweet fluid, flower juice (पुष्प रस), Scare = startle, frighten (डराना), Rabbit = small mammal, long-eared creature (खरगोश), Hops = jumps, skips (उछलना), Dandelion = yellow flower, weed (दंदेलियन फूल), Fuzzy = soft, hairy (धुंधला), Golden = yellow, bright (सुनहरा), Airy = light, delicate (हल्का), Parachutes = floaters, drifters (पैराशूट)

Meadow Surprises Difficult Words in English Page No.- 138

Explore = investigate, examine (अन्वेषण करना), Meadow = grassy field, open area (खुली ज़मीन), Houses = shelters, homes (घर), Burrows = holes, tunnels (बिल), Ground = soil, earth (ज़मीन), Nest = bird’s home, habitat (घोंसला), Grasses = plants, greenery (घास),

Ant’s = insect, tiny bug (चींटी), Amazing = wonderful, astonishing (अद्भुत), Mound = hill, pile (तिला), Surprises = sudden events, unexpected findings (आकस्मिक घटना),

Tell = narrate, explain (बताना), Discover = find out, unearth (खोजना), Yourself = personally, on one’s own (स्वयं), Look = observe, see (देखना), Listen = hear, pay attention (सुनना)