In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from A Homage to our Brave Soldiers. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Word Meanings from Honeycomb Class 7.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-114
Doing well = Fine, good (अच्छे) , Remember = Recall, remind (याद) , Last conversation = Prior talk, last chat (पिछली बातचीत) , War and peace = Conflict, harmony (युद्ध और शांति) , Struggle = Fight, effort (संघर्ष)
A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Difficult Words in English Page No.-115
Centuries = 100 years, eras (शताब्दियां) , Territorial = Land, area (क्षेत्रीय) , Integrity = Unity, wholeness (अखंडता) , Brave = Courageous, fearless (बहादुर) , Peace = Calm, harmony (शांति) , Questions = Queries, doubts (प्रश्न) , Significance = Importance, meaning (महत्व) ,
Learnt = Acquired, found out (सिखा) , Monument = Memorial, structure (स्मारक) , Construction = Building, making (निर्माण) , Envisioned = Imagined, planned (कल्पना की) , Inaugurated = Opened, launched (उद्घाटन किया) , Acres = Land unit, area (एकड़) , Iconic = Famous, symbolic (प्रतीकात्मक) , Tribute = Honor, homage (श्रद्धांजलि) , Aspiration = Desire, goal (इच्छा) , Fulfilled = Achieved, completed (पूरा किया)
A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning Page No.-116
Decades = 10 years, long time (दशक) , Toll = Cost, price (मूल्य) , Extremely = Very, highly (अत्यंत) , Aware = Conscious, informed (जागरूक) , Tablet = Slab, plaque (पट्ठर) , Bears = Holds, carries (धरता है) , Supreme = Highest, ultimate (श्रेष्ठ) ,
Etched = Engraved, inscribed (उकेरा हुआ) , Heartening = Uplifting, encouraging (उत्साहवर्धक) , Recognised = Acknowledged, honored (मान्यता दी) , Bravehearts = Heroes, courageous people (बहादुर लोग) , Gallantry = Bravery, courage (वीरता)
Good Word Meaning of Chapter 8 A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-117
Posthumously = After death, later (मरने के बाद) , Exceptional = Outstanding, rare (असाधारण) , Besides = Also, in addition (के अलावा) , Personnel = Staff, members (कर्मी) , Exemplary = Ideal, perfect (आदर्श) , Citation = Mention, reference (उल्लेख) ,
Touched = Moved, affected (प्रभावित किया) , Awestruck = Amazed, stunned (आश्चर्यचकित) , Humbled = Modest, respectful (विनम्र) , Aspire = Desire, aim (इच्छा करना) , Courageous = Brave, bold (साहसी)
English Difficult Words of Lesson A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Class 7 Page No.-118
Defence = Protection, guard (रक्षा) , Fortified = Strengthened, secured (मजबूत) , Assaulting = Attacking, charging (हमलावर) , Shelling = Bombing, firing (गोलीबारी) , Casualties = Injuries, deaths (हताहत) , Bayoneted = Stabbed, pierced (भौंका) ,
Wounded = Injured, hurt (घायल) , Comrades = Friends, allies (साथी) , Undaunted = Fearless, brave (निर्भीक) , Volume = Amount, quantity (मात्रा) , Crawled = Crept, moved low (रेंगते हुए)
A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Class 7 Word Meaning in English Page No.-119
Lobbed = Threw, tossed (फेंका) , Loophole = Opening, gap (छेद) , Grim = Serious, stern (कठोर) , Determination = Resolve, will (निश्चय) , Scaled = Climbed, ascended (चढ़ा) , Succumbed = Died, gave in (हार मानी) , Conspicuous = Obvious, noticeable (स्पष्ट) , Continued = Kept on, persisted (जारी रखा) , Installation = Structure, setup (स्थापना) , Commemorates = Honors, remembers (याद करना) ,
Immortal = Eternal, lasting (अमर) , Ablaze = Burning, lit (जलता हुआ) , Revere = Honor, respect (सम्मान करना) , Alighted = Placed, set (रखा गया) , Arch = Curve, gateway (मेहराब) , Obelisk = Pillar, monument (ओबेलिस्क)
Class 7 A Homage to our Brave Soldiers English To English Word Meaning Page No.-120
Surrounded = Encircled, encompassed (घेरा हुआ) , Inauguration = Opening, launch (उद्घाटन) , Lit = Ignited, kindled (जलाया) , Commemorate = Honor, remember (याद करना) , Fallen = Deceased, lost (गिरे हुए) , Wreaths = Garlands, circles of flowers (माला) , Lighting Design = Illumination setup, arrangement (रोशनी की व्यवस्था) , Transforms = Changes, alters (बदल देता है) ,
Landscape = Scenery, view (दृश्य) , Dawn = Morning, daybreak (भोर) , Dusk = Evening, twilight (संध्या) , Majestic = Grand, impressive (शानदार) , Pride = Honor, dignity (गर्व) , Overwhelmed = Moved, touched (भावुक) , Interminable = Endless, ceaseless (अनंत) , Metaphor = Symbol, figure of speech (उपमा) , Eternal = Forever, unending (शाश्वत)
Word Meaning English of Class 7 Honeycomb Chapter A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-121
Explained = Clarified, described (समझाया) , Significance = Importance, meaning (महत्व) , Consists = Comprises, includes (मिलकर बना है) , Concentric = Centered, aligned (केंद्रीय) , Circles = Rings, loops (वृत्त) , Houses = Contains, holds (रखता है) ,
Bronze = Metal, alloy (कांस्य) , Murals = Wall art, paintings (दीवार की चित्रकला) , Innermost = Deepest, closest (सबसे अंदर) , Symbolises = Represents, signifies (प्रतीकित करता है) , Immortality = Eternity, endlessness (अमरत्व) ,
Exhibits = Shows, displays (प्रदर्शित करता है) , Crafted = Made, created (निर्मित) , Depicting = Showing, illustrating (दर्शाना) , Ancient = Old, historical (प्राचीन) , Formation = Arrangement, structure (व्यूह) , Tablets = Slabs, plaques (पट्ठर) , Etched = Engraved, inscribed (उकेरा हुआ) , Outermost = Farthest, exterior (सबसे बाहरी)
Class 7 A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.-122
Reassurance = Comfort, affirmation (आश्वासन) , Threat = Danger, risk (खतरा) , Territorial = Regional, local (क्षेत्रीय) , Integrity = Unity, wholeness (अखंडता) , Immersed = Engrossed, absorbed (मगन) , Ambience = Atmosphere, environment (माहौल) ,
Solemn = Serious, grave (गंभीर) , Emotive = Emotional, touching (भावुक) , Visually = Optically, by sight (दृश्य रूप में) , Inspiring = Motivating, uplifting (प्रेरणादायक)
Class 7 Honeycomb A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.-123
Massive = Huge, enormous (विशाल) , Caused = Led to, resulted in (कारण बना) , Worthy = Deserving, suitable (योग्य) , Valour = Bravery, courage (वीरता) , Depicting = Showing, representing (दर्शाना) , Courageous = Brave, valiant (साहसी) , Delighted = Pleased, happy (प्रसन्न) , Commemorates = Honors, remembers (याद करता है)
English Class 7 A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Word Meaning Vocabulary Page No.-124
Citation = Quotation, reference (उद्धरण) , Assigned = Given, allocated (सौंपा गया) , Formidable = Daunting, challenging (भयानक) , Capturing = Taking, seizing (कब्जा करना) , Sweeping = Wide-ranging, extensive (व्यापक) , Artillery Fire = Cannon shots, heavy gunfire (तोपगाड़ी की गोली) ,
Hinged = Depended, relied (निर्भर किया) , Early Capture = Quick seizure, fast takeover (जल्दी कब्जा) , Leading Platoon = Front group, foremost unit (अग्रणी दस्ता) , Inflicting = Causing, imposing (लगाना) ,
Casualties = Injuries, losses (हानि) , Utter Disregard = Complete neglect, total indifference (पूरी अनदेखी) , Took = Grabbed, seized (ले लिया) , Reserve Platoon = Backup unit, extra group (रिजर्व दस्ता) , Led = Guided, directed (नेतृत्व किया) , Artillery Shells = Explosive projectiles, cannonballs (तोपगाड़ी के गोले) , Murderous = Deadly, lethal (घातक)
A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Word Meaning with Hindi Page No.-125
Unmindful = Neglectful, careless (असावधान) , Hail = Shower, barrage (बौछार) , Bullets = Projectiles, ammunition (गोलियां) , Crawled = Crept, moved slowly (रेंगते हुए) , Lobbed = Threw, tossed (फेंका) , Grenades = Explosives, bombs (ग्रेनेड) ,
Daring = Bold, brave (साहसी) , Assault = Attack, onslaught (हमला) , Severely = Seriously, badly (गंभीर रूप से) , Ordered = Commanded, instructed (आदेश दिया) , Unable = Incapable, powerless (असमर्थ) , Over-run = Conquered, overwhelmed (ओवररन) ,
Captured = Seized, taken (कब्जा किया) , Completion = End, finish (समाप्ति) , Succumbed = Yielded, gave in (हार मान ली) , Exceptional = Outstanding, extraordinary (असाधारण) , Celestial = Heavenly, divine (स्वर्गीय) , Abodes = Homes, dwellings (निवास) ,
Arise = Get up, stand (उठो) , Determination = Resolve, will (निश्चय) , Battle = War, conflict (युद्ध) , Protect = Guard, defend (रक्षा करना) , Quoting = Citing, mentioning (उद्धरण देना)
Word Meanings of A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-126
Inspiring = Motivating, uplifting (प्रेरणादायक), Foodie = Food lover, gourmet (खाने का शौकीन)
Word Meanings from A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-127
Pleasure = Delight, joy (आनंद) , Observations = Remarks, comments (टिप्पणियां) , Associated = Related, connected (संबंधित) , Monument = Landmark, statue (स्मारक) , Edifice = Building, structure (इमारत) , Martyred = Killed, sacrificed (शहीद) , Deep Gratitude = Profound thanks, heartfelt appreciation (गहरा आभार) , Supreme Sacrifice = Ultimate giving, highest offering (श्रेष्ठ बलिदान) ,
Defending = Protecting, guarding (रक्षा करना) , Sovereignty = Independence, autonomy (संप्रभुता) , Integrity = Unity, wholeness (अखंडता) , Serving = Assisting, helping (सेवा करना) , Periodically = Regularly, from time to time (समय-समय पर)
Word Meanings from A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Class 7 Page No.-128
Enable = Allow, permit (अनुमति देना) , Freely = Easily, openly (आजादी से) , Enemy = Foe, rival (दुश्मन) , Threats = Risks, dangers (खतरे) , Arrange = Plan, set (व्यवस्थित करना) , Presentation = Show, display (प्रस्तुति) , Wonderful = Great, amazing (अद्भुत) ,
Luck = Fortune, fate (किस्मत) , Goes = Happens, occurs (होता है) , Well = Good, fine (अच्छा) , Motivates = Inspires, drives (प्रेरित करता है)
Word Meanings A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Class 7 Honeycomb Page No.-129
Inspired = Moved, stirred (प्रेरित), Valourous = Brave, heroic (वीर)
Class 7 Honeycomb Word Meanings A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-130
Courage = Bravery, valor (साहस) , Inconsequential = Trivial, minor (तुच्छ) , Peace = Calm, tranquility (शांति) , Luxury = Comfort, ease (आराम) , Exchanging = Swapping, trading (आदान-प्रदान) , Armed Forces = Military, troops (सशस्त्र बल) ,
Posthumously = After death, later (मरने के बाद) , Exemplary = Ideal, perfect (अद्वितीय) , Valour = Bravery, courage (वीरता) , Look Forward = Anticipate, await (इंतजार करना)
Honeycomb Word Meanings A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-131
Gradually = Slowly, steadily (धीरे-धीरे) , Came to Terms = Accept, reconcile (समझौता करना) , Shared = Divulged, told (बाँटना) , Interactive = Engaging, responsive (इंटरएक्टिव) , Murals = Wall art, paintings (दीवार की चित्रकला) , Enchanting = Captivating, charming (मोहक)
Difficult Word Meanings A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Page No.-132
Capturing = Depicting, representing (पकड़ना) , Inspire = Motivate, encourage (प्रेरित करना) , Collecting = Gathering, accumulating (इकट्ठा करना) , Recently = Lately, newly (हाल ही में) , Philately = Stamp collecting, postage study (टिकट संग्रहण) ,
Conclude = End, finish (समाप्त करना) , Fluffy = Soft, airy (मुलायम) , Idlies = Steamed rice cakes, South Indian dish (इडली) , Regards = Greetings, best wishes (नमस्कार) , Inspired = Motivated, encouraged (प्रेरित)
A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Class 7 Honeycomb Page No.-133
Hope = Expect, wish (आशा) , Hear = Listen, receive news (सुनना) , Soon = Shortly, quickly (जल्दी) , About = Regarding, concerning (के बारे में) , New = Fresh, recent (नया) , Adventures = Excursions, journeys (साहसिक यात्राएं) , Experiences = Encounters, events (अनुभव)