In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Mother’s Day. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Mother’s Day Word Meanings from Snapshots Class 11.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : Mother’s Day Page No. 32 – 33
humorous–interesting, laughter-provoking,हास्यप्रद; portrayal–depiction, description,चित्रांकन ; suburb–outlying localities,उपनगर; semi-detached–not totally cut off,थोड़ा-सा अलग बना; villa– house, घर; assumed–supposed,मान लिया गया; settee–a long seat with a back,दोहरी आराम कुर्सी;
fortune–future, destiny,किस्मत, sinister–evil,दुष्ट प्रवृत्ति; contrasting– different,भिन्न,विपरीत ; flurried–nervous, agitated,बदहवास; cockney–the language of the working class in London, लन्दनिया भाषा; obliged–thankful,कृतज्ञ; fortune teller–astrologer,भविष्य द्रष्टा,ज्योतिषी I
Mother’s Day Difficult Words in English Page No. 34 – 35
make up your mind–decide firmly,दृढ़ निश्चय कर लेना; put your foot down–be firm,दृढ़ रहो; apologetically–humbly, विनम्रतापूर्वक; dubiously–not very sure, doubtfully, अविश्वासपूर्वक ; have it out–settle once for all,झगड़ा खत्म करना; in a hurry-ready,जल्दी में;
embarrassed–upset, a little ashamed,शर्मिन्दा; flustered–confused,घबराहट में; resent–dislike,नापसन्द करना; bewildered–confused, amazed,बौखलाई हुई; gimme–give me, let me hold it,हाथ पकड़ने दो I
Good Word Meaning of the Lesson Mother’s Day Page No. 36 – 37
assume- behave for a while,मान लेना; spell–mantra,मंत्र; grasping–holding,पकड़े हुए; go lax–loose, शिथिल पड़ जाती हैं ; mannerisms–manner peculiar to a person,विशिष्ट आचरण; dominating–lording over,प्रभाव जमाने वाली ; puffing–smoking,धूम्रपान करती है ;
contentedly–peacefully, with satisfaction,संतोष भाव से; scream of fright–a cry in fear,भय से चीख मारना; complacently–in a self-satisfied manner; grimly–in a serious manner,गंभीर मुद्रा में ; alarmed–afraid,घबराई हुई; steady–cool down, be patient,धीरज रखो;
pop back–return,वापस आ जाओ; chuckling–laughing, in the throat; spoil–gone astray,बिगड़ जाना ; astounded–taken aback,स्तब्ध रह जाती है ; fluttering–agitated, unsteady,लड़खड़ाती हुई ; incisive–very sharp,तीखी I
Class 11 Chapter Mother’s Day English Difficult Words Page No. 38 – 39
silly–foolish, ; indignantly–angrily,क्रोधावेश में ; sulkily–with ill-humour,उदासीपूर्वक; severely–harshly, कठोरतापूर्वक; buckteeth–projected upper teeth,ऊपर के दाँत बाहर निकले हुए; half-witted–stupid, मंद बुद्धि ; masculine counterpart–male copy,पुरुष;
briskly–quickly, sharply,तीव्रता ; annoyed–angry, irritated,नाराज ; feeling off colour–unwell, in low spirit,अस्वस्थ ; aggressively–in a fighting mood, लड़ने के मूड में; snap out of it– get out of nonsense,यह बकवास बंद करो; get cracking–get going, start working,काम शुरू करो;
mending–repair needed,मरम्मत की जरुरत; bar–stop,रोकना; staggered–startled,चौंक जाता है; get this–understand all,समझ पाना; laconic–concise, short,संक्षेप मे ं; sinister–evil,दुष्ट प्रकृति I
Class 11 Snapshots Mother’s Day Word Meaning in English
curious–eager to know, जानने को आतुर ; stout– hard drink, strong beer,बीयर; clot–idiot,मूर्ख; instantly–at once,तुरन्त; in a huddle–talk softly together,बातें करने लगते है ; barmy–gone mad, foolish,पागल,सनकी; concussion–violent shock,झटका या चोट लगी; far-fetched–unbelievable,अविश्वसनीय ; giggle–laugh like a silly person,मूर्खों जैसी हँसी; guffaw–laugh boisterously,ठहाका लगाना ;
regards–looks at,देखती हैं; contempt– hatred,घ्रणा ; yawning–feeling sleepy or bored,उबासी लेना; promptly–quickly, fast,तुरन्त; sip–a little quantity,चुस्की; made fuss of–to be made to feel important,उपद्रव या कोलाहल करना ; aghast–terrified,भयातुर;
stuck–forced to be at home,चिपके रहना; awful–terrible, horrible,डरावनी बात; passionately–loudly, excitedly,तीव्रता से; blubbering–weeping noisily,आवाज़ के साथ रोना ;
fundamentally–basically, by nature,मूलरूप से; solemn–sober,गंभीर; pompous–showy,आडम्बरी; bulge–swell out in surprise,उमड़ आना,फूल जाना; fancied–liked to have,पीना चाहा ; aggrieved–unhappy,दुखी; annoyed–displeased,नाराज; indignantly–angrily,क्रोधित होकर; beaten me–I fail to understand,समझ में नहीं आता; staggered–upset,व्यथित; gloomily–sadly,उदासीपूर्वक;
severely–harshly,कठोरता से; sulkily–morose,उदिवग्न ,उदास; silly old bag–foolish and ugly old woman,मूर्ख कुरूप स्त्री; smacking–drinking with a loud noise,चपचप शब्द करना; glowering–looking angrily,क्रोधपूर्वक देखते हुए; stalks off–goes away,चली जाती है ; eating out of your hand–obeying you,आज्ञा मानना; glumly–angrily, sullenly,अप्रसन्न; tiddley–slightly drunk,नशे में ; savagely–wildly, angrily;
intimidated–terrified,त्रस्त होकर; wrap–shawl,शॉल; in despair–disappointed,निराशा; called it off–cancelled,इरादा बदल दिया; flash of temper–in a rage,क्रोध से; grimly–harshly,कठोरतापूर्वक I
Snapshots Class 11 Mother’s Day English To English Word Meaning
beckons–motions, calls,संकेत से बुलाती है; stretches–extends,आगे बढ़ाती है ; lax–loose,शिथिल होना ; apologising–feeling sorry, regretting,क्षमा याचना करना; done for–ruined,बर्बाद हो जाना; apprehensively–doubtfully,आशंकित; relieved–at ease,राहतपूर्ण; exits–goes out,बाहर चले जाना I cluster–gather, जमा होना I
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