Here are Extra Question Answers of the chapter A Triumph of Surgery.  This question bank includes everything you need to master A Triumph of Surgery.  This is updated as per 2024- 25 pattern. Go through to gain deep understanding and achieve great score in exam of class 10 English. 

Too much of anything is harmful.

Hard Words : A Triumph of Surgery Page No.1

Worried = concerned, anxious (चिंतित), Pulled up = stopped, halted (रोकना), Appearance = look, visual aspect (दिखावा), Bloated = swollen, inflated (सूजा हुआ), Rheumy = watery, moist (पानी वाला), Listless = lacking energy, spiritless (उदास), Malnutrition = poor nutrition, undernourishment (पोषण की कमी),

Extras = additional things, more than usual (अतिरिक्त), Malt = germinated grain, type of food (अंकुरित अनाज), Cod-liver oil = fish oil, supplement (कॉड की जिगर का तेल),

Horlicks = brand of malted milk hot drink (हॉर्लिक्स – एक प्रकार का गर्म पेय), Relent = soften, become less severe (मुलायम हो जाना), Greed = desire for more, avarice (लालच),

Tackle = handle, deal with (निपटना), Exercise = physical activity, workout (व्यायाम), Lumbago = lower back pain, backache (कमर दर्द), Ring-throwing = game of tossing rings, recreational activity (अंगूठी फेंकने का खेल)

Answer- Tricki’s transformation after his stay with Dr. Herriot made a significant impact on his life and the community. Before his recovery, Tricki was a pampered and overweight dog who could hardly move due to his poor health. 
Before his stay with Dr. Herriot, Tricki might say, “Mrs. Pumphrey, I appreciate all the treats and love all the food give me, but I’ve been feeling sluggish and heavy. It’s hard for me to enjoy playtime like I used to because I get tired so quickly. I miss being able to run around freely without feeling out of breath.”
After his recovery, Tricki might express, “Mrs. Pumphrey, my time with Dr. Herriot has been life-changing. I feel so much lighter and full of energy now. It’s wonderful to be able to play and run without feeling weighed down. I hope we can continue this healthier lifestyle, with fewer treats and more exercise. I’ve learned that being healthy makes me much happier and allows me to enjoy our time together even more.”