This page offers Extract Based Questions from the Chapter The Necklace for Class 10 from the book Footprints Without Feet. We’ve put together a bunch extracts which ask assumption based, creativity based and critical thinking-based questions. These types of questions are introduced after 2024 in CBSE Board. The types of questions are quick MCQs, true/false and Subjective questions. So, practice to understand The Necklace Extracts to score great.
Table of Contents
The Necklace Extract Based MCQ questions – 1
She suffered incessantly, feeling herself born for all delicacies and luxuries. She suffered from the poverty of her apartment, the shabby walls and the worn chairs. All these things tortured and angered her.
1. Question: How might Matilda’s life have been different if she had appreciated her surroundings instead of feeling tortured and angered by them?
Answer: If Matilda had appreciated her surroundings, she might have been happier. Being thankful for what she would have made her life more fulfilling and less stressful, without the constant desire for more.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — She suffered incessantly, feeling herself born for all delicacies and luxuries.
(a) A fact – Something proven to be true.
(b) A perception – How someone understands or sees something.
(c) A metaphor – A comparison that isn’t meant to be taken literally.
(d) An opinion – What someone thinks or feels about something.
Answer: False.
Reason: The statement is False because it describes Matilda’s perception of her own situation, making (b) applicable.
3. Question: If Matilda had focused on the positive aspects of her life, she might have felt more __________ and satisfied with her life.
Answer: content/ grateful/ fulfilled/ happy/ peaceful/ secure
4. Question: What do Matilda’s feelings about her surroundings reveal about her?
Answer: She thinks she deserves a fancy life and is unhappy with her own.
Also Read:
- The Necklace Value Points
- Hard Words : The Necklace
- NCERT Solutions of The Necklace
- The Necklace Long Answer Type Question
Extract from The Necklace- 2
“But, my dearie, I thought it would make you happy. You never go out, and this is an occasion, and a fine one! Everybody wishes one, and it is very select; not many are given to employees. You will see the whole official world there.”
1. Question: Why did M. Loisel believe that the invitation would make Matilda happy? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: M. Loisel believed the invitation would make Matilda happy because it was a rare and prestigious event. He thought she would enjoy the opportunity to go out, socialise, and see the whole official world, which she rarely experienced.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “Everybody wishes one, and it is very select; not many are given to employees.”
(a) An exaggeration – Makes something seem better or worse than it is.
(b) An observation – Based on what is noticed or seen.
(c) A prediction – About what will happen in the future.
(d) A command – An authoritative order.
Answer: False.
Reason- The statement is an exaggeration because it makes the event seem more desirable and exclusive than it might actually be.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that M. Loisel’s primary motivation was to see Matilda _____.
Answer: happy/ pleased/ joyful/ content/ excited or any other similar response
4. Question: Why does M. Loisel think the event is special for Matilda?
Answer: It’s a rare chance to join the elite society.
Also Read:
- The Necklace Class 10 Summary in English
- The Necklace – Important Extra Questions Short Answer Type
- The Necklace – About the Author & Introduction
- The Necklace Theme
Class 10 The Necklace Extract Based Questions- 3
By a violent effort, she had controlled her vexation and responded in a calm voice, wiping her moist cheeks, “Nothing. Only I have no dress and consequently I cannot go to this affair. Give your card to some colleague whose wife is better fitted out than I.”
1. Question: How does Matilda’s response reflect her feelings about her social status and self-worth?
Answer: Matilda’s response shows she feels inferior and unhappy with her social status. She believes she cannot attend the event without a fancy dress, highlighting her insecurity and desire to fit in with wealthier people.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “Give your card to some colleague whose wife is better fitted out than I.”
(a) A request – an act of asking politely for something
(b) An order – an authoritative direction or instruction
(c) A suggestion – an idea or plan put forward for consideration
(d) A complaint – a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable
Answer – False
Reason: The statement is a complaint because Matilda is expressing dissatisfaction with her situation.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that Matilda felt _____ about attending the event.
Answer: unfit/ inadequate/ unworthy/ unprepared/ embarrassed or any other similar response
Question: Why does Matilda hide her true feelings about the invitation?
Answer: She feels embarrassed about not having a suitable dress.
The Necklace Extract Based MCQ Questions- 4
He turned a little pale, for he had saved just this sum to buy a gun that he might be able to join some hunting parties the next summer, with some friends who went to shoot larks on Sunday. Nevertheless, he answered, “Very well. I will give you four hundred francs. But try to have a pretty dress.”
1. Question: Why did M. Loisel decide to give Matilda the 400 francs he had saved for a gun? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: M. Loisel decided to give Matilda the 400 francs because he wanted to make her happy and ensure she felt confident and beautiful at the ball, even though it meant sacrificing his own desire to buy a gun for hunting.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “He turned a little pale, for he had saved just this sum to buy a gun that he might be able to join some hunting parties.”
(a) A justification – a reason or explanation for an action
(b) A description – a detailed account of something
(c) A reflection – serious thought or consideration
(d) A regret – a feeling of sadness or disappointment
Answer: False
Reason: The statement is both a description of M. Loisel’s reaction and a justification for why he felt pale.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that M. Loisel is _____.
Answer: selfless/ generous/ caring/ supportive/ considerate or any other similar response.
4. Question: What does M. Loisel’s reaction reveal about his priorities?
Answer: He prioritises Matilda’s happiness over his own desires.
The Necklace Extract Based Questions MCQ with Answers- 5
She uttered a cry of joy. “It is true!” she said. “I had not thought of that.” The next day she took herself to her friend’s house and related her story of distress. Mme Forestier went to her closet, took out a large jewel-case, brought it, opened it, and said, “Choose, my dear.”
1. Question: How does Matilda’s joy at her husband’s suggestion reflect her values and priorities?
Answer: Matilda’s joy shows that she values appearances and social status highly. She is excited to borrow a necklace because it means she can look wealthy at the party, revealing her priority for outward appearances over practical concerns.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “Mme Forestier went to her closet, took out a large jewel-case, brought it, opened it, and said, ‘Choose, my dear.’”
(a) An instruction – a direction or order
(b) An offer – a proposal to give something
(c) A command – an authoritative order
(d) A refusal – an act of declining something
Answer: False.
Reason: The statement is an offer because Mme. Forestier is proposing to give Matilda a choice of jewellery.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that Mme Forestier is _____.
Answer: generous
4. Question: Why was Matilda relieved after visiting Mme Forestier?
Answer: She found a solution to her lack of elegant accessories.
The Necklace Extracts- 6
They walked along toward the river, hopeless and shivering. Finally they found one of those old carriages that one sees in Paris after nightfall. It took them as far as their door and they went wearily up to their apartment. It was all over for her. And on his part, he remembered that he would have to be at the office by ten o’clock.
1. Question: What does their weary walk home reveal about their state of mind after the party?
Answer: Their weary walk home shows they are tired but content, unaware of the trouble ahead. This moment of peace contrasts with the shock they will feel when they discover the necklace is missing.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “They walked along toward the river, hopeless and shivering.”
(a) A metaphor – Comparing something to something else, not literally true.
(b) An observation – A comment based on what one has seen or noticed.
(c) An exaggeration – Making something seem better or worse than it is.
(d) A reflection – Serious thinking or consideration.
Answer- False
Reason: The statement is an observation, so (b) applies. Therefore, saying that none of the terms apply is incorrect.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that Matilda felt _____.
Answer: tired/ exhausted/ weary/ miserable or any other similar response
Question: Why does M. Loisel remember his office obligations despite their situation?
Answer: He understands the importance of maintaining their livelihood.
The Necklace Extract- 7
Loisel possessed eighteen thousand francs, which his father had left him. He borrowed the rest. He made ruinous promises, took money from usurers and the whole race of lenders. Then he went to get the new necklace, depositing on the merchant’s counter thirty-six thousand francs.
1. Question: Why did Loisel make ruinous promises and borrow money from lenders? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: Loisel made ruinous promises and borrowed money from lenders to buy a new necklace for Matilda. He wanted to replace the lost necklace to avoid shame and fulfil their obligation to her friend, despite the severe financial burden.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “Loisel possessed eighteen thousand francs, which his father had left him. He borrowed the rest.”
(a) A fact – something that is known or proved to be true
(b) An opinion – a view or judgement formed about something
(c) A prediction – a statement about what will happen in the future
(d) A hypothesis – a proposed explanation for a phenomenon
Answer False.
Reason: The statement is a fact, so (a) applies. Therefore, saying that none of the terms apply is incorrect.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that Loisel was _____.
Answer: desperate/ determined/ anxious/ stressed/ committed or any other similar response.
Question: What does Loisel’s willingness to borrow money reveal about him?
Answer: It shows his dedication to solving the problem quickly.
Extract from The Necklace- 8
Mme Loisel now knew the horrible life of necessity. She did her part, however, completely, heroically. It was necessary to pay this frightful debt. She would pay it. They sent away the maid, they changed their lodgings; they rented some rooms in an attic.
1. Question: What does Mme Loisel’s decision to embrace a life of hardship show about her character? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: Mme Loisel’s decision shows that she is responsible and determined. She felt it was her duty to repay the debt for the lost necklace, even if it meant living a hard life and making big sacrifices.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “They sent away the maid, they changed their lodgings; they rented some rooms in an attic.”
(a) A decision – a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration
(b) A description – a detailed account of something
(c) A suggestion – an idea or plan put forward for consideration
(d) An action – the fact or process of doing something
Answer- False.
Reason: The statement is both a description of actions taken and a series of decisions made. Therefore, options (a) and (d) apply. Saying none of the terms apply is incorrect.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that Mme Loisel became _____.
Answer: resilient/ determined/ strong/ hardworking/ steadfast or any other similar response
Question: How did Mme Loisel handle the new challenges in her life?
Answer: She faced them heroically, adapting to a harder life.
Class 10 The Necklace Extract Based Questions- 9
One Sunday as she was taking a walk in the Champs-Elysees to rid herself of the cares of the week, she suddenly perceived a woman walking with a child. It was Mme Forestier, still young, still pretty, still attractive. Mme Loisel was affected. Should she speak to her? Yes, certainly. And now that she had paid, she would tell her all. Why not?
1. Question: Why did Mme Loisel decide to speak to Mme Forestier after all these years? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: Mme Loisel decided to speak to Mme Forestier because she had finally paid off the debt for the necklace. She felt ready to share her story and explain the hardship she endured, seeking closure and perhaps understanding.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “One Sunday as she was taking a walk in the Champs-Elysees to rid herself of the cares of the week, she suddenly perceived a woman walking with a child.”
(a) An observation – based on what is seen or noticed
(b) A prediction – about what will happen in the future
(c) A command – an authoritative order
(d) A suggestion – an idea for consideration
Answer: False.
Reason: The statement is an observation, so (a) applies.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that Mme Loisel felt _____.
Answer: resolved/ determined/ reflective/ confident/ ready or any other similar response.
4. Question: Why was Mme Loisel affected by seeing Mme Forestier?
Answer: She remembered the necklace and her years of hardship.
The Necklace Extract Based MCQ Questions- 10
“I returned another to you exactly like it. And it has taken us ten years to pay for it. You can understand that it was not easy for us who have nothing. But it is finished and I am decently content.” Mme Forestier stopped short. She said, “You say that you bought a diamond necklace to replace mine?”
1. Question: Why was Mme Loisel content after telling Mme Forestier about the replaced necklace? Answer in about 40 words.
Answer: Mme Loisel was content because she had finally paid off the debt and could now be honest about the hardship she endured. Sharing her struggle gave her a sense of relief after years of hard work and secrecy.
2. Question: State True or False.
None of the terms (a)-(d) can be applied to the statement — “You can understand that it was not easy for us who have nothing.”
(a) A complaint – a statement expressing dissatisfaction
(b) A confession – an acknowledgment or admission
(c) An exaggeration – Something seem better or worse than it really is
(d) A justification – a reason or explanation for an action
Answer– False
Reason: The statement is a confession, so (b) applies. Saying none of the terms apply is incorrect.
3. Question: The information in the extract suggests that Mme Forestier was _____.
Answer: shocked/ surprised/ stunned/ amazed/ bewildered
4. Question: Why did Mme Forestier stop short after hearing Mme Loisel?
Answer: She was surprised that the necklace had been replaced.