In the following passage, one word has been omitted from the lines indicated. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer in underlined.

Awareness of preserving environment spreading faste.g.environmentisspreading
National Parks and bird sanctuaries springing (a)……..……..……..
 up fast. A new bird sanctuary has constructed(b)……..……..……..
It spread over 405 hectares in rural surroundings(c)……..……..……..
It been developed as a home for a large number of(d)……..……..……..
local and migratory birds. Ambitious plans been (e)……..……..……..
drawn to attract tourists. It proposed to develop(f)……..……..……..
an amusement park for children. The complex have(g)……..……..……..
a library of exhibits. Slide shows will held in the hall of the library to attract visitors.(h)……..……..……..



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The passage given below has one word missing in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined.

If you wish to do well in the exams, you study(a)………………
regularly. You score good marks only if you have (b)………………
a systematic approach. You study for at least 4 hours(c)………………
 everyday when you are in secondary classes. You not(d)………………
spend   so much time If you are in a junior class. But students of
class IX upward to work more and consistently(e)………………
Good grades be obtained by proper planning.(f)………………



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Omission Exercise 1  and  2 for Class IX and X (Solved)
Omission Exercise 3  and  4 for Class IX and X (Solved)
Omission Exercise 5  and  6 for Class IX and X (Solved)
Omission Exercise 7  and  8 for Class IX and X (Solved)
Omission Exercise 9  and  10 for Class IX and X (Solved)