
In the following passage, one word is missing in each line. Write the omitted word along with the preceding and succeeding word in your answer sheet. The first one has been solved as an example.

Before WordAfter
The Nawab / that the ministere.g.Nawab insistedthat
did task and wouldn’t take no(a)……..……..……..
for answer. The minister was(b)……..……..……..
in fix and worrying (c)……..……..……..
himself sick. Gopal Bhar(d)……..……..……..
 walked, he saw that the(e)……..……..……..
minister very upset.(f)……..……..……..


Before WordAfter

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In the following passage, one word is missing in each line. Write the omitted word along with the preceding and succeeding word in your answer sheet. The first one has been solved as an example.

Before WordAfter
A man / to a school e.g.manwentto
to his son admitted there. (a)…….…….…….
The Principal asked the boy he had (b)…….…….…….
learnt something already. Before boy(c)…….…….…….
could answer, father quickly(d)…….…….…….
replied that his son learnt(e)…….…….…….
how walk and talk. (f)…….…….…….


Before WordAfter
(a)to gethis
(c)Before theboy

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Omission Exercises 101  and  102 for class IX and X (Unsolved)
Omission Exercises 103  and  104 for class IX and X (Unsolved)
Omission Exercises 105  and  106 for class IX and X (Unsolved)
Omission Exercises 107  and  108 for class IX and X (Unsolved)
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