MCQ Questions of The Adventures of Toto | Class 9

By | April 17, 2023
MCQ Questions of The Adventures of Toto | Class 9


Choose the correct answer.

1.What can you assume about Toto’s relationship with his owners?
A. Toto’s owners mistreat him.
B. Toto’s owners spoil him.
C. Toto’s owners are afraid of him.
D. Toto’s owners neglect him.
Answer: It is not clear from the story what Toto’s relationship is with his owners.

2.Why do you think Toto was willing to jump into the tub of dye?
A. He wanted to change his appearance.
B. He was trying to hide from someone.
C. He was hoping to impress the monkeys.
D. He was seeking attention and excitement.
Answer: It is not clear from the story why Toto was willing to jump into the tub of dye.

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3.What can you assume about Toto’s personality based on his actions in the story?
A. Toto is independent and resourceful.
B. Toto is dependent and needy.
C. Toto is selfish and greedy.
D. Toto is timid and fearful.
Answer: A. Toto is independent and resourceful.

4.What can you infer about the monkeys in the story?
A. The monkeys are Toto’s enemies.
B. The monkeys are afraid of Toto.
C. The monkeys are mischievous but ultimately friendly.
D. The monkeys are loyal protectors of Toto.
Answer: C. The monkeys are mischievous but ultimately friendly.

5.Why do you think Toto ultimately returns home?
A. He is homesick and misses his owners.
B. He is tired of his adventures and wants to rest.
C. He is injured and needs medical attention.
D. He is chased out of the jungle by other animals.
Answer: It is not clear from the story why Toto ultimately returns home.

6.What can you assume about Toto’s emotions when he saw the jackfruit dish?
A. He was indifferent to it.
B. He was curious about it.
C. He was hungry and eager to eat it.
D. He was afraid of it.
Answer: C. He was hungry and eager to eat it.

7.Why do you think Toto was willing to follow the monkeys?
A. He was bored and looking for excitement.
B. He was lost and hoping to find his way home.
C. He was curious about the monkeys’ behavior.
D. He was seeking the monkeys’ protection.
Answer: C. He was curious about the monkeys’ behavior.

8.What can you assume about the monkeys’ intentions when they lead Toto to the tub of dye?
A. They wanted to play a trick on him.
B. They wanted to help him hide from danger.
C. They wanted to make him look more attractive.
D. They wanted to harm him.
Answer: A. They wanted to play a trick on him.

9.Why do you think Toto was hesitant to jump into the tub of dye at first?
A. He was afraid of the monkeys.
B. He didn’t like the smell of the dye.
C. He was afraid of getting hurt.
D. He didn’t want to get dirty.
Answer: C. He was afraid of getting hurt.

10. What can you infer about Toto’s character from his decision to return home at the end of the story?
A. He is loyal and obedient.
B. He is adventurous and fearless.
C. He is cautious and prudent.
D. He is fickle and indecisive.
Answer: A. He is loyal and obedient.

11.What can you infer about Toto’s intelligence from the way he observes and learns from human behavior?
A. Toto is highly intelligent and able to reason like a human.
B. Toto is of average intelligence and capable of simple learning.
C. Toto is somewhat intelligent but has a limited capacity for complex learning.
D. Toto is not very intelligent and is incapable of learning much from humans.
Answer: B. Toto is of average intelligence and capable of simple learning.

12.Why do you think Toto decided to follow the strange man who offered him food?
A. Toto was feeling hungry and was enticed by the food.
B. Toto was hoping to find a new home with the man.
C. Toto was curious about the man’s intentions.
D. Toto was afraid of the man and felt he had no other choice.
Answer: A. Toto was feeling hungry and was enticed by the food.

13.What can you assume about Toto’s emotional state when he saw the other dogs in the dog show?
A. Toto was excited and eager to participate.
B. Toto was scared and intimidated by the other dogs.
C. Toto was indifferent to the other dogs.
D. Toto was curious about the other dogs.
Answer: B. Toto was scared and intimidated by the other dogs.

14.Why do you think Toto was able to escape from the dog show?
A. Toto was clever and resourceful.
B. Toto was lucky and the opportunity presented itself.
C. Toto was aided by a human or another animal.
D. Toto was able to overpower the other dogs.
Answer: A. Toto was clever and resourceful.

15.What can you infer about Toto’s loyalty from the fact that he chose to return home rather than stay with the man who had offered him food?
A. Toto is highly loyal to his owner and has a strong sense of home.
B. Toto is somewhat loyal but easily swayed by food and other incentives.
C. Toto is not very loyal and is easily tempted by new experiences.
D. Toto’s loyalty is unpredictable and can change depending on circumstances.
Answer: A. Toto is highly loyal to his owner and has a strong sense of home.

16.What can you assume about Toto’s emotional state when he was tied up and left alone in the house?
A. Toto was scared and anxious.
B. Toto was bored and restless.
C. Toto was resigned to his fate.
D. Toto was happy and content.
Answer: A. Toto was scared and anxious.

17.What can you infer about Toto’s sense of self-preservation from the way he reacts to danger?
A. Toto is highly aware of the danger and takes measures to protect himself.
B. Toto is somewhat aware of the danger but relies on his owner for protection.
C. Toto is not very aware of the danger and tends to put himself in harm’s way.
D. Toto’s sense of self-preservation is unpredictable and can vary depending on the situation.
Answer: A. Toto is highly aware of the danger and takes measures to protect himself.

18.Why do you think Toto chose to take revenge on the tailor who had hurt him?
A. Toto wanted to assert his dominance over the tailor.
B. Toto was seeking justice for the harm done to him.
C. Toto was acting on instinct and didn’t have a conscious motive.
D. Toto was seeking attention and wanted to impress his owner.
Answer: B. Toto was seeking justice for the harm done to him.

19. What can you assume about Toto’s level of attachment to his owner from the way he follows him everywhere?
A. Toto is highly attached to his owner and feels a strong bond with him.
B. Toto is somewhat attached to his owner but is also independent.
C. Toto is not very attached to his owner and could easily be swayed by others.
D. Toto’s attachment to his owner is unpredictable and can change depending on circumstances.
Answer: A. Toto is highly attached to his owner and feels a strong bond with him.

20. What can you infer about Toto’s ability to communicate with humans from the way he learns to obey commands?
A. Toto is highly skilled at understanding human language and can communicate effectively.
B. Toto is somewhat skilled at understanding the human language but relies on visual cues.
C. Toto is of average intelligence and requires extensive training to understand commands.
D. Toto is not very skilled at understanding human language and relies on trial and error.
Answer: B. Toto is somewhat skilled at understanding the human language but relies on visual cues.

21. What can you assume about Toto’s sense of adventure and curiosity from the way he explores the world around him?
A. Toto is highly curious and adventurous and seeks out new experiences.
B. Toto is somewhat curious and adventurous but also cautious.
C. Toto is not very curious or adventurous and prefers to stay close to home.
D. Toto’s sense of adventure and curiosity is unpredictable and can vary depending on the situation.
Answer: B. Toto is somewhat curious and adventurous but also cautious.

22. What could be a possible explanation for Toto’s long life span?
a) He was blessed by a deity
b) He had a special diet
c) He had a genetic mutation
d) None of the above
Answer: d) None of the above. The story does not provide any specific reason for Toto’s long life span.

23. Why did Toto refuse to drink water from a bowl?
a) He preferred to drink from a fountain
b) He had a fear of bowls
c) He was trained to drink only from a bottle
d) None of the above
Answer: d) None of the above. The story does not explain why Toto refused to drink water from a bowl.

24. What could be the reason for Toto’s ability to communicate with humans?
a) He was a highly intelligent animal
b) He had a supernatural power
c) He was trained to understand human language
d) None of the above
Answer: d) None of the above. The story does not suggest that Toto had any special ability to communicate with humans.

25. Why did Toto feel the need to explore beyond his home?
a) He was bored with his routine life
b) He was seeking adventure
c) He was trying to find a mate
d) None of the above
Answer: d) None of the above. The story does not provide a specific reason for Toto’s need to explore beyond his home.

26. Why did Toto refuse to eat any food other than the dish that he stole from the kitchen?
a) He was a picky eater
b) He was trying to make a statement
c) He had an emotional attachment to the dish
d) None of the above
Answer: d) None of the above. The story does not provide any reason for Toto’s refusal to eat any other food.

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