Letter to God Multiple Choice Questions | Sure Success

By | March 4, 2023

A Letter to God

By G.L. Fuentes

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In his second letter, Lencho asked God not to send money through the mail as_______.

(A) he thought the post office employees were ‘a bunch of crooks’

(B) he wanted it directly in his account

(C) he would come personally to collect it

(D) None of the above

2. The following Sunday Lencho came _____.

(A) all dressed up

(B) a bit earlier than usual

(C) a bit late than usual

(D) with a big bag

3. ‘With much wrinkling of his brow’ means?

(A) happy

(B) Frustrated

(C) Disappointed

(D) All of the above

4. ___________ decided to reply to the letter and help Lencho.

(A) God

(B) Postmaster

(C) Neighbour

(D) Postman

5. Lencho was not surprised when he received the money as ________.

(A) he had an unbroken faith in God

(B) he had written a superb letter

(C) he had requested the postmaster

(D) All of above

6. Lencho’s happiness turned into anger as_____.

(A) there were 80 pesos short of the money

(B) there were 50 pesos short of the money

(C) there were 70 pesos short of the money

(D) there were 30 pesos short of the money

7. The rainfall couldn’t fulfill Lencho’s expectations, why?

(A) because it was a very little rain

(B) because along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall

(C) because rainfall was very scanty

(D) All of the above

8. The adverse impact of hailstones on Lencho’s crops was ______.

(A) that the quality of crops improved

(B) that the field looked beautiful

(C) that the crops grew in abundance

(D) that the crops were totally destroyed

9. In the chapter, Lencho compared the hailstones with __________.

(A) frozen pearls

(B) a plague of Locust

(C) crop destructor

(D) new silver coins

10. Who lived in that solitary house?

(A) Lencho & his family

(B) Postmaster & his family

(C) Lencho’s relatives

(D) None of the above


1.(A) he thought the post office employees were ‘a bunch of crooks’
2. (B) a bit earlier than usual
3. (B) Frustrated
4. (B) Postmaster
5. (A) he had an unbroken faith in God
6. (D) there were 30 pesos short of the money
7. (B) because along with the rain very large hailstones began to fall
8. (D) that the crops were totally destroyed
9. (D) new silver coins
10. (A) Lencho & his family

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A Letter to God- Theme of the Story

A Letter to God- Important Word-Meanings of difficult words

A Letter to God- Value Points