This page offers For Anne Gregory Very Short Answer Type Question for Class 10 from the book First Flight. We’ve put together a bunch of Very Short answer type question based on assumption, creativity, extrapolation and critical thinking. These types of questions are introduced after 2024 in CBSE Board. So, practice to understand For Anne Gregory Very Short answer type question
For Anne Gregory Very Short answer Type Question
1. What does Anne Gregory propose to change about herself and why, as shown in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: Anne proposes to dye her hair to see if people will stop focusing on her looks and love her for who she really is.
2. Why does the young man doubt that Anne can be loved for herself alone, as shown in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: He thinks Anne’s beauty, especially her yellow hair, makes it hard for others to see and love her true self.
3. What alternative hair colours does Anne mention, and what might they signify, based on the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: Anne mentions brown, black, or carrot colours, showing her readiness to change her looks to see if people will love her for who she is inside.
4. How does the poem For Anne Gregory challenge society’s views on beauty and love? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: The poem questions society’s focus on appearance in love and highlights the importance of loving someone for their inner qualities, not just their looks.
5. What lesson about self-esteem can be learned from Anne’s response to the young man, as suggested in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: The poem teaches that self-worth should not depend only on appearance. Inner qualities are just as important as how someone looks.
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- For Anne Gregory NCERT Solution
- For Anne Gregory- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type
- For Anne Gregory- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type
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6. Describe a situation where changing one’s appearance might affect how they are perceived, based on the poem For Anne Gregory. (20 to 30 words)
Answer: Someone might dye their hair to a simpler colour to see if people treat them differently, testing whether appearance influences respect or affection.
7. How might the poem For Anne Gregory change if Anne agreed with the young man’s view? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: If Anne agreed, the poem would show her accepting love based on looks, leading to a less meaningful and thought-provoking message.
8. What could the old religious man’s view suggest about historical ideas on beauty and love, as mentioned in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: It suggests that in the past, some believed true love was rare and divine, going beyond physical appearance.
9. Why might the young man refer to Anne’s hair as ‘great honey-coloured Ramparts’ in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: He compares her hair to grand walls, suggesting that her beauty might act as a barrier, stopping people from seeing her true self.
10. If Anne changed her hair colour, how might the young man’s perception of her change, as suggested in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: His view might stay the same, showing that he believes appearances strongly influence love, no matter the hair colour.
Also Read:
- For Anne Gregory- Summary in Hindi – Full Text
- For Anne Gregory- Value Points of the Poem
- For Anne Gregory- Central Idea of the Poem
- For Anne Gregory- About the Author & Introduction
- Figure of Speech in For Anne Gregory Class 10
11. Can changing an external feature like hair colour truly change someone’s personality, as discussed in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: No, changing hair colour doesn’t change personality; it only affects how others might see or respond to the person.
12. What does the poem For Anne Gregory suggest about the influence of physical appearance on relationships? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: The poem suggests that physical appearance can strongly affect relationships, often making people ignore inner qualities.
13. If Anne were to dye her hair, what new qualities might she hope to reveal about herself, according to the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: Anne might want to show qualities like bravery, openness to change, and a desire to be valued for her true self.
14. Imagine a modern situation where Anne’s concern about being loved for her hair colour could still apply, as seen in the poem For Anne Gregory. (20 to 30 words)
Answer: In a beauty contest where people are judged by appearance, Anne might worry if her personality is appreciated as much as her looks.
15. If Anne dyed her hair black, how might the young man’s argument change, as suggested in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: He might still argue that love could be shallow, now based on her new, striking appearance rather than her true self.
16. If Anne found someone who loved her without noticing her hair colour, what might she learn about love, according to the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: She might realise that true love is possible when it is based on personality and character, not on looks.
17. If the young man hadn’t mentioned her hair, would Anne have thought about changing it, based on the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: No, she might not have considered it, which shows that she was content with her looks until his comment.
18. How might Anne behave differently in future relationships after the conversation in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: Anne might try to find someone who appreciates her inner qualities, not just her looks. She could focus more on building deeper, meaningful connections with others.
19. What advice might a friend give Anne after hearing the conversation in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: They might tell her to ignore shallow opinions and find people who value her true self and inner qualities.
20. Why is it important to look beyond physical appearance in relationships, as shown in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: Focusing on inner qualities creates real connections based on trust, understanding, and respect, not just outward beauty.
21. How does judging by appearance harm people and communities in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: It can lower self-esteem, cause unfair treatment, and block meaningful connections, harming both individuals and social harmony.
22. How can people promote inner qualities over looks in their communities, as shown in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: They can set an example, appreciate others for their personality, and challenge shallow judgments.
23. How does changing appearance to fit societal standards affect authenticity, based on the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: It can make people hide their true selves, leading to unhappiness and inner conflict.
24. If Anne rejected beauty standards completely, how might her life change, based on the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: She might feel freer and more true to herself, attracting relationships that value her inner self.
25. How can someone know if they are loved for personality or looks, as suggested in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: They can notice if love stays the same through changes in appearance or during tough times.
26. How do beauty standards affect self-confidence, as shown in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: They can cause insecurity and a need for approval, hurting personal growth and self-acceptance.
27. Why is it important to challenge beauty and love standards, as Anne does in the poem For Anne Gregory? (20 to 30 words)
Answer: Challenging these ideas helps create a more accepting society where people are valued for who they truly are.