Editing Exercise-1

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.   

 Incorrect   Correct 
The children are regularly tell that a diet(a)………..………..
having too much sugar and fat are bad (b) ………..………..
for them, and chocolate contain a great (c) ………..………..
deal of both off these. (d) ………..………..


Incorrect  Correct 
(a)tell     told
(b) are     is
(c) contain   contains
(d) offof

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Practice Questions for Editing and Omission Class 10  edumantra.net
Practice Questions for Editing and Omission Class 10 | with Answers 2

Also Read:

Editing Exercise-2

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.    

 Incorrect    Correct  
A young unemploy Chinese couple (a)………………
allegedly sold there newborn baby.  (b) ………………
They used part of a money for buy (c) ………………
an i-Phone and others expensive items (d) ………………


Incorrect Correct
(a)unemploy unemployed
(b) there       their
(c) buy     buying
(d) others other

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Editing Exercise-3

The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect  Correct 
Hunger or thirst are the twoe.g.orand
basic conditions for living who(a)……..……..
are the reminder to our bodies (b) ……..……..
that the body should be(c) ……..……..
fed by water and food. Our (d) ……..……..
bodies need water for time to time.(e) ……..……..
But on summer our need to drink water(f) ……..……..
grows strongest. We need more water(g) ……..……..
as the body water evaporate through (h) ……..……..


Incorrect Correct
(b) reminderreminders
(c) should would
(d)  by    with
(e) forfrom
(f) on in
(g) strongest stronger
(h) evaporate     evaporates

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  Editing Exercise-4

The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect  Correct 
In many ways, the woman of Chhattisgarhe.g.womanwomen
enjoy the unique position within India.The (a)……..……..
percentage of females is high than the males(b) ……..……..
in the rural population as compare to the(c) ……..……..
Rural women, though poorly, but  (d) ……..……..
are more independence, hardy, better(e) ……..……..
organised and social more vociferous.(f) ……..……..
They commands more powers in general (g) ……..……..
compared to their counterparts in another(h) ……..……..
parts of India.


Incorrect Correct
(b) high higher
(c) comparecompared
(d) poorly Poor
(e) independenceindependent
(f) socialsocially
(g) commands command
(h) another     other

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There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct one against the corresponding blanks:

The state of Assam is rich in wild species which 
are unique of not only our country, but also (a) ………….………….
to a world. Such diversity is the direct result (b) ………….
of wild variation on habitat types. Two of India’s  (c) ………….………….
most famous wildlife reserve are situated   (d) ………….………….
over Assam — the Kaziranga National Park and  (e) ………….………….
theManas Tiger Reserve. Where Kaziranga (f) ………….………….
can take pride in saving the home of the rhino (g) ………….………….
against heavy odds. Manas will claim to have  (h) ………….………….
saved over 20 species of endanger mammals. (i) ………….………….
This has lead to Manas being listed in a World   (j) ………….………….
Heritage Site.


Incorrect Correct
(b) athe
(c) onin
(d) reservereserves
(e) overin
(f) wherewhile
(g) infor
(h) willcan
(i) endangerendangered
(j) leadled

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There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct one against the corresponding blanks:

Incorrect  Correct
This study material is intended exclusively for the use  
of class X students and are based on our vast (a)  ……….……….
experience about the past three decades. This material  (b) ……….……….
covers extensively the fundamental principled and  (c) ……….……….
concepts involved, solves problems which highlight the  (d) ……….……….
application of these concepts, exercises for assignments(e) ……….……….
for practice by the students. In order to got maximum (f) ……….……….
benefit from these material, some strategies are(g) ……….……….
suggested on how to use the material. We would also emphasised that it is the responsibility of(h) ……….……….
the students to plan and used them effectively.(i) ……….……….


Incorrect Correct
(a)are        is
(b) aboutover / for
(c) principledprinciples
(d) solves  solved
(e) for and
(f) gotget
(g) these   this
(h) emphasizedemphasise
(i) used  use

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Incorrect Correct
Poverty is the route cause of (a)………………
all evil. The poor suffers because (b) ………………
they do not want to take a first(c) ………………
step. They feel happy and they(d) ………………
are well fed. They except (e) ………………
whatever is given up to them.  (f) ………………
Hunger make a person look  (g) ………………
at a job to support himself   (h) ………………
and his near and dear ones.

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The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

Children in schools are constantly told to be   
achivements oriented rather than creativity (a)  ……………………
oriented. In their goodness to intention to(b)……………………
please others, they slowled forget to be children (c)  ……………………
and lost touched with their inner selves. This is (d)  ……………………
when the use to Art in schools becomes therapeutic(e)  ……………………
in nature. It allows children to be encouraged (f)  ……………………
them to express that part for themselves that bring (g)  ……………………
them most joy as they access many hidden talented(h)  ……………………
and abilities.


Incorrect Correct
(a)achievements achievement
(b) to     of
(c) slowed slowly
(d) touched    touch
(e) to   of
(f) encouraged encouraging
(g) forof
(h) talented      talents

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