The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect Correct
It is truth that parents aree.g.truth true
more valueable then any other(a)……..……..
things in the world for a child.(b) ……..……..
They are the more precious property.(c) ……..……..
A child depend upon them all the(d) ……..……..
He needs them at every steps(e) ……..……..
because they takes care of him.  (f) ……..
Under the care of their parents, (g) ……..……..
a child feel secure. (h) ……..……..


Incorrect Correct
(b) thingsthing
(c) more   most
(d) depend      depends
(e) stepsstep
(f) takes    take
(g) theirhis
(h) feel  feels

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The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect Correct
Freshly made tea is tasty but beneficiale.g.butand
if some simple rules are observing. (a)……..……..
It is best to keep her separately in a (b) ……..……..
jar If kept Open, its aroma escape(c) ……..……..
and it looses its taste and curative (d) ……..……..
Stale tea should not he took. (e) ……..……..
Tea is the excellent cure for colds.  (f) ……..……..
A cup of fresh tea stimulate  (g) ……..……..
concentration or improves capacity to work. (h) ……..……..


Incorrect correct
(a)observing  observed
(b) her             It
(c) escape   escapes
(d) looses     loses
(e) tooktaken
(f) the  an
(g) stimulate  stimulates
(h) or    and

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For More Exercises:-

Editing and Omission Exercises for Class 9 & 10 with answers Ex-43 & 44 2

Editing Exercises 91 & 92 for Class 9 and 10 (Solved)

Editing Exercises 93 & 94 for Class 9 and 10 (Solved)

Editing Exercises 95 & 96 for Class 9 and 10 (Solved)

Editing Exercises 97 & 98 for Class 9 and 10 (Solved)

Editing Exercises 99 & 100 for Class 9 and 10 (Solved)