Editing Exercise-1

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.     

Incorrect  Correct 
About 150 years ago, twelve years old   
boy in France inventing a writing system inventinginvented
for the blind. His name is Louis Braille(a) ……………………
and after him the alphabet is call the (b) ……………………
‘Braille’ alphabet. It is a system of
dots. The dots are arrange in a special(c) ……………………
way. The blind people reads with their (d) ……………………
fingers. Today, thousands of blind people
have became able to read these special (e) ……………………
books for them. These students can
achieved  in their studies now .   (f) ……………………


Incorrect  Correct 
(b) callcalled
(c) arrangearranged
(d) readsread
(e) becamebecome
(f) achievedachieve

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Get Ahead in English with These Effective Editing Exercises for Class 8 2

Also Read:

Editing Exercise-2

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.       

Incorrect  Correct 
Helen Keller is aged two when e.g.iswas
an illness take away her sight and (a)……………………
hearing. She also lose the ability(b) ……………………
to spoke, because all of us(c) ……………………
learns to speak by imitating what (d) ……………………
we hears. So, as a child (e) ……………………
she live in a (lark and silent (f) ……………………
world. At first, it seem impossible(g) …………
that she would even understood others.(h) ……………………


Incorrect  Correct 
(b) loselost
(c) spokespeak
(d) learnslearn
(e) hearshear
(f) livelived
(g) seemseemed
(h) understoodunderstand

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Editing Exercise-3

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.       

Incorrect Correct 
Man in his greed hunted whales ande.g.greed hunted greed has hunted
some other sea creatures so recklessly some of(a)……………………
their species have either extinct(b) ……………………
or are on verge of extinction. Now(c) ……………………
nations  of the world realised their(d) ……………………
folly and have some joint decisions.(e) ……………………
One stall decision is the size of (f) ……………………
the holes in fishing nets should big enough(g) ……………………
let baby fish escape through. (h) ……………………


Incorrect Correct
(a)recklessly  some recklessly that some
(b) either extinct  either become extinct
(c) on verge   on the verge
(d) world realized  world have realized
(e) have  some   have taken some
(f) is the is that the
(g) should  big  should be big
(h) let    to let

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Editing Exercise-4

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.  

 One is really wonderstruck see the lifestylee.g.wonder struek  seewonderstruck to see
of Arctic aborigines. Even in the -33’’ centigrade(a)…………..…………..
they lie down to sleep the open with only(b) …………..…………..
their own clothes for a covering a small(c) …………..…………..
wood fire to save them freezing. Snow falls(d) …………..…………..
seeming to disturb them. Knowledge of their(f) …………..…………..
methods of life now become (g) …………..…………..
wide practical importance.(h) …………..…………..


Incorrect Correct
(a)of Arctic of the Arctic
(b) sleep the sleep in the
(c) covering acovering and a
(d) them freezing them from freezing
(e) on  exposedon  the exposed
(f) them  knowlwdgethem  A knowlwdge
(g) life now life has now 
(h) wideof wide

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Editing Exercise-5

In the following paragraph there is one error in each line. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided. The first one has been done for you as an example.

 Incorrect    Correct 
Helen Keller is aged two when e.g.iswas
an illness take away her sight and (a)……………………………………
hearing. She also lose the ability (b) ……………………………………
to spoke, because all of us (c) ……………………………………
learns to speak by imitating what(d) ……………………………………
we hears. So, as a child (e) ……………………………………
she live in a (lark and silent(f) ……………………………………
world. At first, it seem impossible (g) ……………………………………
that she would even understood others.(h) ……………………………………

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Editing Exercise-6

The following paragraph has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Underline each error and write your correction in the space provided. The first correction has been done as an example.

Lila’s favourite subject in school was maths. She enjoy e.g.enjoyenjoyed
solving problems, and was enthusiastic for new problems(a)…………………………
done in class. But a lot many of her friends found Maths (b) …………………………
extremely difficult, and until they thought it was a(c) …………………………
difficult subject they saw no point to work at it.(d) …………………………
Maths was the very least popular subject in class. (e) …………………………
Then Lila decided to help three of her friend. She was  (f) …………………………
patient and good in explaining things. Her friends realized (g) …………………………
that maths is easy if they paid attention. (h) …………………………


Incorrect  Correct 
(b) a lot—-
(c) untilas
(d) to workworking
(e) very—–
(f) friendfriends
(g) inat
(h) iswas

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Editing Exercise-7

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect   Correct
The other day when I was gone for a walk.(a)………..………..
I hear someone shrieking across the (b) ………..………..
hedge. I look up in the direction of the hill  (c) ………..………..
and seen a little boy standing on the ridge of(d) ………..………..
a rock. lie have ascended the rock all right but(e) ………..………..
was unable to climb down. So he was cried (f) ………..………..
for help. He beckoning to me for help. However (g) ………..………..
by the time I reached him I am exhausted. (h) ………..………..

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Editing Exercise-8

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. 

 Incorrect Correct
Be it print media or electronic media—all carriese.g.carriescarry
advertisements. The money we receive from the(a)……………………
advertisements help them too lower the cost of(b) ……………………
production. In this ways we get information (c) ……………………
and entertainment on lower prices than(d) ……………………
would otherwise have to been charged. (e) ……………………
Therefore, what we lose on the swings we gained on(f) ……………………
the roundabout. Advertise to some extent ensures(g) ……………………
that a product will maintain his quality. (h) ……………………


Incorrect Correct
(b) tooto
(c) waysway
(d) onat
(e) beenbe
(f) gainedgain
(g) AdvertiseAdvertising
(h) hisits

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Editing Exercise-9

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

50 Refuge Camp

 X.Y.Z. City

 10th March, 20XX

Dear Simon,

I am writing this letter (a) on the Refugee Camp. We (b) are taken shelter here after fleeing (c) for Mozambique. It was really a (d) terrify journey through the famous Kruger Park. We could not walk fast (e) hence we were tired. When we (J) reach the camp, we felt a sigh (g) relief. We were away from our country but we could live (h) on peace here.

 Yours sincerely



(a) from

(b) have taken

(c) from

(d) terrifying

(e) because

(f) reached

(g) of

(h) in

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Editing Exercise-10

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

The Editor

The Hindu


20th March, 20XX

Sub: Plight of the pedestrians.


Through the columns of (a), you esteem daily, I want to highlight the plight (b) at the pedestrians. In India, pedestrians are (c) leave to die at their own fate. (d) Everybody cares for them. First of all, footpaths are not (e) proper maintained. The vendors think it (f) his birthright to encroach (g) in the footpaths. Where will the poor pedestrians go? Nobody (h) know where.

Yours faithfully



(a) your esteemed


(c) left

(d) No one

 (e) properly

(f) their

(g) upon

(h) knows

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Editing Exercise-11

There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct one against the corresponding blanks:

Incorrect Correct
For many days the old lady were(a)…………………………
scene talking to the villagers  (b) …………………………
explaining her case and seek (c) …………………………
there support. Some sympathised(d) …………………………
in her, others laughed at her(e) …………………………
and a few others advise her to make (f) …………………………
it up on her nephew and his wife. As  (g) …………………………
last she comes to Algu Choudhary.(h) …………………………

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Editing Exercise-12

There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correct one against the corresponding blanks:

Incorrect Correct
When my friend was an young man living in  
abarsati in south Delhi, his home had an (a)…………..…………..
open house. We should gather there most (b) …………..…………..
evening and he would, after suitably wetting (c) …………..…………..
his throat, moved to his tiny kitchen. There, (d) …………..…………..
he would turn the pages to a well-thumbed  (e) …………..…………..
notebook to pick up it recipe. It could be friend’s (f) …………..…………..
vegatarian dish but his mother’s fish stew.(g) …………..…………..


Incorrect  Correct 
(b) shouldwould
(c) eveningevenings
(d) movedmove
(e) toof
(f) ita
(g) butor

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Editing Exercise-13

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect  Correct 
The history of airplanes date back to the late 18th Century.  e.g.datedates
But the first ever powered airplane flight was making (a)……………………
on 17 December 1903 by the Wright brothers. The aircraft had named(b) ……………………
‘Flyer’ at Kitty Hawk. North Carolina. In 1911
the Wrights’ Vin Fiz is the first airplane to cross(c) ……………………
the United States. The Vin Piz was naming after a grape(d) ……………………
soda make by the Armour Packing company. The (e) ……………………
flight taken 84 days. stopping 70 times. It crash(f) ……………………
landed so many times that when it arrives in California  little(g) ……………………
of Its original building materials remained on the plane.

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Editing Exercise-14

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect Correct
It is a difficult to define luxury.
Everybody Condemn luxury and has done so in (a)
all the ages of the world’s history, yet no
two persons seems to agree on the exact (b)
meaning of the word. Some gives it a (c)
moral meaning as 13urns do. when(d)
he user the invective ‘luxury’s contagion (e)
weak and vile’. There Is some moralists  (f)
who might called my necktie and(g)
my sports coat a luxury. I however
regarded them as necessities in my life.  (h)

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Editing Exercise-15

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

12, Birsa Munda Nagar


20th March, 20XX

 Dear Sachin,

You (a) will glad to know that our school (b) was organising an educational tour (c) 911Agra. Agra is (d) an old historical city. It has many monuments of the Mughals. (e) A Tai Mahal is one of the most beautiful (f) monument of the world. The Mughal emperor Shahjahan (g) get it built in the memory (h) for his beloved wife Mumtaj. We will miss you in Agra.

Yours sincerely



(a) will be glad           
(b) is organising
(d) an old
(e) The Taj Mahal     
(f) monuments
(h) of

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Editing Exercise-16

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

House No.34


 Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

20th February, 20XX

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi

Sub: Control the growing population


 I (a) want write this letter to make people aware (b) at the alarming situation (c) in that India finds itself to day. The (d) grow population has made mockery of all our development programmes. (e) Many population means more mouths to feed. Our natural resources are (f) be exhausted every year. We have to control this growing population (g) for any cost. The earlier, the (h) best it will be. Let us stop it at the earliest.

Yours faithfully



(a) want to write                   
(b) of
(c) in which                            
(d) growing
(e) More population              
(f) being exhausted
(g) at                                      
(h) better

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Editing Exercise-17

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

In one sense, water is the commonest of liquids.(a)………………
In other sense, it is a most uncommon of liquids (b) ………………
with amazing properties what are responsible(c) ………………
for its unique power to maintaining animal and (d) ………………
 plant life. The investigation to the nature and(e) ………………
properties of water are, therefore, of the highest(f) ………………
scientifc interest and is for from an exhausted(g) ………………
field of research.(h) ………………


Incorrect Correct
(a)a   the
(b) whatwhich
(c) toof
(d) toof
(e) areis
(f) forfar

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Editing Exercise-18

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied as shown.

The crisis was now desperate. The fieldsmen drew
neared and nearer to the batsman, excepting (a)………….………….
the youth to the blue jumper. Livingstone(b) ………….………….
balance himself on his toes. Mr. Shakespeare (c) ………….………….
Pollock hopped about almost in top of the (d) ………….………….
batsman, and breathes excitedly and audibly. (e) ………….………….
Even the imperturbable Mr. Southcott discarding  (f) ………….………….
the piece of grass which he has been chewing so(g) ………….………….
steadily. Mr. Hodge took himself off and put in the (h) ………….………….
Major, who has by now somewhat lived down the (i) ………….………….
quart and a half.


Incorrect Correct
(b) to  in
(c) balance      balanced    
(d) in on
(e) breathesbreathed
(f) discarding    discarded
(g) has had
(h) in    on
(i) hashad

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Editing Exercise-19

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

10 Civil Lines


10th March, 20XX

 Dear Rupesh,

(a)Receive your letter. I am glad that you have (b) give up the company of bad boys. Dear friend, you (c) can know that a man is (d) know by the company he keeps. Always try (e) have friend with good boys. Try to avoid the company (f) with bad boys. All of (g) _ws must be ladies and gentlemen (h) what we grow up.

Yours sincerely



(a) Received               
(b) given up
(c) should                   
(d) known
(e) to have friendship
(f) of

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Editing Exercise-20

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

10 Civil Lines


10th March 20XX

Dear Akbar,

 I am (a) shock to learn that you have started (b) smoke again. It is very (c) shocked indeed. Don’t you know that smoking (d) kill you (e) slow? It can (f) caused cancer and many other (g) disease. I request you to give up (h) smoke for good.

Yours sincerely



(a) shocked                
(b) smoking
(c) smoking                
(d) kills
(e) slowly                    
(f) cause
(g) diseases                
(h) smoking

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Editing Exercise- 21

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

A-21 Chanakyapuri New Delhi

21st August 20XX

 Dear Sanjay,

Your school (a) goes to be closed for the summer vacation (b) for next Monday. (c) Here, you will have a lot of time at your (d) dispersal. I (e) hence invite you to spend some days with me. My mothers will (f) happily see you. Let me (g) to know. I will be there (h) in the station to receive you.

Yours affectionately



(a) will be closed          
(b) from
(c) Hence                      
(d) disposal
(e) therefore              
(f) be glad to see you
(g) know                     

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Editing Exercise-22

The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

The Editor

 The Times of India

 New Delhi

20th March 20XX

Sub: Fast food causing a health hazard


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish (a) enlighten the general public (b) fig the health hazard being (c) causing by eating fast food that has become so popular (d)by the younger generation. The junk food (e) is ready available (f) on various outlets in the city.

So it attracts people of all ages without making (g) him even pause to think about 00 their harmful effects.

Yours affectionately



(a) to enlighten         
(b) about
(c) caused
(e) readily
(f) at
(g) them
(h) its

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Editing Exercise-23

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

The medicines prescribed by the doctor
could relieve you of pain. But you (a) ………..………..
may always read the Instructions before (b) ………..………..
consuming the medicine. You will (c) ………..………..
stick on to the dose prescribed otherwise, you should develop counter-symptoms.  (d) ………..………..
This will be very dangerous. So one. (e) ………..………..
might be careful in matters of medicine. (f) ………..………..
It Is better to be sure than repenting
later. Some medicines will be poisonous (g) ………..………..
and must have disastrous consequences.  (h) ………..………..


Incorrect Correct
(b) mayshould
(c) willmust
(d) shouldmay
(e) willcan
(f) mightmust
(g) willmay
(h) mustcan

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Editing Exercise-36

The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect  Correct
Pollution are one of the most serious problems e.g.areis
facing humanity today. This problem being fairly(a)……….……….
complicated for much of pollution Is causing by objects(b) ……….……….
and activities that benefits mankind two thirds of (c) ……….……….
Delhi’s appalling atmospheric pollution are caused(d) ……….……….
through vehicles. To end and even greatly reducing (e) ……….……….
pollution would called for a total re-assessment of (f) ……….……….
what are considering to be the necessities of life. (g) ……….……….
Is we prepare to do it?     (h) ……….……….


Incorrect  Correct 
(b) causingcaused
(c) benefitsbenefit
(d) areis
(e) reducingreduce
(f) calledcall
(g) consideringconsidered
(h) IsAre

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