If you are searching an answer for Degrees of Comparison Rules you are at a right place. Here you can get Adjective Clause | Rules, Use & Examples for your high score in exams and you will get sure success.


Adjectives are describing words, i.e. words that qualify a noun or a pronoun, e.g. Ria is a beautiful girl.

Here, the word ‘beautiful’ is an adjective that describes the noun ‘girl’.

Kinds of Adjectives

  1. Adjective of Quality- shows the quality, such as tall, old, large, etc. e.g. He is a tallboy.
  2. Adjective of Quantity- gives the quantity of a thing, such as some, little, enough, etc. e.g. I have some money.
  3. Adjective of Number- gives the number of a thing, etc.

(a) Definite Numeralrefers to an exact number, e.g. one, two, second, etc.

(b) Indefinite Numeraldoes not refer to the exact number, e.g. all, few, some, etc.

(c) Distributive Numeralrefers to each one of a number, e.g. each, every, both, etc.

4. Demonstrative Adjectiveindicates towards the noun that is meant such as this, such, those, etc. e.g. Those books are new

5. Interrogative Adjectives are used to ask questions such as what, which, whose etc. e.g. Whose bag is this?

6. Possessive Adjectivesshow the relation of a thing with someone such as her, my, their, etc. e.g. This is my dress.

7. Proper Adjectivesare formed with Proper Nouns such as Christian, American, Punjabi. etc. e.g. He is an American resident.

Degrees of Comparison Rules

There are three degrees of Comparison. Study the following table.
















Rules to form degrees of comparison:

1. Adjectives of one syllable and some adjectives of two syllables form their comparative and superlative by adding-er and -est to the positive form.

 [Words ending in -er, -y, -ly add -er, -est. Note that ‘y’ becomes T.]

Positive Comparative Superlative

clever                 cleverer                    cleverest

happy                 happier                     happiest

ugly                     uglier                          ugliest

2. Adjectives of two syllables ending in did, -less, -able form they are comparative and superlative by adding more and most to the original word.

Positive Comparative Superlative

useful               more useful                most useful

careless           more careless            most careless

capable           more capable             most capable

3. Adjectives of three or more syllables also form they are comparative and superlative by adding more and most to the positive form.

Positive Comparative Superlative

beautiful             more beautiful             most beautiful

interesting         more interesting        most interesting

courageous       more courageous   most courageous

4. Irregular Comparisons, e.g.

Positive Comparative Superlative

good                           better                                  best

bad                             worse                                 worst

little                             less                                     least

many                          more                                  most

much                          more                                  most


Degrees of comparison is meant to compare or express similarities or differences of quantity or quality between two persons or things and also among three or more persons or things.

Study the following sentences

In sentence (a), the adjective sweet merely tells us that Noni โ€™s apple has the quality of sweetness, without saying how much of this quality it has.

In sentence (b), the adjective sweeter tells us that Nikunjโ€™s apple compared with Noniโ€™s has more of the quality of sweetness.

In sentence (c), the adjective sweetest tells us that of all these Aditya’s apple has the greatest amount or highest degree of the quality of sweetness. We, thus, see that adjectives change in form (sweet. sweeter, sweetest) to show comparison. They are called the degrees of comparison.

The adjective sweet is said to be in the Positive Degree.

The adjective sweeter is said to be in the Comparative Degree.

The adjective sweetest is said to be in the Superlative Degree.

The Positive Degree is used to denote the mere existence of some quality or quantity of what we speak about. It is used when no comparison is Made, as,

Mridul is a tall boy.

 Vibbuti is an intelligent girl.

The Comparative Degree is used w denotes a higher degree of quality than the positive and is used when two persons or things are compared. As

Ajay is teller than Mridul.

Vibbuti is cleverer than Vrinda.

The Superlative Degree denotes the highest degree of quality and is used when more than two things or persons are compared.

Sonu is the tallest boy of the five.

Vibhuti is the cleverest of all the girls.

Note the following things:

1. The Comparative Degree is generally followed by the conjunction than, as,

2The Superlative Degree is preceded by โ€˜theโ€™ and is followed by the preposition โ€˜of ‘ or ‘in’.

Note: the following things:

Formation of Comparative and Superlative

All kinds of adjectives don’t have three different forms. These different forms, in fact, indicate different degrees of quality or quantity. Therefore only adjectives of quality can have three different forms.

1.More adjectives or one syllable and some of more than one form the comparative by adding โ€” er and superlative by adding โ€“est. to the Positive Degree.

        Positive        Comparative      Superlative

1. When the Positive Degree ends in โ€“e, only โ€“r and โ€“st are added to form the Comparative and Superlative Degree.

          Positive        Comparative      Superlative

1. When the Positive is a word of one syllable and ends in a Single consonant preceded by a short vowel, this consonant is doubled adding -er or -est. to form the Comparative and Superlative.

        Positive        Comparative    Superlative

1. If the positive ends in-y and the- y is preceded by a Consonant, the – y is changed into -i and -er and โ€“est. are added to form the Comparative and Superlative

          Positive        Comparative       Superlative

1. But if the -y is preceded by a vowel, the -y is not changed into -i before adding er or โ€“est

        Positive       Comparative      Superlative

1. Adjectives of more than two syllables, and many of those with two forms the comparative by using the adverb more with the positive, and the superlative by using the adverb most with the positive.

             Positive       Comparative         Superlative


Some adjectives are compared irregularly, that is their comparative and superlatives are not formed from the positive. 

            Positive               Comparative        Superlative


(i)   The words โ€“superior, inferior, senior, junior, prior. Anterior; posterior are always used as Comparative Degree but they are followed by to instead of then as,

(ii) Double Comparatives and Double Superlatives should not be used, as,

(iii) If an adjective follows the phrase one of, it should be in the superlative degree: as,

(iv) When two persons or things are unequal. The comparative ( not the superlative) should be used.

(v) When two things or persons of the same kind of quality are to be compared. We should use: as + positive degree + as or no/not + comparative degree + than

(vi) This is not used when the superlative degree has a possessive, adjective before it.

(vii) Preferable has a force of a comparative and is followed by to. We must not say more preferable.

Degrees of Comparison Rules | Types 3

Adjective Types, Rules, Error Spotting & Exercises

Degrees of Comparison Rules | Types 4

Degrees of Comparison

Adjective Types, Rules, Error Spotting & Exercise- 1 & 2


(A)       There are three degrees of comparison:

Positive                     Comparative                    Superlative
Dark                             darker                                   darkest    Tall                              taller                                      tallest  useful                        more useful                              most useful

(B)       One-syllable adjectives form they’re comparative and superlative by adding er and est to the positive form:

Bright                          brighter                                   brightest

Adjectives ending in e add r and st:

brave                          braver                                     bravest

(C) Adjectives of three or more syllables form they’re comparative and superlative by putting more and most before the positive:

 interested                  more interested                     most interested

 frightening                 more frightening                   most frightening

(D)Adjectives of two syllables follow one or other of the above rules. Those ending in full or re usually take more and most:

doubtful                      more doubtful                        most doubtful

obscure                       more obscure                         most obscure

Those ending in er, y or ly usually add er, est:

 Clever                        cleverer                                   cleverest

Pretty                         prettier                                   prettiest (note that they become i)

silly                             sillier                                        silliest

(E)Irregular comparisons:

 bad                            worse                                      worst

far                              farther                                     farthest (of distance only)

further                      farther                                     furthest/ farthest

good                          better                                       best

little                          less                                            least

many/much            more                                         most

old                            elder                                          eldest (of people only)

                                 older                                          oldest (of people and things)

(F) farther/farthest and further/furthest

Both forms can be used for distances:

further can also be used, mainly with abstract nouns, to mean โ€˜additional/extraโ€™:

 Similarly: further enquiries/delays/demands/information/instructions etc.

 furthest can be used similarly, with abstract nouns:

(G) far (used for distance) and near

In the comparative and superlative both can be used quite freely:

the farthest/furthest mountain              the nearest river

 But in the positive form, they have limited use.

far and near are used chiefly with bank, end, side, wall etc.:

near can also be used with the east, and far with north, south, east and west.

With other nouns far is usually replaced by assistant/re, note and nearby/neighbouring: a remote island, the neighbouring village.

 (H)  elder, eldest; older, oldest

elder, eldest imply seniority rather than age. They are chiefly used for comparisons within a family: my elder brother, her eldest boy/girl;

but elder is not used with than, so older is necessary here:

He is older than I am. (elder would not be possible.) In colloquial English eldest, oldest and youngest are often used of only two boys/girls/children etc.:

This is particularly common when the eldest, oldest are used as pronouns:

Tom is the eldest. (of the two)             

Constructions with comparisons

(A) With the positive form of the adjective, we use as . . . as in the affirmative and net as/not so . . . as in the negative:

(B) With the comparative we use then:

 When then. . . is omitted, it is very common in colloquial English to use a superlative instead of a comparative: This is the best way could be said when there are only two ways.

(C) Comparison of three or more people/things is expressed by the superlative with the . . . in/of:

 Note- ever is used here, not never. We can, however, express the same idea with never and a comparative:

Note that most + adjective, without the, means very:

You are most kind means            You are very kind.

most meaning very is used mainly with adjectives of two or more syllables: annoying, apologetic, disobedient, encouraging, exciting, helpful, important, misleading etc.

(D) Parallel increase is expressed by the + comparative . . . the + comparative:

HOUSE AGENT: Do you want a big house?

ANN’: Yes, the bigger the better.

Tom: But the smaller it is, the less it will cost us to heat.

(E)Gradual increase or decrease is expressed by two comparatives joined by and:

(F)Comparison of actions with gerunds or infinitives:

(G) Comparisons with like (preposition) and alike:

(H) Comparisons with like and as (both adverb and adjective expressions are shown here)

 In theory like (preposition) is used only with noun, pronoun or gerund:

and as (conjunction) is used when there is a finite verb:

 Note- But in colloquial English like is often used here instead of as:

I like + noun and as + noun:

than/as + pronoun + auxiliary

(A)When the same verb is required before and after than/as we can use an auxiliary for the second verb:

The same tense need not be used in both clauses:

(B) When the second clause consists only of than/as + I/we/you + verb and there is no change of tense, it is usually possible to omit the verb:

Informal English, we keep I/we, as the pronoun is still considered to Ix the subject of the verb even though the verb has been omitted. In informal English. however, me/us is more usual:

(C) When than/as is followed by he/she/it + verb, we normally keep the verb: You are stronger than he is.

 But we can drop the verb and use he/she/they in very formal English or him/her/them in very colloquial English.

These rules apply also to comparisons made with adverbs:

the + adjective with a plural meaning

A blind, deaf, disabled, healthy/sick, living/dead, rich/poor, unemployed and certain other adjectives describing the human character or condition can be preceded by the and used to represent a class of persons. These expressions have a plural meaning: they take a plural verb and the pronoun is they:

 the can be used in the same way with national adjectives ending in ch or sh:

and can be used similarly with national adjectives ending in se or ss:

though it is just possible for these to have a singular meaning.

(B) Note that the + adjective here refers to a group of people considered in a general sense only. If we wish to refer to a particular group, we must add a noun:

Some colours can be used in the plural to represent people but these take s like nouns: the blacks, the whites.

(C) the + Adjective can occasionally have a singular meaning:

Adjectives + one/ones and adjectives used as pronouns

(A) The Most adjectives can be used with the pronouns one/ones when one/ones represent ‘a previously mentioned noun:

Similarly with a number + adjective:

(B) Adjectives used as pronouns

 first/second etc. can be used with or without one/ones; i.e. they can be used as adjectives or pronouns:

 the + superlative can be used similarly:

 and sometimes the + comparative:

Which (of these two) is the stronger?

But this use of the comparative is considered rather literary, and in informal English, a superlative is often used here instead:

Adjectives of colour can sometimes be used as pronouns:

Colours of horses, especially bay, chestnut, grey are often used as pronouns and take s in the plural: