This article shows you how to write a Complaint Letter for Road Repair. Refer to the example whenever you are asked to compose an editorial letter on this topic. You can also read Complaint Letter for Washing Machine. 

You are Mukesh Maheshwari. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the Municipal Corporation of your locality, complaining about the bad condition of roads in your area.

Ans:- D-16/16, Lajpat Nagar-II

New Delhi

February 29, 2020

The Municipal Corporation

Lajpat Nagar

 New Delhi

Subject Bad Condition of Roads


 I would like to draw your kind attention towards the pathetic state of roads in our area. For the last four months, the road has been almost impassable. We have made several complaints, but no action has been taken.

This segment was dug up 3 months before for some pipeline work. The road was not patched properly and a rough and uneven layer of concrete was dumped on these segments which made it extremely hard to drive on these segments. The surface of the road was also broken by heavy rains which have created the craters, making the journey even worse. Most of the vehicles keep avoiding these concrete patches and stick to one side of the road resulting in slow-moving traffic. During the rains, the road gets easily flooded.

This road serves a large number of houses in this area. There is a lot of traffic on the road at any time of the day. So; I request you to take an immediate step to repair the roads.

Thanking you

 Yours sincerely

Mukesh Maheshwari

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