Story Writing
Story writing is an art that requires a lot of communication skills. First of all, it requires the art of narrating things in an interesting way. You will be given either the introductory lines or some hints given in the input or both. You have to develop the story basing it on the information given in the input or the introductory lines. You have to develop it on the same theme as intended by the introductory lines or by the input. You can’t go against the stated theme.
1. Basically, developing and writing a good story needs the art of narration. You have to narrate the incidents in a sequential order leading to the final conclusion.
2. Students should follow the basic theme as expounded by the input or by the introductory lines. They are not supposed to invent new and different themes.
3. Within the given limits, students are left with enough space where they can give expression to their creative talents.
4. The beginning and the concluding lines must support the main part of the events described in the story.
Some Solved Samples and Examples of Story Writing Are:-
1. Short Story: Evil Allures but God Endures
2. Short Story: God Sees the Truth, but Waits
3. Short Story: Where there is Love, There is God
4. Short Story: The False Diamonds
5. Short Story: The King for Three Hours
6. Short Story: Father’s Love Saves the Son
7. Short Story: Wisdom Saves