113. Reading Skills Comprehension: Headache

By | March 21, 2022
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1. It’s a headache having a headache. Almost all of us have suffered from a headache at some time or the other. For some, a headache is a constant companion and life can be a painful hell of wasted time.

2. The most important step to cope with headaches is to identify the type of headache one is suffering from. In tension headaches (two a hand headache), a feeling of a tight band around the head exists, along with pain in the neck and shoulders. It usually follows activities such as long stretches of driving, typing or sitting on the desk. They are usually short-lived but can also last for days or weeks.

3. A headache is usually caused due to spinal misalignment of the head, due to poor posture. Sleeping on the stomach with the head turned to one side and bending over positions for a long time make it worse.

4. In migraines headaches (a one-handed headache), the pain is usually on one side of the head and may be accompanied by nausea vomiting, irritability and bright spots of flashes of light. This headache is made worse by activity, especially bending. The throbbing pain in the head gets worse by noise and light. Certain triggers for migraines may be chocolate, caffeine, smoking or MSU in certain food items. The pain may last from eight to 24 hours and there may be a hangover7 for two-three days.

5. Migraines are often preceded by an ‘aura’ — changes in sight and sensation. There is usually a family history of migraine.

6. in a headache the pain originates not from the brain but from irritated nerves of muscles, blood vessels and bones. These send pain signals to the brain which then judges the degree of distress and relays it at appropriate sites. The pain may sometimes be referred to sites other than the problem areas. This is known as referred pain and occurs due to sensation overload. Thus, though most headaches start at the bases of the skull the referred pain is felt typically behind the eyes.

7. Factors causing headaches are not fully understood but it is known that a shift in the level of body harmones1 and chemicals, certain foods and drinks and environmental stress can trigger them.

8. If headaches trouble; you often, visit the doctor, who will take a full health history relating to diet, lifestyle stresses, the type of headache, triggering factors and relief measures. You may be asked to keep a ‘headache diary’ which tells you to list — the time the headache started, when it ended, emotional, environmental and food and drink factors which may have contributed to it. The type and severity of pain and the medications used which provided most relief are also to be listed.

9. This helps the doctor in determining the exact cause and type of a headache and the type of drugs to use. Apart from this, a physical examination is done to rule out any serious underlying cause. The blood pressure is recorded, vision tested and muscle coordination of the eyes is checked to rule out these as causes. Blood tests may be done to rule out anaemia diabetes and thyroid disease. If any of the above is abnormal or otherwise, a CT Scan or MRI may be done to see tissues and structures around the brain. These will rule out causes such as tumours, haemorrhage and infection of the brain. This examination gives a clear picture of the problem to the doctor.

10. ImmediAte relief can be certain medications and a few simple self-care techniques. Using ice ageist the pain ‘site’, covering eyes with dark glasses, drinking plenty of fluids and lying down in a dark and quiet room, provide relief in a migraine attack. Painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen (brufen) and crocin can be taken and provide relief in different proportions. These should be used with caution and under medical supervision if used for long periods and large quantities as all of them can cause many side effects. An antiemetic like pronoun can help nausea associated with a migraine.


1.cope with—deal with successfully 2. stretches—continuous periods or distances. 3. misalignment—not being in line with 4. a migraine—a severe recurring type of a headache, usually on one side of the head or face. 5. nausea—the feeling of sickness 6. caffeine—the stimulant drug found in tea leaves and coffee beans. 7. hangover—unpleasant after-effects. 8. harmonea—chemical secretions from certain glands of the body. 9. medications—medicines. 10.anaemia—the condition of the blood caused by a lack of red corpuscles, making the person look pale. 11. diabetes—the disease of the pancreas which prevents sugar and starch from being properly absorbed. 12. thyroid—large gland at the from of neck, producing a humane which controls the body’s growth and development. 13. CT Semi–Computerised Tomographic Scan. 7. MRI—Magneto Recording Instrument. 14. haemorrhage—heavy bleeding. 15. antiemetic—an agent that controls vomiting.


(a)On the basis of your reading of the passage make notes on it using recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Use a format you consider suitable. Supply a suitable title.

(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.


(a)Notes on the contents of the Passage :

A. Cure of an h. ache lies in its proper identification—

(i) tension h.ache, or

(ii) migraine h.ache

B. Symptoms :

 (i) tension h.aches

(a) the feeling of tight band around the head

(b) pain in neck and shoulders

(ii) migraine h.aches

(a) pain on one side of the head

(b)  vomit. and irritability

(c) bright spots or flashes of light

C. Causes :

(i)tension h. aches

(a) long stretches of driving

 (b) long hrs of typing or sitting on the desk

(ii) migraine h.aches

(a) chocolate, coffee, smoking

(b) MSU in certain food items

D. Headaches—

(a) orig. in irritated nerves of muscles, blood vessels and bones.

 (b) might get referred to other pans of the body.

E. Treatment—

(a) self-care techniques for shorter periods.

(b) doctor’s advice for parents, treatment.

Abbreviations used :

1. h.ache — headache2. vomit. — vomiting3. hrs. — hours4. orig. — originate5. permnt. — permanent

 Heading: Headaches and their Treatment

(b) Summary of the Passage:

 Life becomes a painful hell if a headache becomes one’s, a constant companion. In order to for it, it is very important to identify the type of headache one is suffering from. It can or a migraine, and the treatment has to be found out accordingly. It will be helpful if diary’ is maintained from which the true causes and triggering factors can be ascertained be done only for short-term relief, and with the greatest caution.

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