Newspapers and their Importance

(The following speech is perfect for 1 min. to 1.05 min)

The newspaper is as necessary and important for me as breakfast. I may not have my breakfast but I must have a newspaper.  Reading a newspaper is almost a passion for me now.
I can vividly remember the incident which prompted me to read newspapers. It was my twelfth birthday. A friend of my sister presented me with a bat and began to chat with me. She knew my interest in cricket. So cricket was her obvious choice for our conversation but she was greatly surprised to learn that I did not know the name of the Indian skipper who was given great publicity by the press. His picture and a short biographical sketch had appeared in the newspapers on that very day. My ignorance of the current affairs put me to great embarrassment. I realized then that reading a newspaper is not a waste of time and money. It is an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Qu. Do you think that there is nothing else instead of the newspapers to keep us updated?
Ans. I don’t say that there is nothing else but it is such a systematic way that makes a system of updating. Mobile devices, internet or other things may be unavailable at times but it is the most reliable source.

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