This page offers A Tiger in the Zoo Very Short Answer Type Question for Class 10 from the book First Flight. We’ve put together a bunch of Very Short answer type question based on assumption, creativity, extrapolation and critical thinking. These types of questions are introduced after 2024 in CBSE Board. So, practice to understand A Tiger in the Zoo Very Short answer type question
A Tiger in the Zoo Very Short answer Type Question
1. Why does the tiger pace back and forth in its cage?
Answer: The tiger paces because it feels restless and trapped.
2. What might the tiger be thinking about when looking at the stars?
Answer: The tiger likely dreams of freedom and its life in the wild.
3. How would the story change if the tiger had a companion in the cage?
Answer: A companion might reduce the tiger’s loneliness but not its desire for freedom.
4. What would the tiger say to the zoo visitors if it could talk?
Answer: It might express its sadness and a desire for freedom.
5. How does the tiger’s mood change at night?
Answer: The tiger becomes more reflective and possibly sadder at night.
Also Read:
- Why does the tiger express his anger quietly?
- What does the tiger do near the water hole?
- How does the tiger act in the cage?
- What would the tiger do in the forest from the tiger in the zoo?
6. What is one thing the tiger misses most from the wild?
Answer: The tiger misses roaming freely and hunting.
7. Imagine the tiger could escape; where would it go first?
Answer: It would likely head straight into the nearest forest or jungle.
8. Why might the zoo visitors not notice the tiger’s sadness?
Answer: Visitors might be distracted by the excitement of seeing a tiger and miss its subtle signs of distress.
9. What could zoos do to make life better for the tiger?
Answer: Zoos could provide larger, more natural habitats and more enrichment activities.
10. How does the tiger feel about the sounds of the zoo?
Answer: The sounds probably add to its stress and discomfort.
11. What lesson should children learn from the tiger’s situation?
Answer: Children should learn the importance of respecting and preserving wildlife.
Also Read:
- A Tiger in the Zoo Long Answer Type Question
- A Tiger in the Zoo Poem Central Idea
- Figure of Speech in A Tiger in the Zoo
- Hard Words : A Tiger in the Zoo
- A Tiger in the Zoo NCERT Solution
12. How would the tiger’s day be different in a sanctuary compared to the zoo?
Answer: In a sanctuary, the tiger might have more space and a more natural setting.
13. If the tiger could make one wish, what would it be?
Answer: The tiger would wish for freedom and a return to the wild.
14. What do the stars symbolise to the tiger?
Answer: The stars symbolise hope and a world beyond the cage.
15. How would the story of the tiger help in wildlife conservation?
Answer: The story can raise awareness about the effects of captivity on wild animals and promote conservation efforts.
16. What might the tiger dream about at night besides freedom?
Answer: It might dream of hunting in the jungle or meeting other tigers.
17. If the tiger had a choice, what environment would it choose over the zoo?
Answer: The tiger would choose a vast, open jungle with plenty of space and prey.
18. How would the tiger react if it saw another tiger in the zoo?
Answer: It might feel excited for companionship but also stressed due to confinement.
19. What if the tiger could understand human speech; what would it want to hear from visitors?
Answer: It would want to hear promises of better treatment or plans for its release.
20. How would the tiger’s behaviour change if it moved to a larger enclosure?
Answer: Its mood might improve slightly with more space, but it would still be willing for true freedom.
21. What would the tiger’s first action be if it was released into the wild?
Answer: The tiger might run a lot to enjoy its new freedom and explore the area around it.
22. How does the tiger likely view the zookeepers?
Answer: It might see them with mixed feelings; as both caretakers and captors.
Answer: Children can learn to understand and respect the feelings and needs of other living beings.
32. If the23. If the tiger could make one change to its daily routine, what would it be?
Answer: It would likely choose to spend more time in areas that are similar to its natural habitat, like water features or shaded areas.
24. Why is it important to ensure wild animals like tigers live in environments similar to their natural habitats?
Answer: To promote their natural behaviours and well-being, respecting their needs as living beings.
25. What does the tiger’s longing for freedom teach us about our treatment of animals?
Answer: It reminds us that all creatures value freedom and deserve respectful and humane treatment.
26. How can zoos balance educational purposes with the ethical treatment of animals?
Answer: By creating environments that are similar to natural habitats and focusing on conservation over entertainment.
27. What role do humans play in the survival or extinction of species like tigers?
Answer: Humans play a big role by protecting habitats, treating animals well, and stopping illegal hunting.
28. How does respecting the freedom of wildlife like tigers reflect on us as a society?
Answer: It shows our commitment to compassion, ethics, and sustainability in our interactions with nature.
29. What might happen to the ecosystem if tigers like the one in the poem become extinct?
Answer: Losing animals can upset the food chain, hurting different species and the balance of nature.
30. How might the tiger’s behaviour in the zoo change if it could see or smell its natural habitat?
Answer: The tiger might become more upset or sad, missing its home even more.
31. What lessons can children learn about empathy from the tiger’s experience in the zoo?
tiger had a day of freedom, what would it prioritise doing?
Answer: Likely, the tiger would explore, hunt, and enjoy the natural world.