A Letter to God MCQ

By | September 9, 2023

A Letter to God

By G.L. Fuentes

A Letter to God MCQ

1.The postmaster lauded Lencho for ______.

(A) writing the letter

(B) his extraordinary confidence in God

(C) a beautiful handwriting

(D) All of the above

2. The strange address written on Lencho’s envelope was______.

(A) ‘To God’

(B) ‘To railway master’

(C) ‘To head of the village’

(D) None of the above

3. Lencho’s happiness was just for some moments as______.

(A) the envelope was empty

(B) 30 pesos were less

(C) God had declined his request

(D) 70 pesos were less

4. Lencho could never believe that _____.

(A) his request was fulfilled

(B) he received excess amount of money

(C) he had become richer than before

(D) God could ever deceive him

5. the river and the field of ripe corn ‘dotted with’ the flowers, here ‘dotted with’ means?

(A) lined up with

(B) Spread out here & there

(C) Standing in a row

(D) All of the above

6. ‘A letter to God’ is written by________.

(A) Ruskin Bond

(B) Mark Twain

(C) James Joyce

(D) G.L. Fuentes

7. What is a valley?

(A)an area of low land between hills or mountains

(B) a road between two mountains

(C) a space dividing to lands

(D) All of the above

8. one word for ‘made a forecast’ is?

(A) assumed

(B) Predicted

(C) Presumed

(D) Declared

9. __________________ proved devilish for Lencho.

(A) a plague of Locusts

(B) heavy rains with thunderstorm

(C)Stormy winds

(D) Rain accompanied with very large hailstones

10.Lencho requested only 100 pesos from God because_______.

(A) he wanted to throw a party

(B) he wanted to sow the field again

(C) he wanted to buy high quality seeds

(D) he wanted to deposit them in the bank


1.(B) his extraordinary confidence in God
2. (A) ‘To God’
3. (B) 30 pesos were less
4. (D) God could ever deceive him
5. (B) Spread out here & there
6. (D) G.L. Fuentes
7. (A)an area of low land between hills or mountains
8. (B) Predicted
9. (D) Rain accompanied with very large hailstones
10. (B) he wanted to sow the field again