Hard Words : A Baker from Goa Page- 85

Pen-portrait = Description, Character sketch (शब्द चित्र बनाना), Traditional = Customary, Established (पारंपरिक), Goan = Related to Goa, Inhabitant of Goa (गोवा संबंधित), Reminiscing = Recalling, Remembering (यादें ताजा करना), Nostalgically = Sentimentally, Longingly (भावुकता से), Portuguese = From Portugal, European (पुर्तगाली), Loaves = Breads, Slices (पाव/रोटियाँ),

Vanished = Disappeared, Gone (गायब हो गया), Mixers = Blenders, Combiners (मिलाने वाला), Moulders = Shapers, Formers (आकार देने वाला), Furnaces = Ovens, Heaters (भट्टी), Extinguished = Quenched, Put out (बुझा दिया), Thud = Dull sound, Impact (भारी आवाज़), Jingle = Ring, Tinkle (झंझनाहट)