Idioms Dictionary With Meaning and Sentences Part 25

By | July 1, 2021


1.The Dole

Meaning: –money given in charity, and also allowances to the unemployed

Use:-The dole granted to the war widow is not sufficient.

2. To dole out

Meaning: –to give out in small quantities

Use:- A very small amount of money is being doled out to the flood victim. The government has doled out a small amount of money to be spent on education.

3. To darken one’s door

Meaning: –to pay a visit to one’s house

Use:-Yesterday, one of my old friends darkened my door.

4. Ups and downs

Meaning: –varying fortunes; changes and chances of life

Use:-Life is full of ups and downs.

5. Down and out

Meaning: –penniless, ruined

Use:-After loss in business, he is down and out.

6. Draconian legislation

Meaning: –very severe laws

Use:-The government passed Draconian legislation during the emergency.

7. To draw the longbow

Meaning: –to relate fantastic stories

Use:-He draws the long bow about his visit to America.

8. To draw the line at

Meaning: – to refuse to go beyond a certain limit

Use:- I have drawn the line and will not give you any more money.

9. To throw dust in one’s eyes

Meaning: – to try to deceive someone

Use:- He threw dust in the police’s eyes and ran away.

10. Dutch courage

Meaning: –bravery induced by alcoholic liquors

Use:-His Dutch courage has been of no use to him.

11. Eagle-eye

Meaning: –quick to discover; very discerning

Use:- Nothing can escape Mohan’s eagle-eye.

12. To set by the ears

Meaning: –to cause strife or incite to quarrel

Use:-The clever wife set her husband by the ears against his own brother.

13. To eat one’s words

Meaning: –to apologise; to take back what one has said

Use:-He spoke without thinking and had to eat his words later.

14. A bad egg

Meaning: –a worthless person

Use:-Satvinder is a bad egg in the whole class.

15. To egg on

Meaning: –to spur on to further action

Use:-He egged me on to talk to the officer, but I was hesitant.

16. Do not put all your eggs in one basket

Meaning: –Do not stake all your money on a single industry; Spread your resources over a variety of transactions

Use:-By purchasing the shares of one company, he has put all his eggs in one basket.

17.  A white elephant

Meaning: –a useless possession which is extremely expensive to keep

Use:-His imported car is a white elephant for him.

18. At the eleventh hour

Meaning: –at the last moment

Use:- I reached the railway station at the eleventh hour and caught the train.

19. Give him an inch he’ll take an ell

Meaning: –He will abuse his privilege and take great liberties

Use:-Don’t give him any concession, for if you give him an inch, he’ll take an all.

20. Elysian happiness

Meaning: –a state of perfect bliss

Use:-The period of a few months after marriage was Elysian happiness for him.

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