Hard Words : Keeping it from Harold Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | Communicative| Class 9 | 2023-24 Updated

By | October 10, 2023

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from Keeping it from Harold. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying Keeping it from Harold Word Meanings from Communicative Class 9.”

Hard Words :  Keeping it from Harold Page No.-  28

Beaming = smiling broadly, radiating (खुशी से मुस्काना), Amiable = friendly, likable (मित्रवत), Fat-headedness = foolishness, silliness (मूर्खता), Domestic = home-related, familial (घरेलू),

Pursed = pressed together, tightened (होंठ सिकोदना), Cloudy = unclear, foggy (धुंधला), Spectacles = glasses, eyewear (चश्मा), Gravely = seriously, solemnly (गंभीरता से), Dearie = beloved, darling (प्रियजन),

Frown = displeased look, scowl (भ्रू भ्रंगिमा), Marred = spoiled, damaged (बिगाड़ दिया), Brow = forehead, front of head (माथा), Jarred = disturbed, annoyed (असंतुष्ट), Referring = mentioning, indicating (उल्लेख करना)  

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Hard Words : The Man Who Knew Too Much

Keeping it from Harold Difficult Words in English Page No.-  29

Chandelier = light fixture, ceiling lamp (झूमर), Toneless rapidity = emotionless, swift (भावहीन गति), Reciting = saying aloud, delivering (पाठ करना), Decorous = polite, proper (शिष्ट),

Prodigy = talent, genius (अद्भुत प्रतिभा), Evasions = dodges, avoids (ताल-मटोल) , Falsehoods = lies, deceptions (असत्यता), Distasteful = unpleasant, disliked (अप्रिय), Sacrificed = given up, relinquished (त्यागना),

Parish = church area, religious zone (पारिश) , Curate = assistant priest, clergyman (उपाध्याय), Delicate subject = sensitive topic, touchy issue (संवेदनशील विषय), Broach = introduce, mention (उपस्थित करना), In poor taste = offensive, inappropriate (अनुचित)

Good Word Meaning of Class 9 English Keeping it from Harold Page No.-  30

Persuasive = convincing, compelling (प्रभावशाली), Demur = hesitation, delay (आपत्ति), Obliging = helpful, willing (सहायक), Sacrifice = give up, relinquish (त्याग), Furtive = secretive, sly (चोरी-छिपे),

Shady = suspicious, dubious (संदेहजनक), Quailed = faltered, recoiled (डरना), Imbued = infused, permeated (भरा हुआ), Defying = resisting, opposing (विरोध करना), Heredity = genetics, inheritance (अनुवांशिकता),

Intellect = brains, smarts (बुद्धि), Teeming = full of, overflowing (भरपूर), Species = kind, variety (प्रजाति) , Benefactors = givers, donors (उपकारी), Philanthropists = charity-givers, humanitarians (परोपकारी)  

English Difficult Words of Class 9 Lesson 4 Keeping it from Harold Page No.-  31

Muscle = strength, brawn (मांसपेशी), Choir = singing group, vocalists (गायन दल), Mortar boards = grad caps, academic hats (शिक्षा टोपी), Dons = teachers, scholars (शिक्षक), Commercial traveller = salesman, sales rep (यात्री विपणी), Stature = height, tallness (कद), Square-jawed = strong-faced, determined (मजबूत ठग्गी), Self-centred = self-focused, egotistical (आत्मकेंद्रित),

Darning = mending, sewing (रफू करना), Anxieties = worries, concerns (चिंताएँ) , Training = practicing, preparing (प्रशिक्षण), Respectability = decency, honor (मान्यता), Sobriety = seriousness, temperance (परहेजगारी), Instructor = teacher, trainer (अनुदेशक), Meditations = thoughts, reflections (ध्यान),

Pattered = light steps, tiptoed (हल्के पैर की आवाज़), Undertone = whisper, murmur (मुँह में बोलना), Insinuated = hinted, implied (सूचित करना)

Keeping it from Harold Chapter Word Meaning in English Page No.-  32

Diffident = shy, reserved (संकोची), Propitiatory = appeasing, conciliatory (प्रसन्नता करने वाला), Propelled = pushed, launched (प्रेरित), Scales = barriers, blinders (अवरोध), Literal-minded = straightforward, factual (शाब्दिक विचारक), Vouchsafed = granted, revealed (अनुग्रह किया),

Weedy = thin, frail (पतला), Apologetically = regretfully, contritely (खेदपूर्वक), Ruffled = irritated, disturbed (अवसादित), Edgeways = sideways, obliquely (किनारे की ओर), Blinked = flashed, flickered (पलक झपकाना), Crab = sidestepper, crawler (केकड़ा), Sturdy = strong, robust (मजबूत),

Meditations = reflections, thoughts (ध्यान), Wrestling = grappling, struggling (कुस्ती), Gaze = look, stare (निगाह)  

English To English Word Meaning from Class 9 Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold Page No.-  33

Glory = exclamation, praise (महिमा), Seconding = supporting, backing (समर्थन करना) , Unsuppressed = unrestrained, open (अदम्य), Resilient = bounce back, recoverable (लचीला), Eleventh hour = last moment, final stage (अंतिम समय), Joyful = happy, cheerful (आनंदित),

Scornfully = dismissively, derisively (तिरस्कारपूर्वक), Snapped = responded quickly, retorted (तेजी से कहा), Wounded = hurt, pained (घायल), Blessing = fortune, favor (आशीर्वाद), Foolish = unwise, imprudent (मूर्खता पूर्वक),

Profession = occupation, job (व्यवसाय), Visible effort = clear attempt, noticeable try (स्पष्ट प्रयास) , Fiction = untruth, falsehood (कल्पना)  

Class 9 English Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold Word Meaning English Page No.- 34

Uncomfortable = uneasy, awkward (असहज), Shuffled = dragged, slid (घसीटते हुए), Hopped it = left quickly, escaped (तेजी से चला गया), Ferret-faced = thin, sharp (पतला चेहरा), Knickerbockers = breeches, shorts (अधी मोजा),

Bowler hat = round hat, derby (गोल टोपी), Ajar = slightly open, cracked (थोड़ा खुला), Staring = gazing, ogling (घूरना), Intruder = trespasser, invader (अवैध प्रवेशकर्ता), Rapped = knocked, tapped (ठोकना),

Decencies = proprieties, manners (मर्यादा), Battlefield = conflict zone, combat area (युद्धभूमि), Choked = muffled, stifled (अवरुद्ध), Surprised = startled, shocked (चकित), Ashamed = embarrassed, regretful (लज्जित)

Keeping it from Harold Chapter Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 35

Pleasure = delight, enjoyment (खुशी), Companions = associates, partners (साथी), Miserably = dejectedly, woefully (दुखधायक रूप में), Puzzled = perplexed, baffled (उलझा हुआ), Bright light = realization, enlightenment (समझ), Edging = moving slowly, inching (धीरे-धीरे बढ़ना),

Guttural = raspy, throaty (कर्कश), Unhappily = sorrowfully, despondently (दुख से), Tactlessly = indiscreetly, thoughtlessly (असंवेदनशीलता से), Protrude = jut out, bulge (बाहर निकलना), Clutched = seized, gripped (पकड़ना),

Profession = career, vocation (पेशा), Purse = winnings, cash prize (पुरस्कार) , Off your head = crazy, irrational (पागल), Sockets = cavities, hollows (गड्ढा), Study = examination, observation (अध्ययन)

Chapter 4 English Keeping it from Harold Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 36

Swells = elites, aristocrats (समाज के ऊँचे लोग), Chronic = persistent, relentless (गंभीर), Consteration = alarm, shock (चिंता), Goggled = stared, looked (घूरना), Gaslight = light from gas flame (गैस की बत्ती), Innocent = naive, guiltless (मासूम), Surveyed = examined, observed (निरीक्षण किया),

Glittered = sparkled, shined (चमकना), Nasty = unpleasant, disagreeable (नापसंदीदा), Steely = cold, unyielding (धातुजन्य), Metallic = sharp, resonant (धातुजन्य), Dot = punch, thump (मारना) ,

Retreated = pulled back, receded (पीछे हटना), Curtly = briskly, tersely (लखुरा तरीके से), Entreated = implored, urged (प्रार्थना की), Revenge = retaliation, payback (प्रतिशोध) , Advancing = moving forward, approaching (आगे बढ़ना)  

Word Meaning Vocabulary of Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold Page No.- 37

Hasty = Quick, rash (जल्दी में), Commercial = Business-related (व्यापारिक), Miserably = Sadly, unhappily (दुःखी), Raw = Crude, unrefined (अपरिपक्व), Wrath = Anger, fury (क्रोध), Reviving = Recovering, rejuvenating (पुनर्जीवित होना),

Bended knees = Submissively, humbly (विनीत भाव से), Thick = Unfair, not right (अनुचित), Rotten = Bad, unpleasant (बुरा), Swanking = Showing off, boasting (दिखावा करना),

Crooning = Humming softly, singing softly (धीरे धीरे गा रहा है), Winningness = Attractiveness, charm (आकर्षण), Mutton-head = Fool, dumb person (मूर्ख),  Spiteful = Malicious, mean-spirited (द्वेषपूर्ण)  

English Chapter 4 Keeping it from Harold Word Meaning with Hindi Page No.- 38

Awfully = Extremely, very (बहुत), Jolly = Very, extremely (बहुत), Sick = Upset, displeased (नाराज), Chuck = Discard, give up (छोड़ देना), Limit = Extreme, utmost point (सीमा), Foul = Unfair act in sports (अनुचित), Beamed = Smiled broadly (प्रसन्न होना), Snapshot = Photograph (तस्वीर),

Blurred = Not clear, fuzzy (अस्पष्ट), Swank = Show off, boast (दिखावा करना), Departure = Leaving, exit (प्रस्थान), Animated = Lively, spirited (जीवंत), Merits = Good qualities, value (योग्यता),

Abstracted = Lost in thought, preoccupied (ध्यान भंग), Gravity = Seriousness, solemnity (गंभीरता), Convulsively = Suddenly, with a jolt (अचानक), Mechanically = Without thinking, automatically (स्वचालित रूप से), Chandelier = Decorative light fixture (झूमर)