22. Reading Skills Comprehension: Culture

By | June 25, 2021
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Culture is not merely learning. It is discrimination, understanding of life. Liberal education aims at producing moral gifts as well as the intellectual, sweetness of temper as much as the sanity of outlook. Into the art of living, the cultured man carries a certain grace, a certain refinement, a certain distinction which redeems him from the sterile futility of aimless struggle. Culture is not a pose of intellect or a code of convention, but an attitude of life which finds nothing human, alien, common or unclean. An education that brings up a young man in entire indifference to the misery and poverty surrounding him, to the general stringency of life, to the dumb pangs of tortured bodies and the lives submerged in the shadows, is essentially a failure. If we do not realize the solidarity of the human community, nor have human relations with those whom the world passes by as the lowly and the lost, we are not cultured.

1. Which of the following statements best expresses the theme of the passage?

 (a) Culture lends grace and sanity to man.

(b) Culture and education are complementary to each other.

(c) Liberal education makes man cultured.

 (d) Education brings man closer to life.

2. According to the writer, the function of liberal education is to

 (a) change the outlook of a person

 (b) increase intellectual powers

(c) improve a person morally

(d) develop sensitivity to human dignity

3. Consider the following :

 1. Brotherhood of man

 2. Understanding pain and suffering

3. Better human relations

4. Sweetness of temper

Which of the above expressions describes proper education?

(a) 1 and 3                   (b) 2 and 4

 (c) 2,3 and 4               (d) All the four

4. Culture redeems a person from the sterile futility of aimless struggle because

(a) it makes a man learned.

 (b) it makes a man more intelligent.

(c) it brings about a better understanding of life.

 (d) it prepares man for the struggle.

5. Education is sometimes a failure. Which one of the following is the most likely reason for this?

 (a) It improves the intellect only.

(b) It does not prepare a man for the struggle.

(c) It does not make man refined.

(d) It carries a man away from life around him.


1. (a)

2. (d)

 3. (d)

4. (c)

5. (d)

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