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Unit 3- Democratic Politics – II (Political Science)

Chapter 1- Power Sharing
Chapter 2- Federalism
Chapter 3- Democracy and Diversity
Chapter 4- Gender, Religion and Caste
Chapter 5- Popular Struggles and Movements (Only for Project Not for theory)
Chapter 6- Political Parties
Chapter 7- Outcomes of Democracy

Complete Course Structure (All the Chapters have to be studied)

After reading the following chapters you need to observe the following points-

1 & 2- Power Sharing and Federalism

Why and how the power is shared in democracies?

How has the federal division of power in India helped in National Unity?

To what extent has decentralisation achieved its objectives?

How does democracy accommodate different social groups?

3 & 4- Democracy and Diversity & Gender, Religion and Caste

Are divisions inherent to the working of democracy?

What has been the effect of caste on politics and of politics on caste?

How has the gender division shaped politics?

How do communal divisions affect democracy?

5- Popular Struggles and Movements

Note- This chapter is to be done as project work only and will not be considered for theory.

6- Political Parties

What roles do Political parties play in the competition?

Which are the Major National and Regional Political Parties in India?

7- Outcomes of Democracy

Should Democracy be judged by its outcomes?

What outcomes can be reasonably expected of democracies?

Does Democracy in India meet these expectations?

Has Democracy led to the development Security and dignity for the people?

What Sustains democracy in India?

Unit 1- India and the Contemporary World – II (History)

Unit 2- Contemporary India – II (Geography)

Unit 4- Understanding Economic Development (Economics)