
A debate is a formal contest of argumentation in which two opposing teams de-fend and attack a given proposition. It is a persuasive manner of speaking with the aim of converting the view of another person, or an audience, to your own point of view. In this speech, the speaker speaks either for or against the issue being discussed.

Debate Writing Format

Points to remember

Some Sample and Examples of Best Debate Writing Topic. Go through these debate writing examples and gain knowledge- 

1.Best Debate Writing Topic: Animal Performance Should Be Banned In Circus
2.Best Debate Writing Topic: We are Producing more and more rubbish
3.Best Debate Writing Topic: The Age of Information Technology
4.Best Debate Writing Topic: Eve-teasing
5.Best Debate Writing Topic: “Is City life better than living in a Village”
6.Best Debate Writing Topic: Punishment Is Necessary For Every Wrong Act
7.Best Debate Writing Topic: Democratic Countries
8.Best Debate Writing Topic: Computer Are Being Used More
9.Best Debate Writing Topic: “Dowry is undoubtedly a social evil “