2. Article Writing with Format on : Social Networking: Pros and Cons

By | July 24, 2020
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This passage is all about social networking :pros and cons. It can be a debate topic  also on social networking :pros and cons. The following passage can useful to prepare a social networking report.We are giving social networking essay, defination  including social networking meaning. To know more about social networking advantages and disadvantages, social networking benefits, social networking good or bad go through this passage.

Social Networking: Pros and Cons

Social networking has emerged as a very vibrant and vivacious forum to connect with people. It has indeed shrunken the globe and brought the world closer.

 The arrival of social networking websites and applications like Facebook and whatsApp has heralded a revolution in the world. It has made it easy to connect with people in different parts of the world at minimum cost. Social networks have provided us with the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally and let them know about our life and at the same time, be informed about their life. Sharing of pictures, videos, etc is just a click away on social media. Due to this feature, it has assumed a different dimension altogether. It has now become a medium of mass reach.

The importance of social networking can be realised from the fact that today in the words of Denis Waitley “If you are not networking, you are not working”.

With social media around, we can now communicate our thoughts over different topics with a large number of audiences and raise our voice. Similarly, the option to link with like minded people and share any news related to common interest has also enabled social media to be used as an advertising platform. For example, the national elections of 2,014 saw the political candidates communicate with the voters through social media.

 Thus, undoubtedly social networking has permeated deep into our routine and emerged as a crucial part of our daily life. However, it does come with some unfavourable consequences. Many studies have shown that the extensive use of social media can actually cause addiction to users. Throughout the day, they get this urge to post new pictures, updates, etc on their accounts and check others’ posts. Besides, excessive use, social media has reduced the degree of human interaction. Because of social media, interaction or connecting with other people has become effortless and people have isolated their lives behind their online identities.

Face to face communications or meetings have considerably lessened and the interest to be under one roof has evaporated. At the same time, excess use of social media diminishes productivity both at work and studies and makes people inactive. When people are hooked to social networking sites, they find sitting with their phones and laptops a better option than indulging in any physical activity. Thus, it also promotes an unhealthy lifestyle.

Hence, we can say that like a coin, social networking too, has two sides. When used productively, it can be a tool of immense help but its limitless use can act as a silent enemy. Thus, we as users have to learn to balance and not allow ourselves to become slaves of this technology.

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