Idioms Dictionary With Meaning and Sentences Part 8

By | July 1, 2021
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1. To put the cart before the horse

Meaning:-to do first what ought to be done afterwards; to reverse the proper order of things

Use:-By taking the last step first, he tried to put the cart before the horse.

2. To fight like cats and dogs

Meaning:-to be always quarrelling and fighting

Use:-Guru and his wife always fight like cats and dogs.

3. To catch one’s eye

Meaning:-to attract attention

Use:-She caught everyone’s eye at the function.

4. To take the chair

Meaning:-to preside at a meeting

Use:-Mohan took the chair at the meeting of the working committee.

5. To ring the changes

Meaning:-to he continually making alterations and trying new methods

Use:-He never follows old methods and is always ringing the changes.

6. Catch at a straw

Meaning: –a help in dire need

Use:- A drowning man catches at a straw.

7. Chicken-hearted

Meaning:-weak, timid, cowardly

Use:- He appears to be very brave but in fact, he is a chicken-hearted fellow.

8. A chip of the old block

Meaning: –a son resembling his father in the face, disposition, habits etc

Use:-He resembles his father in appearance and actions; he is a chip off the old block

9. Close-fisted

Meaning:-mean, miserly

Use:-Don’t expect any charity from him as he is a close-fisted man.

10. To carry coals to Newcastle

Meaning:-to do anything superfluous or unnecessary

Use:-Newcastle, a great coal port in England. By teaching business tips to that great businessman, you are trying to carry coal to Newcastle.

11. To haul over the coals

Meaning:-to scold severely; to reprimand

Use:-If you make a noise, your teacher will haul you over the coals.

12. Cut your coat according to your cloth

Meaning:-Live within your means make what you possess serve your need)

Use:-If you don’t cut your coat according to your cloth, you will repent.

13. To be cock-sure

Meaning:-to be absolutely certain; extremely self-reliant

Use:-He is cock-sure of getting the First division.

14. Off colour

Meaning:-not in the usual form

Use:-He is off colour and does not appear cheerful.

15. To come off flying colours

Meaning:-to succeed brilliantly

Use:-He came off with flying colours in the final examination.

16. An admirable Crichton

Meaning: –a very talented person

Use:- An admirable Crichton is successful in life.

17. Crocodile tears

Meaning:-hypocritical tears

Use:- He shed crocodile’s tears at his uncle’s death.

18. By hook or crook

Meaning:-by fair means or foul

Use:- He wants to succeed in life by hook or crook

19. As the crow flies

Meaning:-in a direct line, the shortest distance between two points

Use:- For reaching the post office, turn left and then go as the crow flies.

20. To take up the cudgels

Meaning:-to champion or fight for someone

Use:- He has taken up the cudgels against his corrupt officer.

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