Idioms Dictionary With Meaning and Sentences Part 22

By | July 1, 2021


1.A chip of the old block

Meaning: –a son resembling his father in the face, disposition, habits etc

Use:-He resembles his father in appearance and actions; he is a chip of the old block.

2. Chock full

Meaning: –full to overflowing

Use:-The drains of the city are chock full.

3. Hobson’s choice

Meaning: –no alternative; take what you are offered or none at all

Use:- Girls these days are not given Hobson’s choke at the time of their marriage.

4. To pick and choose

Meaning: –to make a careful selection

Use:-It is not easy to pick and choose a wife.

5. A Cicerone

Meaning: –a guide who takes strangers and tourists over a country and explains to them all the curiosities and features of the place

Use: –A Cicerone enlighted us about the importance of the ancient monument.

6. Cimmerian darkness

Meaning: –profound darkness

Use:-There was Cimmerian darkness in the room.

7. To square the circle

Meaning: –to attempt something impossible

Use:-By trying to reform Harbhajan, you are trying to square the circle.

8. Close-fisted

Meaning: –mean, miserly

Use:-Don’t expect any charity from him as he is a close-fisted man.

9. Every cloud has a silver lining

Meaning: –Adverse conditions do not last forever; brighter days are usually in store

Use:-Don’t lose heart in your adversity as every cloud has a silver lining.

10. To have one’s head in the clouds

Meaning: –to live in dreamland; to have fanciful ideas

Use:-He is not a practical man; he has his head in the clouds.

11. To live in clover; to be in clover

Meaning: –to be living in great luxury

Use:-all the film stars live in clover he is the son of a millionaire and lives in clover.

12. To carry coals to Newcastle

Meaning: –to do anything superfluous or unnecessary

Use:-Newcastle, a great coal port in England. By teaching business tips to that great businessman, you are trying to carry coal to Newcastle.

13. To haul over the coals

Meaning: –to scold severely; to reprimand

Use:-If you make a noise, your teacher will haul you over the coals.

14. To heap coals of fire

Meaning: –to return good for evil

Use: –A saint has no ill will; he heaps coals of fire.

15. The coast is clear

Meaning: –the danger is past; there is no sign of interference

Use:-Don’t be afraid. Everybody is asleep and the coast is clear.

16. Cut your coat according to your cloth

Meaning: –Live within your income; make what you possess serve your needs

Use:-If you don’t cut your coat according to your cloth, you will repent.

17. A cock and bull story

Meaning: –a foolishly incredible story

Use:-Nobody will believe your cock and bull story of having seen a ghost.

18. To be cock-sure

Meaning: –to be absolutely certain; extremely self-reliant

Use:-He is cock-sure of getting first division.

19. To throw cold water upon anything

Meaning: –to discourage effort

Use:-His treachery threw cold water upon my plans.

20. To give the cold shoulder

Meaning: –to rebuff to treat with indifference

Use:-He went to meet his friend with great hope but was given a cold shoulder by him.

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