Idioms Dictionary With Meaning and Sentences Part 13

By | July 1, 2021
Learn Idioms in English


1. To look down upon

Meaning: – to spurn; despise, or think someone inferior

Use:-Many rich persons look down upon the poor.

2. Make out

Meaning: – Understand

Use:- I cannot make out the meaning of this sentence.

3. To make one’s marks

Meaning: – to distinguish oneself succeed brilliantly

Use:- He has made his marks in commerce.

4. By all means

Meaning: – Certainly

Use:- help you by all means.

5. By any means

Meaning: – in any way possible

Use:-He is determined to win elections by any means.

6. By no means

Meaning: – on no account whatever

Use:- By no means will I take bribes.

7. To lead by the nose

Meaning: – to lead blindly

Use:-He was led by the nose by his uncle.

8. To turn up one’s nose

Meaning: – to express contempt

Use:-The rich people turn up their noses to the poor.

9. To put in a nutshell

Meaning: – to express invert concise terms; to say in a few words

Use:-To put it in a nutshell, Man jot is innocent.

10. To come to pass

Meaning: – to happen

Use:- It came to pass that the shop had just closed down.

11. To pass on

Meaning: – to proceed

Use:-Please pass on your debate.

12. To pave the way

Meaning: – to facilitate

Use:-Your help will pave the way of my success.

13. To cast pearls before swine

Meaning: – to bestow good things upon people who cannot appreciate them

Use:-By gifting him a fine painting, he cast pearls before swine.

14. Petticoat government

Meaning: – to be under the rule of a female, especially a wife or a mother

Use:-There is a petticoat government in Sri Lanka.

15. Pin money

Meaning: – originally a husband’s allowances to his wife for the dress, toilet necessaries, etc. Now a negligible amount

Use:- I cannot carry on this work with pin money.

16. To plough the sands

Meaning: – to labour uselessly

Use:-Trying to get this job is like ploughing the sands.

17. To pull to pieces

Meaning: – to criticize

Use:-The Chief Minister was pulled to pieces for the shortage of electricity.

18. To pull through

Meaning: – to pass an examination

Use:-He pulled through the B.A. Iain exam.

19. An empty purse

Meaning: – Poverty

Use:-An empty purse is a curse these days.

20. Red letter day

Meaning: – a memorable day

Use:-Fifteenth August 1947 was a red letter day for India.

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