Reach for the Top Part-I- Extract Based comprehension test Questions

By | April 4, 2022
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By- Santosh Yadav


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines each.


“From the very beginning I was quite determined that if I chose a correct and a rational path, the others around me had to change, not me.”

1. Who speaks these words?

Santosh Yadav, the great mountaineer from Haryana, speaks these words.

2. What was the speaker’s approach to making choices?

 Santosh Yadav’s approach was to choose the correct and rational path.

3. How was the speaker able to change those around her?

 Santosh Yadav was able to change those around her by making them yield to her firm decision which deviated from the traditional path but was based on logic and rationale.

4. What light do these words throw on the speaker?

These words show that right from her childhood, Santosh wished to change the system for the sake of the right cause rather than to submit to it.


So, she decided to fight the system in her own quiet way when the right moment arrived. And the right moment came when she turned sixteen.

1. Who is ‘she’ in this extract and which system did she decide to fight?

Here ‘she’ is Santosh Yadav, the celebrated Indian mountaineer who scaled Mount Everest twice. She decided to fight the system of old and stifling traditions which obstructed the progress of a person.

2. How and why did she decide to fight the system?

 Santosh Yadav decided to fight the system in her quiet but firm way because she did not want to humiliate or insult those who supported the traditions that obstructed the path to progress.

3. What was ‘the right moment’? What did ‘she’ do at this moment?

 The right moment was when she turned sixteen and was under pressure from her parents to get married like other girls in her village. Santosh Yadav did not wish to get married at such a young age, so she threatened her parents that she would never marry if she was denied proper education.

4. What did she do next?

 The next thing Santosh Yadav did was to leave home and get herself enrolled in a school in Delhi.


When her parents refused to pay for her education, she politely informed them of her plans to earn money by working part-time to pay her school fees.

1. Who does ‘she’ refer to?

She refers to Santosh Yadav, the famous mountain climber.

2. Why did her parents refuse to pay for her education?

Her parents refused to pay for her education because Santosh did not follow the family tradition of getting married early and got herself enrolled in a school in Delhi against their wishes. They thought that their refusal to pay for her education would bring their daughter back home.

3. How did she react to her parents’ decision?

Santosh refused to give up her studies and told her parents that she would manage to pay her school expenses by working part-time.

4. Why did she inform her parents ‘politely’?

She talked to her parents politely but firmly because she loved them and did not intend to insult them. At the same time, she also knew that the path chosen by her was not irrational or incorrect.


 I had to write a letter of apology to my father without whose permission I had got myself enrolled at Uttarkashi.

1. Who is the speaker here? Why did she have to write a letter of apology to her father?

Santosh Yadav is the speaker here and she had to write a letter of apology to her father because she had got herself enrolled for a mountaineering course without seeking his permission. To top it, she did not have time to visit her parents as her course started immediately after her semester exams.

2. Where had she enrolled herself and why?

She had enrolled herself at the Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering in order to get proper training to pursue her interest in mountain climbing.

3. Why didn’t she seek her father’s permission before getting enrolled?

 Santosh knew that her father would not allow her to pursue a career in mountaineering, so she decided to let her parents know about it after having joined the institute.

4. What light does this extract reflect on the speaker’s character?

 The extract shows that Santosh was adamant and determined to live life according to her choices. She did not mean to insult her parents in any way but at the same time did not wish to forego her dreams and ambition.


If her climbing skills, physical fitness, and mental strength impressed her seniors, her concern for others and desire to work together with them found her a special place in the hearts of fellow climbers.\

1. Whose qualities are being described here?

 The qualities of Santosh Yadav, the great Indian mountaineer are being described here.

2. Why were her seniors impressed with her?

 Her seniors were impressed with her because of her climbing skills, physical fitness, and mental strength.

3. What endeared her to her fellow climbers?

Her team-spirit and her concern for her fellow climbers endeared her to them.

4. Give an example of her concern for others.

 Santosh Yadav tried her best to save the lives of two fellow climbers. She succeeded in saving the life of one, Mohan Singh, by sharing her oxygen with him.

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