200. RTE Full-Form | What is Right to Education (RTE)

By | January 15, 2020

Everyone should know full forms of words related to everyone. This page provides best full form and tells what is the full form of RTE. So your search for   RTE full form is over. Page is dedicated to a basic full form. Go through and get meaning of RTE

RTE Full Form in education, what does RTE stand for?

RTE Full form various possible RTE related full forms, Abbreviation, acronym, short form list and what does RTE means, given below. Let’s see and clear doubts. RTE stands form Right to Education. This act has RTE Full-Form | What is Right to Education (RTE)a responsibility to provide children’s to free and compulsory basic education for individuals who have not completed primary education from the school and college levels. RTE encompasses the obligations of the students to avoid discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum standards of education and to improve the quality of education. Right to education Act describes free and compulsory education for children between 6 and 14 in India under Article 21A of the Indian Constitution. 

RTE related Full Forms

RTERich Text Editor (Software)

RTERun-Time Environment (Java)

RTERemote Terminal Emulator (Computing)

RTERun Time Error (Computing-Assembly)

RTEReal Time Engine (Computing)

RTEReal Time Economy (Governmental)

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