139. T & C Full-Form | What is Terms and Conditions (T & C)

By | January 15, 2020
T & C Full-Form | What is Terms and Conditions (T & C)

Everyone should know full forms of words related to everyone. This page provides best full form and tells what is the full form of T & C. So your search for T & C full form is over. Page is dedicated to a basic full form. Go through and get meaning of T & C

T&C Full-Form & Meaning of T&C (T & C)

Basically, this word (T&C) we found on websites on the footer (mostly). This article is showing the information on T&C Full-Form or Meaning of T&C.

T & C Full-Form | What is Terms and Conditions (T & C)

T&C or T and C stand for Terms and Conditions.

It is a mandatory page found on websites. However, it is not only for a website rather it could be for mobile app, any service like bus travelling, education etc. Every company! The organization has its own terms and conditions which is called T&C normally.

For ex. Cookies — If you are visiting any website so you must have to be agreed for the cookies which come in T&C.

In simple words — It may refer or related to rules, standards or some communication which you need to agree to use the service provided by the organization its company, etc where you have reached.

Time and Cost is another T&C Full-Form.

Training and certification, generally we use these two words when we talk about education.

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