English sample / Model paper Solution Set 1- 2020

By | July 23, 2021
English sample / Model paper Solution Set 1- 2020

Solution Set 1- 2020


Q.1. 1.(a) He was five years old.

(b) The reason for his anguish and disgust was that he had been forced to learn to read and write.

(c) The phrase is ‘a delightful acquaintance’.

(d) A tiny creature with magical powers.

2.(a) the water was shallow and transparent

(b) on gazing at numerous tiny fish in the river

3.(a) placid

(b) akimbo

Q.2. 1.(a) had become a confirmed topper

(b) committing suicide

(c) that he became morose and cynic

(d) totally negative and it was viewed as incoherent, coarse, wild and ear-splitting

2.(a) It resulted in his creating very loud sounds in his musical compositions.

(b) He was a misanthrope.

 3.(a) prodigy

(b) misanthrope

Q.3. 76- Majestic apartments

Worli Road, Saket

New Delhi

6Th April 2014

Senior Health Officer

 MCD. Delhi

Sub: Complaint against insanitary conditions in our locality

Dear Sir.

I want to draw your kind attention to the sad sanitary conditions of my locality. I am a resident of Saket. The sweepers have not visited the locality for the last several days. The dirty water of drains is overflowing. This gives out a foul smell. I am afraid; an epidemic may soon break out. If possible please pay a personal visit to the locality and help us in this matter and bring out the residents from hell.

 Thanking you,

 Yours faithfully

 Anoop Ahuja


Ans. Books—Our Best Companions                                                                                                          


Man is a social animal. He can’t live in isolation. Our human friends, relatives and companions can prove unreliable and treacherous. They can harm our interests. However, books are our real companions, friends and guides. They enrich humanity. They are a storehouse of knowledge. They have educative as well as informative value and importance. Let us live in the company of books. They will never betray or deceive us. We can look towards them for guidance, learning and entertainment. Shakespeare’s dramas have a universal appeal. Homer, Balmiki and Ved Vyas have given us immortal works. ‘The Ramayana’ and ‘The Mahabharat’ are read by millions of people. Keats’ poems are things of beauty that give us joy forever. Tagore’s `Gitanjali’ transports us to a highly spiritual and philosophical world. Prem Chand’s ‘Goclan’ unfolds rustic life and its problems.

Books are our best companions. If you are alone, you can take up a book of your choice and taste it and very soon you become a part of it. Books on travels and adventures are not informative but also quite exciting. The biographies of great men like Lincoln and Gandhi can be a source of inspiration. It is never too late to enter the world of books. The sooner you enter, the better it is.

Q.4 )-                                                   My Success Story

I come from a very humble family background. My father was a labourer who toiled in the fields all day.  My mother worked at home, making papads and selling them to the women of the village. I was the eldest of six siblings. My mother wanted me to study and achieve something in life. I too dreamt of becoming an IAS officer.  The path to this achievement was very difficult as our village did not have a high school. My parents sent me to the nearby town to study. I went to school during the day and worked as a porter at the railway station at night. I felt quite lucky to have a chance of witnessing a real struggle which inspired me. There was no one who would guide me, but I was determined to fulfil my dream. In spite of the difficulties, I did not give up. I scaled the walls of success one after the other and finally reached the summit that I had set for myself. Today I am a collector of my district and my family is very proud of me. I am not ashamed of my humble beginning as the long struggle paved the way for my success. Though the struggle to achieve the IAS title was difficult, ultimately I won it as I was determined to achieve my goal.

Q.5 )  (b) through    

1.2 (c) move through      

1.3 (a) As    

1.4 (c) produce

Q.6 )    Incorrect Word            Correct Word                                               

(a) among                        between

(b) playing                       played

(c) are                              our

(d) since                           from

Q.7 ) (a) Vidyasagar was a very generous and charitable man.

(b) From his earliest year she helped the poor and the needy to the utmost of his power.

(c) If one of his school- fellows fell ill he would nurse him and sit by his bed.

(d) When he grew rich hundreds of poor widows and orphans were supported by him.

Q.8 ) . (a) A downpour or a shower.

(b) Lencho waited for the rain.

(c) The rain-clouds were to come from that direction.

(d) The river and the field of ripe corn dotted with the flowers promised a good harvest.


(a) When the door was opened, Tricky went out of it.

(b) They rolled him over, inspected him and then moved off.

(c) Mrs Humphrey.

(d) The dogs moved off down the garden.

Q.9) a . Had Singh decided to come back to Anil because he felt that when Anil would come to know about the theft, he would feel sad, not for the loss of money but for the loss of trust. He did not want to lose his trust.

b. It was difficult to rob Anil because he was the most trusting person Hari Singh ha ever met. According to Hari Singh, it’s easy to rob a greedy man because he can afford to be robbed but it’s difficult to rob a careless man because he doesn’t even notice that he’s been robbed and that takes all the pleasure out of the work.

c. Her father was the most adorable father, she loved him very much. She also loved her grandmother and often thought of her with reverence after her death. She was deeply attached to her teacher, Mrs Kuperus and was in tears when she left her. Anne did not have a good impression of Mr Keesing, her maths teacher and often called him ‘old fogey’.

d. No doubt the ball is an easily available and inexpensive item but the ball, the boy has lost is valuable for him. His memories of young days are associated with it for he had been playing with it for a long time. It was not an ordinary but special a ball for him. No other ball could take its place. So, he is sad to lose it.

e.The second rhyme was about the cat and the fiddle, wherein the cow jumped over the moon, the dog laughed to see it and the dish ran away with the spoon. Think-Tank misinterpreted it. He thought that Earthlings had taught their domesticated animals’ musical culture and Space Techniques. They might be launching an interplanetary attack on millions of cows!

10. Martians invaded the earth and reached in a library. Think-Tank was their boss. He was very proud of his wisdom, as he was having a big balloon like head. He thought that he was the wisest person on Mars. Nobody could disobey him, or even dare to speak against him. He claimed that he had a quick mind. He had no respect for anyone and regarded other views as trifling. He was also fickle-minded.

 He misinterpreted the rhymes in a complete verbal manner. The rhyme mistress Mar made him ponder over the discovery of the earth. From the poem diddle-diddle he was more alarmed and from the poem Humpty-Dumpty, he was so frightened that he decided to leave his kingdom and run away to Alpha Centauri. Thus his great wisdom was defeated and had a great fall.


Most of the children feel that they are controlled and instructed not to do one thing or the other by their parents. So, the child or the girl yearns for freedom, to live her life peacefully, in her own way. Nobody should give her any instructions and tell her what to do and what not to?

Amanda also thinks so. She is fed up getting instructions and being nagged by her mother. She wants to escape all this. She is a moody, imaginative girl who loves fantasy and wants to live in her world of imagination.

11. Bholi was the fourth daughter of Ramie!. She got her brain damaged when she was only ten months old. At the age of two, she had an attack of smallpox which left permanent pockmarks on her body. She stammered while speaking. Thus she was a neglected child in her family. Nobody took care of her. Nobody loved her. Nobody had any expectation from her. Her parents called her a dumb cow and treated her so. The old dresses of her sister were passed on to her. No one cared to mend or wash her clothes. New clothes had never been made for Bholi. No one oiled her hairs or tried to teach her anything. Luckily she was sent to school and her teacher changed her life entirely. Now she was a learned girl. When her parents decided to marry her with Bishamber a fifty years old lame, greedy person, she did not speak a word and agreed to it silently for the sake of her parents. She did not even protest. Later on, when Bishamber insulted her parents and demanded 5000 rupees, she refused to marry him and declared that she will never marry anyone and will always serve her parents in their old age. Thus in spite of being a neglected child, Bholi acted like all daughters in Indian societies.


A baker had an important place in the village life of Goa. Marriage gifts were meaningless without bol or sweet bread, cakes and bolinhas at Christmas and other festivals. In old days the bakers used to wear a peculiar dress — kabai – a single piece long frock reaching down the knees. Later they started wearing a shirt and trousers which were longer than the shorts and shorter than the full-length pants. They used to be prosperous. They, their family and servants never starved. Their plump physique was a testimony of their prosperity and good income. The baker used to be a good friend, companion and guide for the author. He would come twice a day and then, the children of the house would crowd around his basket to choose the bread-bangles. Even today, baking and bakers are famous in Goa. They still use the traditional furnaces to bake bread and cakes. These bakers are known as paders in Goa.