117. Reading Skills Comprehension: The Great Wall of China (500 Words Subjective Solved)

By | October 5, 2021
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The Great Wall of China

1. The Great Wall of China is said to be one structure built by man on earth which would be visible to observers on the moon. It covers a distance of 1,500 miles as the crow flies. From the Liaotung Peninsula westward to the last fortress in Central Asia, it crosses the northern province of China.

2 In the eastern section its height varies from 15 to 30 feet, and its width from about 25 feet at the bottom to 15 feet at the top, where there is a pathway wide enough for six horse-men to ride side by side protected by parapets. When the wall was first built it had about 25,000 towers each 40 feet square and 40 feet high projecting from it every few hundred yards, with holes from which the defenders could shoot at attackers. There are also many watch-towers on the enemy side, outside the wall on hilltops or passes. These and the towers of the wall were used for signalling with smoke or flags by day and with fire by night.

3 The great Emperor Shih Huang Ti joined three earlier frontier walls to form a great wall to act as a boundary between China and the north and keep out the feared nomads of the Mongolian Steppes. The wall was designed to strengthen the nation’s defences. Later it became in Ming times, a substitute for a strong army and state.

4 Construction was started in about 221 B.C. and the structure was practically complete when Shih Huang Ti died in 210 B.C. The man who did most in carrying out the Emperor’s plans was general  Meng Tien, who in 221 B.C. led an expedition Against the Tartars and drove them back from the Yellow River’ into the steppes, and set his men to work on building the wall. They were later joined by thousands of convicts. Year in year out in icy winds and snowstorms in winter, and in dust storms in summer, the work went on, and so many men died that the Wall was sometimes called the longest cemetery in the world. The core of the Wall is earth and stone, faced with brick, and set in a stone foundation. In hilly places the design was altered: two parallel ditches were dug out of the rock, 25 feet apart and great blocks of stone were laid in the trenches to a height of several feet. Along each side of these stones, baked bricks about two feet long were laid at right angles to the face of the Wall, joined together with a white mortar so hard that no nail could be driven into it.

 5 Emperor Wu Ti (140-86 B.C. ) resumed work on the Wall and extended it to its greatest length. The Emperors of the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644) carried out more work on the Wall repairing its whole length and establishing new walls west of the Yellow River. The Wall which now exists nearly all dates from the Ming Dynasty, but many of the foundations are nearly 2,000 years old.


1.as the crow flies as a straight line 2. Peninsula—an area of land almost surrounded by water or projecting far into the sea. 3. Fortress–castle or large fort town strengthened against attack. 4. Parapet—low protective wall along the edge of a root; bridge etc. 5. Pass—route through a gap in a row of mountains. 6.nomads–tribes that wander from place to place looking for pastures for their animals and having no fixed home. 7. Steppe—flat grassy plain with few trees. Mongolia is in the heart of East Asia. 8. Ming—ruling dynasty in China from 1368 to 1644. 9. Expedition—journey with a particular aim. 10. Tartars—nomads from Central Asia. 11. Yellow River—also known as the Hoong River, the second largest river in China 12. Year In year out-every year without exception. 13. Cemetery—an area of land used for burying the dead. 14. Core—central or inner path.


(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4). Use a format you consider suitable. Supply a suitable title to it.

(b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 80 words.


(a) Notes on the contents of the Passage :

A. The Great Wall of China :

(i) goes across the northern province of China.

(ii) from the Liaotung Peninsula to the last fortress in Central Asia.

 (iii) covers a distance of 1,500 miles as the crow flies.

(iv) height 15-30 ft. : width 25 ft. at the bottom and 15 ft. at the top.

 (v) when first built, 25000 towers at every few hundred yards many watch-towers on the enemy side (outside the wall) for sending signals.

B. Construction :

(i) Started about 221 B.C. by Emp. Shih Huang Ti.

(ii) Practically completed by 210 B.C. when the Emperor died.

(iii) The Emp.’s plans were carried out by his general Meng Tien.

(iv) Work continued year in year out in all seasons and weathers.

(v) So many men died at work that the Wall was sometimes called the longest cemetery in the world.

(i) Work resumed by Emp. Wu Ti (140.86 B.C.) — the length of the wall extended.

(ii) Work carried on by the Emps. of the Ming Dynasty (AD. 1368-1644) — old wall repaired, new Wall established.

(iii) The present-day wall almost all dates from the Ming Dynasty.

(b) Summary of the Passage :

The Great Wall of China was first built by Emperor Shih Huang Ti in the years 221-210 B.C.The work was resumed by Emperor Wu Ti (140-86 B.C.) and then later on given its present-day shape by the emperors of the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1386-1644). The Wall covers a distance of 1.500 miles as the crow flies and goes across the northern province of China. It is 15-30 ft. in height and the width is 25 ft at the bottom and 15 ft. at the top. It is said to be one structure built by men on earth which would be visible to observers on the moon.

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