Expansion of idea All’s well that ends well.The following page provides best proverbs for students and these are the proverbs with explanation in pdf. Read proverbs for kids. English language study requires proverbs in English for students with meanings so we areproviding a list of proverbs for children. These proverbs quotes shall prove to be very useful and you may think it to be book of proverbs. Read these thoughts and their meanings. Best part is proverb expansion which can be said thoughts with their meanings. Read these famous proverbs in English and make them proverbs for life. These proverb examples are going to suit every age group because these include inspirational proverbs which everyone requires. Let’s dive into thought for the day with short explanation-
Proverb 34
All’s well that ends well –
If a situation has a satisfactory or happy ending, it does not matter what difficulties or problems occurred before that:
Use of the Proverb All’s well that ends well in sentences-
♦ When Lucy first arrived here, she was very homesick for her own county, but now she loves her life here; all’s well that ends well.
♦ We’ve had a really horrible journey, but we’re safely home now; all’s well that ends well.
♦All’s well that ends well; the parcel was delayed in the post, and we thought it had gone missing, but it has just arrived.
Additional Help Regarding All’s well that ends well
This is the title of a play by Shakespeare, but the play is not the origin of the saying. It was in common use long before the play and in modern times has become a cliché.