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Essay on Fundamental Duties of India – 100 Words

The Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens are moral obligations towards the country. They were added to the Constitution in 1976 to promote unity, integrity, and harmony. Our rights come with responsibilities towards our nation. These duties include respecting national symbols, protecting public property, upholding the dignity of women and marginalized communities, safeguarding natural resources and wildlife, striving for excellence, and contributing to society through acts of charity or community service.
Fulfilling these duties every day can strengthen our democracy and provide equal opportunities for growth. We should learn and practice these values from a young age to make them part of our character. Upholding these responsibilities can make us more aware individuals who create a better future for ourselves and future generations.

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Fundamental Duties of India
Essay on Fundamental Duties of India | Short & Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words 5

Essay on Fundamental Duties for Classes 5 and 6 – 150 words

Fundamental Duties are the moral duties that every Indian citizen must fulfil, as per the Constitution. These duties promote a sense of patriotism and social awareness among citizens. All citizens are expected to follow these duties not only because they are legally bound but also because it is their moral obligation towards their nation.
These duties include respecting national symbols, promoting harmony between different communities, protecting public property, safeguarding natural resources and wildlife, preserving cultural heritage, upholding constitutional values, and contributing towards the betterment of society.
By fulfilling these fundamental duties, citizens can actively participate in nation-building and contribute to creating a better society for all. It is important to understand that fulfilling our responsibilities as good citizens will not only benefit us but also contribute to creating a better society at large.
Similarly, we need to protect the environment from pollution and destruction and preserve our rich cultural heritage. By doing so, we can ensure sustainable development for future generations and promote a more harmonious and peaceful environment around us.

What are Fundamental Duties
Essay on Fundamental Duties of India | Short & Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words 6

Essay on Fundamental Duties for Classes 7 and 8 – 250 words

Fundamental duties are moral values that all Indian citizens have towards their country. They were added to the Constitution in 1976 through the 42nd Amendment Act. These duties are crucial for being a responsible citizen and contributing to society’s growth and development.
The duties include respecting national symbols, promoting harmony among citizens, protecting public property and natural resources, preserving cultural heritage, and upholding constitutional values.
By fulfilling these duties, citizens can actively participate in nation-building and ensure resources for future generations. It is important to note that despite being mandatory under the law, many citizens overlook their fundamental duties. Fulfilling these duties not only benefits individuals but also contributes to creating a better society.
Citizens also have a responsibility towards the environment by protecting it from pollution and destruction. Similarly, they need to preserve their cultural heritage by promoting traditional values while embracing modernity.
It is important to understand that these duties are not just legal obligations but also moral responsibilities. By fulfilling them sincerely and diligently we can help foster social cohesion and strengthen our democracy. It is imperative that we recognize the significance of these duties and put them into practice as they will ultimately benefit ourselves and those around us.
Every individual living in India must recognize their role as a responsible citizen and fulfil the basic values mentioned under Fundamental Duties to create a more harmonious, peaceful, and sustainable future for generations to come.

Essay on Fundamental Duties for Class 9 and 10 – 300 Words


India is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and vibrant democracy. The Constitution of India lays down the fundamental principles that govern our nation. In addition to the rights granted to citizens, it also outlines a set of Fundamental Duties that every citizen must abide by. These duties serve as reminders of our responsibilities towards society and the country at large.

What are Fundamental Duties?

Fundamental Duties are the duties that every citizen of India needs to fulfil as a responsible member of society. These duties were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act in 1976. They are inspired by moral values and aim at promoting unity, brotherhood, and communal harmony among citizens.
There are eleven Fundamental Duties that every citizen must follow without fail. These include respecting national symbols like the flag and anthem, protecting the sovereignty of India, promoting scientific temper and humanism, and safeguarding public property, among others.
Fundamental Duties have been incorporated into our constitution with the objective to create a sense of discipline amongst citizens towards their country. It is believed that these duties would develop patriotism and love for one’s country in individuals which will eventually lead to progress.

Why are Fundamental Duties important
Essay on Fundamental Duties of India | Short & Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words 7

Why were Fundamental Duties added to the Constitution of India?

Fundamental Duties were added to the Constitution of India in 1976, by the 42nd Amendment Act. The idea behind adding Fundamental Duties was to emphasise the importance of responsibilities that citizens have towards their country and society. The concept of rights and duties go hand-in-hand; therefore, it became essential to incorporate them into our constitution.
Before this amendment, there were only fundamental rights granted by the constitution but no mention of any corresponding duty. It was believed that giving rights without any obligation would make people irresponsible towards their nation. Thus, with a view to creating a balance between individual freedoms and social obligations, Fundamental Duties were included.
Fundamental Duties are an integral part of our Constitution that reminds us about our obligations as Indian citizens beyond just enjoying our fundamental rights. This help promotes national unity and development through collective responsibility while ensuring individual growth too.


To sum up, Fundamental Duties are an integral part of the Constitution of India. They were added to promote patriotism and a sense of responsibility among the citizens towards their country. It is crucial for every Indian citizen to follow these duties to maintain social harmony and uphold the dignity of our nation.
The importance of fundamental duties cannot be overstated as they serve as guiding principles that help us in achieving our national goals. As responsible citizens, it is our duty to respect the Constitution and preserve its values.

Essay on Fundamental Duties for Senior Students- 500 + Words


India is a land of many cultures with a very rich history and a vast population. As citizens of this great nation, we have certain rights and responsibilities that are enshrined in the Constitution. While most people are aware of their constitutional rights, many tend to overlook or ignore the importance of their Fundamental Duties as Indian citizens.

What are Fundamental Duties?

Fundamental Duties are a set of moral obligations that every citizen of India has to fulfil towards the nation. These duties were added to the Indian Constitution by the 42nd Amendment Act in 1976, which made it mandatory for every individual to abide by them. Unlike Fundamental Rights, these duties are not enforceable by law and do not have any legal consequences if violated.
The primary objective of these Fundamental Duties is to encourage citizens to contribute positively towards society’s welfare and national development. It aims to instil a sense of responsibility among individuals towards their community, environment, and nation as a whole.
Some essential fundamental duties include respecting the constitution, maintaining harmony amongst diverse communities, and protecting public property like historical monuments and natural resources such as forests and water bodies. Citizens also have the duty to uphold the dignity of women, promote scientific temper, protect wildlife and show compassion towards living creatures.
Fundamental duties play an integral role in building a robust democracy where citizens take pride in their country’s progress while upholding its values and ideals.

Why are Fundamental Duties important?

These duties are essential for every citizen to follow as they ensure that everyone contributes towards the growth and development of the country.
One might wonder why Fundamental Duties are crucial when we already have fundamental rights that safeguard our freedom and liberty. However, it is essential to understand that with rights come responsibilities. Just like how citizens enjoy their basic rights, they also have a responsibility towards society.
Fundamental Duties help in promoting communal harmony and national integration among citizens belonging to different religions, castes, genders etc. It helps them understand their role in maintaining peace and unity within society.
Fundamental Duties play a crucial role in ensuring social welfare and progress while fostering patriotism among Indian citizens.

What are the Fundamental Duties of Citizens in India?

The Fundamental Duties include respecting the Indian Constitution, national flag and anthem, promoting harmony and brotherhood among all people regardless of religion or caste, protecting public property and abiding by the law.
Additionally, citizens must strive to preserve India’s rich heritage and culture, promote scientific temper and spirit of inquiry, safeguard natural resources for future generations, work towards improving education standards and participate in nation-building activities such as voting during elections.
It is important for citizens to understand that these duties are not enforceable by law but serve as guiding principles towards building a stronger democracy. Every citizen is responsible for their nation’s progress which can only be achieved if they perform their Fundamental Duties with sincerity.

Fundamental Duties of Citizens in India
Essay on Fundamental Duties of India | Short & Long | 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 + Words 8

What are some criticisms of Fundamental Duties?

While Fundamental Duties have been touted as an essential aspect of citizenship and national development, some criticisms exist.
One critique is that they do not come with any form of reinforcement or punishment for non-compliance. The Constitution does not outline any penalties for failing to adhere to these duties, making them more aspirational than practical.
Another criticism is that the Fundamental Duties largely focus on individual responsibilities towards society, neglecting the government’s role in upholding citizens’ rights and fulfilling its obligations.
Critics argue that it would be better if there were a balance between fundamental duties and directive principles to ensure accountability from both citizens and governments.
Some people also believe that the inclusion of Fundamental Duties was a quick decision made by lawmakers without enough consultation with stakeholders or public opinion polls. As such, some argue that their implementation may face challenges due to a lack of understanding or support from the general populace.
While Fundamental Duties aim at promoting civic responsibility among Indian citizens and promoting national unity, criticisms around their enforceability and vagueness need addressing. A balanced approach incorporating clear guidelines for compliance can help overcome these issues while ensuring effective implementation across all sectors of society.


To sum up, Fundamental Duties serve as a reminder to citizens that along with rights come duties, and it is our responsibility to uphold them for the betterment of society. The 11 fundamental duties enlisted in the Indian Constitution remind us that we need to respect our culture, heritage and fellow citizens while also fulfilling our obligations towards the nation.
However, there have been criticisms about these duties being non-justiciable and not enforceable by law. Nonetheless, they still hold great significance as they are considered moral obligations guiding us towards positive behaviour.


1.What are the fundamental duties of students and teachers in school?
Answer –
Students and teachers alike have a responsibility to uphold the fundamental duties of the school. These include being respectful of one another, following the school rules and regulations, having the right attitude towards learning and teaching, and trying for excellence in academics. It is expected that students and teachers take part in activities that contribute to society such as community service or volunteer work. Finally, students should try to become good citizens by participating in civic activities like voting.

2.What are the basic rights and fundamental duties of an Indian citizen? How can these be learned by children in schools, colleges, etc.?
Answer –
India has preserved fundamental duties in Part IV-A of its Constitution. They were added by the 42nd Amendment in 1976 and are based on the International Covenant on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights. These duties represent various aspects of a person’s socially responsible behaviour in the form of rights. We believe that educating our children about these important duties is an essential part of their growth and development as citizens.

3.Should fundamental duties be taught in school?
Answer –
Teaching fundamental duties in schools can help create awareness among students about their responsibilities towards their country and society. It can also help instil a sense of civic responsibility in them from a young age
Additionally, including fundamental duties in the school syllabus can help students understand the importance of respecting the Constitution, the rule of law, and democratic values. It can also help them develop a better understanding of the legal system and the rights and duties of citizens.

4.If sleeping is a fundamental right according to article 21 of the Indian constitution, how can teachers at school/college deprive us of it while we sleep during class hours?
Answer –
While Article 21 of the Indian Constitution recognizes the right to life and personal liberty, including the right to sleep, it is important to note that this right is not absolute. In the context of schools and colleges, there may be rules and regulations in place that restrict or regulate the timing and duration of sleep during class hours. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure that students are attentive and engaged in the learning process during class hours. In some cases, this may require students to stay awake and alert, especially during important lectures, discussions, or activities.