Word Meaning of Weathering The Storm in Ersama

By | February 21, 2023
Word Meaning of Weathering The Storm in Ersama edumantra.net

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Word Meaning of Weathering The Storm in Ersama

 By- Harsh Mander

[PAGE 37] : Weathering = facing , सामना करना ; cyclone =a very strong wind and storm ,चक्रवात ; devastated = destroyed , नष्ट किए ; dreadful = horrible,भयानक ; marooned = stranded , भटके ; coastal = on the coast ,तटवर्ती; menacing = dangerous , खतरनाक ; fury = anger ,गुस्सा ; witnessed = seen ,देखा ; incessant = continuous ,लगातार ; ancient =old ,पुराने ।
[PAGE 38] : Crashed = broke and fell गिरा एवं टूटा , ; screams = cries,चीखें  ; rent = pierced. छेद किया ; swirled =moved in circles ,घूमना ; mortar = iron and cement,लोहा एवं सीमेंट ; survive = live ,जीवित रहना ; velocity = speed गति ; terror =  fear ,भय ; damaging = destroying,नष्ट करना ; crazed = mad , पागल ; surge = wave ,लहर ; reduced = lessened,कम होना ; refuge =shelter, आश्रय ; glimpse = scene, दृश्य ; wrought = brought ,फूली हुई ; carcasses = dead bodies of animals ,जानवरों की लाशें ;

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corpses = dead bodies, लाशें ; trapped = caught, फंस गए ; starving = dying of hunger ,भूख से मरना ; tender = soft ,नरम ; huddled = sat closely, साथ दुबक कर बैठना ; flashed = came to mind , दिमाग में आन ा; bereaved = suffering from loss of someone, किसी की मृत्यु या गम से पीड़ित; ceased =stopped, रूकना  ; recede = decrease ,कम होना ; pleaded = requested ,प्रार्थना की ; equipped = armed ,सुसज्जित ; sturdy = strong ,मजबूत ; expedition = difficult journey ,कठिन यात्रा ; swollen = increased ,बढ़ना ; locate = find out ,पता लगाना  I
[PAGE 39] : Shallow = less deep ,उथला ; waded = went through ,लाँघना ; macabre = horrifying ,भयानक ; catastrophe = great natural tragedy ,महान प्राकृतिक विपदा ; eventually = finally ,अंततः ; remnants = remaining  parts ,बचे हुए ; mangled = broken , टूटे ; twisted = bent ,मुड़े ; outstretched = spread out ,फैलाते हुए ; brimming = full of tears ,अश्रुपूर्ण ; miracle =marvel ,चमत्कार ; extended = spread ,फैली हुई ;  hugged = embraced ,आलिंगन किया ; scanned = examined , निरीक्षण किया ; motley =of different kinds, अलग –अलग प्रकार के; battered = suffering, पीड़ित; desperate = hopeless, निराश; grip = catch, hold, पकड़ना I
[PAGE 40] : Tumult = noise ,शोर ; delegation = group ,समूह दल ; triumphantly = victoriously ,जीत से  ; reluctant = slow ,धीमा ; bellies = abdomens , पेट ; volunteers= willing workers ,स्वयं सेवक, filth = dirt ,गंदगी  ; vomit = vomit ,उल्टी ; tend = take care of ,देखभाल करना ; utensils = pots ,बर्तन ; communicate = get across the message , संदेश पहुँचाना ; airdropping = dropping from air, हवा से गिरना I
[PAGES 41-42] : Orphaned = having lost parents, अनाथ; mobilized = organised, सगंठित किय ा; persuaded =made to agree, मनाया ; Initial =Preliminary ,प्रारंभिक ; stigma = social bad mark, सामाजिक कलंक ; foster = to adopt  ,अपनाना ; healed = cured ,ठीक हो गए ; seek out = search ,तलाश करना I


Headquarters—head office; Coastal—near sea; Menace—threat; Incessant—continuous; Uproot—root out; Swirl—whirls; Mortar—plaster; Devastation—destruction; Velocity—speed; Destruction—damage; Cyclone—a violent rotating windstorm; Surge—wave; Refuge—shelter for protection; Glimpse—view; Carcass—dead body; Disguise—altering one’s appearance to control one’s identity; Trap—a clever plan designed to trick; Bereaved—suffering from grief; Cease—to stop; Recede—to retreat; Situation—a state of affairs; Plead—make an emotional appeal; Equip—to provide with; Expedition—journey; Shallow—less deep; Catastrophe—a disaster; Remnant—remains; Outstretch—spread; Miracle—an extraordinary or welcome event; that is attributed to divine agency; Anxiously—eagerly; Shelter—rescue camp; Tumult—noise; Pressurise—to force; Triumphant—victor; Rot—spoiled; Reluctant—unwilling; Wound—injury; Injured—harmed, damaged or impaired; Utensils—a container, especially for household use; Communicate—to send message; Orphan—a child having no parents alive; Secure—to gain; Persuade—to convince; Organise—to arrange; Volunteer—a person working without any desire for financial gains; Resist—to protest; Stigma—blot; Resettle—to rehabilitate; Heal—to recover; Grief—hardship.

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