The Sermon at Benares
By– Betty Crenshaw
Betty Crenshaw – A Short Biography
About the Author
Betty Renstaw’s was an American writer. She was born of October. 2, 1921 in the Renstaw family. She died on April 30, 1999, at the age of 77.
Introduction of the lesson- The Sermon at Benares
gautama Buddha was born in 563 B.C. He was a philosophical fellow even in his childhood. He was sent for schooling at the age of twelve. He was married at the age of sixteen. They had a son. When he was twenty-five years old, one day when he was going for hunting he caught sight of a sick man, an aged man, a dead man’s funeral procession and a monk. He realised that this world is a home of sufferings. He left home in search of wisdom. He wandered for seven years and got enlightenment.
(गौतम बुद्ध का जन्म 563 ईoपूo में हुआ था जा रहा था । वह बचपन से ही दार्शनिक विचारों का था । बारह वर्ष की आयु में उसे में उसे शिक्षा ग्रहण करने के लिए भेजा गया । सोलह वर्ष की आयु में उसकी शादी हो गई । उनका एक बेटा था जब वह पच्चीस वर्ष का था , एक दिन जिस समय वह शिकार करने जा रहा था तो उसकी नज़र एक बीमार आदमी, एक वृद्ध आदमी, एक मृत आदमी की शव –यात्रा और भिक्षु पर पड़ी । उसने महसूस किया कि यह संसारदुखों का घर है। उसने ज्ञान की खोज में घर छोड़ दिया । यह सात साल तक भटकता रहा और ज्ञान की प्राप्ति हो गई ।)
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The Sermon at Benares- Theme of the Story
The Sermon at Benares- Short & Detailed Summary
The Sermon at Benares- Value Points
The Sermon at Benares- Summary in Hindi – Full Text
The Sermon at Benares- Passages for Comprehension
The Sermon at Benares- Multiple Choice Questions in Quiz
The Sermon at Benares- Main Characters of the Story
The Sermon at Benares- Extract Based comprehension test Questions
The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type
The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type
The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type