The Last Leaf- Introduction

By | February 22, 2023
The Last Leaf- Introduction


By 0. Henry

Introduction of the lesson- THE LAST LEAF

`The Last Leaf’ is a famous story of O. Henry. It is a sentimental story. Sue and Johnsy were two young artistic friends. They lived together. Once Johnsy fell ill. There was an ivy creeper outside the window. Its leaves were falling. Johnsy had a fancy that she would die when the last leaf on the ivy fell. She was worried.
An old painter named Behrman lived downstairs. He considered the girls like his daughters. Sue told ofJohnsy’s fancy to Bohrman. He promised to help her. That night it was snowing. The last leaf also fell. But Behanan worked all night and painted a leaf on the wall. Next morning Johnsy was surprised to see that there was still a leaf on the ivy. Her will to live returned. Soon she recovered. But old Behrman caught pneumonia and died. Thus he sacrificed his own life in order to save Johnsy.

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(‘The Last leaf’ O,Henry की एक प्रसिद्ध कहानी है । यह एक भावनात्मक कहानी है ।  स्यू और जॉन्सी दो युवा चित्रकार सहेलियाँ थीं । वे इकट्ठी रहती थीं । एक बार जॉन्सी बीमार पड़ गई । खिड़की के बाहर एक बेल थी । इसके पत्ते  गिर रहे थे । जॉन्सी को एक वहम था कि जब वेल का आखिरी पता गिर जाएगा तो वह भी मर जाएगी ।
स्यू  चिंतित थी । बैहरमैन नामक एक बूढा चित्रकार नीचे की मंजिल में रहता था । वह इन लड़कियों को अपनी बेटियों की तरह मानता था । स्यू ने बैहरमैन को जॉन्सी के वहम के बारे में बताया । उसने उसकी सहायता करने का वायदा किया । उस रात बर्फ पड़ रही थी । आखिरी पत्ता भी गिर गया । लेकिन बेहरमैन ने पूरी रात काम किया और दीवार पर एक पत्ता चित्रित कर दिया । अगली प्रात: जॉन्सी यह देखकर हैरान हो गई कि बैल पर अभी भी एक पत्ता था । उसकी जीने की इच्छा लौट आईं ।
जल्दी ही वह ठीक हो गई । मगर बूढे मैहरमैन को निमोनिया हो गया और मर गया । इस प्रकार उसने जाँन्सी का जीवन बचाने के लिए अपना जीवन कुबान कर दिया । )

Introduction (2)

Art is a valuable asset and offers hope even in the most trying situations. It has the power to heal the human spirit. “The Last Leaf” depicts the value of art as it saves a precious young life. Although the artist sacrifices his own life in the process, his masterpiece immortalizes him.

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