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The Adventures of Toto MCQ

                                                              By- Ruskin Bond

1. Who bought Toto in the story ‘The Adventures of Toto’?


(B)The author

(C)The adventurous traveler


2. From where/ whom did the grandfather buy Toto, in the story‘The Adventures of Toto’?

(A)Pet shop

(B)Car driver

(C)Tonga Driver

(D)From his owner

3. In the story ‘The Adventures of Toto’, grandfather bought Toto for

(A)3 Rupees

(B)5 Rupees

(C)8 Rupees

(D)6 Rupees

4. In the story ‘The Adventures of Toto’, Toto is a

(A)Sloth bear

(B)A duck

(C)A red monkey

(D)A dog

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5. The teeth of Toto in the story ‘The Adventures of Toto’ were

(A)Sharp and white

(B)Long and white

(C)Pearly white

(D)Small and blunt

6. The smile of Toto often frightened the life out of __________

(A)Old tonga drivers

(B)The poet

(C)The zoo authorities

(D)Elderly Anglo-Indian ladies

7. According to the author, the hands of Toto looked dried-up as though

(A)They had been kept in front of fire

(B)They had been shrieked due to cold

(C)They had been pickled in the sun

(D)They had been dried in deserts

8. What was Grandfather’s belief in the context of the tail in the story ‘The Adventures of Toto’?

(A)An intelligent monkey has a long tail

(B)Tails are of no use in humans

(C)A tail would add to anyone’s good looks

(D)A tail is an important part of the human body

9. What served as a third hand for Toto?

(A)One of his forelegs

(B)His keen attention

(C)His tail

(D)His long fingers

10. “… was capable of scooping up any delicacy that might…….”- Here ‘it’ means

(A)Toto’s hands

(B)Toto’s tail

(C)Toto’s pearly white teeth

(D)Toto’s long fingers

11. Who or what was Toto?

(A) A pretty child.

(B) pretty monkey.

(C) A little horse.

(D) A pet parrot.

12. By whom was Toto brought to the writer’s house?

 (A) The writer’s servant.

 (B) The writer’s father.

 (C) The writer’s grandfather.

 (D) The writer’s uncle

13.For how much was Toto bought?

(A) Five rupees.

 (B) Ten rupees.

 (C) Fifteen rupees.

 (D) Twenty rupees.

14. Who did Grandfather buy Toto from?

 (A) A rickshaw-puller.

 (B) A tonga-driver.

(C) A milkmaid.

 (D) A juggler.

15. What colour was Toto?

 (A) Red.

 (B) Brown.

(C) Yellow.

(D) Grey.

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16. The tonga-driver used to keep the monkey……….

  (A) tied to his tonga.

(B)Aired to a feeding trough.

(C) tied to a tree.

(D) tied to a tub.

17. Grandfather decided to add the little monkey……………

(A) his library.

(B) his museum.

(C) his theatre company.

 (D) his private zoo.

18. Toto had bright eyes that sparkled with……………

(A) joy.

(B) mischief. 

 (C) intelligence.

 (D) enthusiasm.

19. Toto’s………… often displayed a smile.

 (A) little lips.

 (B) shining eyes.

 (C)pearly teeth.

(D) red face.

20. Toto’s hands looked……….. as if they had been pickled in the sun.

(A) dried up.

(B) coiled up.

(C) screwed up.

(D) nailed up

21. Toto’s ………… added to his good looks.

 (A) face.

 (B) eyes.

 (C) teeth.

 (D) tail.

22. Grandfather believed that …………. added to anybody’s good looks.

(A) a nose.

(B) a tail.

 (C) a tall body.

 (D) a fair complexion.

23. What could Toto do with his tail?

 (A) Beat a drum.

(B) Hang from a branch.

 (C) Eat from a dish.

 (D) Put things into his mouth.

24. What would Grandmother do when Grandfather brought home some new bird or animal?

(A)She always fussed.

 (B) She felt very happy.

 (C) She would start crying.

 (D) She started playing with it.

25. Why was it decided to keep Toto’s presence a secret from Grandmother?

(A) Because she did not like monkeys.

(B) Because there was no space for it in the house.

(C) Because she always fussed when Grandfather brought home some new bird or animal.

(D) Because she had always a great fear of birds and animals.

26. What did Toto do with the writer’s school blazer?

(A)He tore it into shreds.

(B) He wore it on his back.

 (C) He threw it out of the window.

(D) He made it into his bedding.

27. How did Grandfather react when Toto tore the writer’s school blazer into shreds?

(A) He was terribly angry.

 (B) He beat the monkey with a stick.

 (c) He seemed pleased with the monkey’s performance.

 (D) He decided to give the money back to the tonga-driver.

28. Before the coming of Toto, Grandfather’s pets included……………

 (A) a tortoise and a pair of rabbits.

 (B) a tame squirrel and a pet goat.

 (C) a tortoise and a pet goat.

(D) a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel, and the writer’s pet goat.

29. Who is the writer of the story, The Adventures of Toto’?

(A) Mulk Raj Anand

(B) Ruskin Bond.

(C) R.K. Laxman.

(D) Harsh Mander.

30. Where did the writer’s Grandfather live?

 (A) In Dehradun.

(B) In Saharanpur.

 (C) In Delhi.

 (D) In Mumbai

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31. What was the treat for Toto during cold winter evenings?

(A)Warm boiled sweet corn

(B)A soft blanket

(C)Large bowl of warm water for his bath

(D)A bonfire across the stable

32. How would Toto check the temperature of warm water given for his bath?

(A)With his hand

(B)With his tail

(C)With his leg

(D)With grandfather’s help

33. From whom did Toto learn bathing in warm water?





34. Once comfortable in the warm bathing water, what would Toto do?

(A)He would scream out for Nana

(B)He would call the author

(C)He would cry out loud for Grandmother

(D)He would rub soap all over his body

35. Where would Toto dry himself after taking bath?

(A)Near the kitchen fire

(B)Under the sun across the courtyard

(C)Inside the author’s bedroom

(D)On the terrace

36. When would Toto refuse to go for a bath?

(A)After getting scolded by Grandmother

(B)If the author would refuse to take a bath

(C)If anyone would laugh at his performance of bathing and drying himself

(D)Whenever Grandfather remained out of the station.

37. How did Toto nearly succeed in boiling himself alive?

(A)In his large bowl of bathing water given by Grandmother

(B)By jumping into the kitchen gas fire

(C)By getting inside the kitchen kettle kept on the fire for boiling tea

(D)While bathing with Nana during winter

38. Who rescued Toto half boiled from inside the kitchen kettle?





39. According to the author, what part of the brain was largely developed in Toto?


(B)Part responsible for emotions

(C)Part responsible for violence

(D)Part responsible for mischief

40. According to the author, what would Toto do all the time?

(A)Sit quietly

(B)Play with nana

(C)Hop after Grandfather

(D)Tear things into pieces


2. (C)Tonga Driver
3. (B)5 Rupees
4. (C)A red monkey
5.(C)Pearly white
6. (D)Elderly Anglo-Indian ladies
7. (C)They had been pickled in the sun
8. (C)A tail would add to anyone’s good looks
9. (C)His tail
10. (B)Toto’s tail
11.(B) pretty monkey.
12.(C) The writer’s grandfather
13.(A) Five rupees
14.(B) A tonga-driver
15.(A) Red
16.(B)Aired to a feeding trough
17.(D) his private zoo
18.(B) mischief
19.(C)pearly teeth.
20.(A) dried up.
21.(D) tail
22.(B) a tail
23.(B) Hang from a branch
24.(A)She always fussed
25.(C) Because she always fussed when Grandfather brought home some new bird or animal
26.(A)He tore it into shreds
27.(c) He seemed pleased with the monkey’s performance
28.(D) a tortoise, a pair of rabbits, a tame squirrel, and the writer’s pet goat
29.(B) Ruskin Bond
30. (A) In Dehradun
31.(C)Large bowl of warm water for his bath
32. (A)With his hand
33. (B)Author
34. (D)He would rub soap all over his body
35. (A)Near the kitchen fire
36. (C)If anyone would laugh at his performance of bathing and drying himself
37. (C)By getting inside the kitchen kettle kept on the fire for boiling tea
38. (C)Grandmother
39. (D)Part responsible for the mischief
40. (D)Tear things into pieces

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