11. The process to send a registered letter.

 Ans. Go to the post office and get the sealed envelope having papers or whatever in it, weighed. The clerk tells you the value of postal stamps to be affixed on it. Buy the required stamps and paste them on the envelope, on the top right side. Write ‘Registered Letter’, on the top of the envelope. Write the address of the receiver in the centre. The address of the sender should be written on the other side of the envelopes in the corner. Hand it over to the clerk. Keep the receipt he has given you intact. Your envelope has started its onward journey.

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12. Describe the process of planting a sapling.

 Ans. Dig a pit. Put manure in the soil and mix it well.

Add a few drops of insecticide to the mixture.

Put the sapling roots into the pit and adjust the stem straight.

 Fill the pit with the soil.

 Press the earth with bare hands or with the handle of the shovel and level it.

Sprinkle water on the sapling very gently.

Water trickles down. Allow the soil to settle down.

The sapling has been planted.

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