Paragraph on My Best Friend | The Person That Makes Life Worth Living

By | November 21, 2022
Paragraph on My Best Friend

Paragraph on My Best FriendMy best friend is someone who I feel comfortable with, who is funny and smart, who makes me laugh and cry, who provides me with support when I need it. 

Paragraph on My Best Friend

An age-old saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed” still holds good. A good friend according to me should be selfless, helpful, true and sincere. Whenever there is a problem, he/she is there to help you out by giving wise advice. A good friend is not guided by specific motives. He/she works for you out of love, affection and concern for you. I would like to have a friend on whom I can rely for anything.

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Small Paragraph on My Best Friend- 100 Words

The name of my best friend is Gokul. He has been a part of my life since we were toddlers. He is someone I can always count on. We share everything together, from the good times to the hard ones. Even though we’ve gone through a lot of changes over the years, our friendship remains strong. We always know where each other stands and what to do when things get tough.
We’re there for each other through thick and thin, and that’s something we’ll never forget. He is the person I go to when I need someone to talk to, and he is always there for me. We enjoy spending time together, whether it’s going for walks or just spending time in general. Our friendship is something special, and I’m grateful for it every day.

A Paragraph on My Best Friend- 200 Words

A Paragraph on My Best Friend

I have known my best friend since we were five years old. His name is Divyansh. We have spent countless hours together playing games, going on walks, and just talking. We have been through thick and thin together – good and bad times. There is nobody else I would want by my side during life’s ups and downs.
We are so close that anything that happens to one of us feels like it happens to both of us at the same time. When one of us falls, the other is right there to help pick them up. No matter what the situation, our bond is unbreakable. There was a point in our lives where everything changed for us. My best friend started dating someone new, and it was tough for both of us to deal with the change.
But through it all, we managed to keep our friendship strong. We supported each other through thick and thin – no matter what happened between us two friends. Even though things have changed a bit since then, I know that my best friend will always be there for me when I need her. She is my rock during challenging times – and I would be lost without her by my side!

Essay on My Best Friend

I’ve known my best friend for as long as I can remember. We’ve been through thick and thin together, and there’s nobody else I would want by my side. In this essay, I’d like to share with you what it is about my best friend that makes him so special to me. I believe that the qualities I’ll mention are ones that are essential in any great friend, and they should be cherished in ours too.

My best friend is someone that I can always rely on for support- 

There is nobody that I would rather have by my side than my best friend. She has been there for me through thick and thin, good and bad times. We have shared so many memories together and our bond is unbreakable. She has always been there for me when I needed her and I know that I can always rely on her for support.
Whenever something goes wrong in my life, she is the first person I go to for comfort. Whether it’s a problem at work or something personal, she has always been there to listen and offer her support. She knows how to make me laugh and feel better about myself, even when things are tough.
I could not imagine my life without her by my side, no matter what happens. She has truly become a part of my family and I am so grateful for her friendship.
Our friendship started out as a purely platonic relationship, but over time it has blossomed into something much more meaningful and special to both of us.
We met during our freshman year of college and hit it off from the start. We were both lonely and looking for someone to talk to, so we bonded over our shared interests in fashion, books, and music. We never explicitly stated our friendship was more than just platonic, but over time we both realized that it was.
Since then, our relationship has only grown stronger. We’re there for each other when things get tough, whether it’s comforting each other after a breakup or just listening when one of us needs to talk. Our friendship is something genuinely special to us both and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

We share a unique bond that is impossible to replicate with anyone else- 

My best friend and I share a unique bond that is impossible to replicate with anyone else. We have been friends since we were infants, and there is no one else in the world who knows me as well as she does. We have always been there for each other, no matter what. We are able to communicate without words and know exactly what the other is thinking.
Our friendship is built on trust, and anything that has ever happened between us has only strengthened our bond. There have been times when we have faced difficult challenges together, and we have come out stronger because of it. Our relationship is based on mutual respect and admiration, and we would never want it any other way.
There are few people in this world who are as special to me as my best friend, and I am grateful for the privilege of being able to call her my friend. Our relationship is irreplaceable, and nothing can change that.
Despite our differences, we have always been able to understand and support each other in everything we do.
Best friends are special people who understand each other better than anyone else. They can be there for each other through thick and thin, good and bad times. Despite our differences, we have always been able to understand and support each other in everything we do.
My best friend and I went to different high schools, but we met during our freshman year of college. We bonded over our shared love of literature and music, and soon enough we were spending all our free time together. Even though we had different majors, we stuck together through college and started working together shortly after graduation.
Now that we are both out of the workforce and enjoying our families, it’s still hard to keep away from one another! We text, Facebook messenger, call regularly, and even meet up for coffee or lunch once a week or so. We know exactly how to make each other laugh and feel close no matter where we are in the world.
We have supported each other through thick and thin, good and bad times – whether it was getting into trouble as teenagers or enduring long periods of unemployment as adults. Our bond is unbreakable because it is based on friendship – not just common interests or geographical proximity.

We have been friends since we were six years old- 

Best friends come in all shapes and sizes, but there is something special about being able to call someone your best friend from the time you are six years old. We have been through everything together – good and bad – and there is no one else I would want by my side.
We grew up together, stole each other’s secrets, and laughed until our stomachs hurt. Through thick and thin, we have always been there for each other. No matter what life throws our way, we will always be best friends.
There are few people in this world that I feel as close to as my best friend does. She understands me better than anyone else does; she knows all of my quirks and weaknesses. When things get tough, she is the person who comes to my rescue.
I could never imagine my life without her by my side; she has been a constant support system over the years. Without her friendship, I would be lost. Thank you for being such a great friend to me; I cannot imagine living without you now or ever!

We have always been there for each other through thick and thin- 

My best friend and I have been through thick and thin together since we first met in kindergarten. We’ve shared tearful goodbyes when one of us had to move away, laughed at each other’s embarrassing moments, and comforted each other during tough times.
Even though we’re different in so many ways, we always manage to find common ground. Whether it’s going on walks or watching old movies together, our bond is unbreakable. I know that no matter what life throws our way, my best friend will always be there for me.

We have shared everything together – from our deepest secrets to our happiest moments- 

My best friend and I have been through a lot together – from our deepest secrets to our happiest moments. We’ve shared everything, and there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for each other. We know what the other is thinking, feeling, and going through, no matter what. We’re like an all-encompassing puzzle piece that fits perfectly together. Our bond is unbreakable – something that I truly cherish.

Our friendship is like no other and it is one that we will never forget- 

My best friend is someone who I can always count on no matter what. We’ve been through so much together, and our friendship is like no other. We share everything from laughs to tears, and our bond is unbreakable. Whenever we’re not together, we always think of each other and our thoughts tend to flow in one direction: positive. Our friendship is something that we will never forget and it’s something that we are proud of.

Our bond is unbreakable and we would do anything for each other

My best friend and I have been through so much together. We have been through the good, the bad, and the ugly. We have both fought for each other when things got tough, and we have always pulled through. I think what makes our bond so strong is that we know how to rely on each other. No matter what comes our way, we know that we can count on each other to be there for each other.
We are always there for one another when needed and that means a lot to us. Even when one of us is going through a tough time, the other one will always try to support them. We care about each other deeply and would do anything for each other. Our friendship is unbreakable, and I am grateful for it every day.

We are the best of friends, and nothing will ever change that- 

My best friend and I have been friends since elementary school. We’ve shared everything from crushes to embarrassing stories and our relationship is nothing short of special. Even though we’re different in a lot of ways, we always manage to find common ground. We are the best of friends, and nothing will ever change that.
We’ve been through plenty of tough times together, but even when things are tough, we know that we’ll always be there for each other. Whenever one of us needs support, the other is always quick to reach out. Our relationship is based on trust and understanding, and nothing will EVER change that.
No matter what life throws at us, we’ll always be able to count on each other for support and love. We’re the best of friends and nothing will ever change that.


My best friend is someone I can always count on. We have been through a lot together, and we know each other inside and out. Though our friendship has changed over the years, there is no one else that I would want by my side during tough times. In this essay, I will describe what it means to be my best friend and why I consider her to be such an important part of my life.

People Also Ask- 

1.How do I describe my best friend?
Ans : There are a few things you can do when writing about your best friend. You could start by describing how you know them and their qualities. After that, you could share something funny or interesting that happened between the two of you. Maybe even include a touching story. The goal is to create a paragraph that is both personal and interesting.

2. How do you write 10 lines about your best friend?
Ans : Here are 10 Lines on My Best Friend- 
1. Friendship is one of the most important things in a life.
2. I have a true friend named Rajvansh. 
3. I love to spend time with him and share my ideas. 
4. He is always with me during my hard time.
5. He speaks everything clearly.
6. I am very happy when he tells me where I am wrong. 
7. Rajvansh always makes me laugh and I feel happy with him.
8. I can totally trust him with my secrets.
9. He is always happy when he sees me succeed. 
10. He is never jealous of anyone, so he is an ideal person. 

 10 Lines on My Best Friend

3. How can I write paragraph about my friend?
Ans : I grew up spending summers with my best friend, Lacey. We would spend days at the pool or at the beach, and then evenings eating pizza and watching movies. Our bond is unbreakable – no matter what life throws our way. Lacey is the person I can always count on, whether it’s to make me laugh when I’m feeling down or to lend a listening ear when I need to talk. She’s also one of the most loyal friends I’ve ever had, always there for me no matter what. We’ve been through a lot together – from making prank calls to each other in middle school, to going our separate ways for college but somehow finding our way back to each other, to living together now and raising two young kids together. There’s nobody else I would want by my side through it all – and that includes during the good times and the bad.