Omission Exercises for Class 8 Ex.3&4 (Solved)

By | July 13, 2021
Omission Exercises for Class 9 & 10 with Answers Ex.13 & 14


In the following passages, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with word that comes before and the word that comes after it. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined:

Throughout the greater part Bertrand Russell’s  (a)……..……..……..
childhood, most important hours of his days (b)……..……..……..
were those he spent alone in the garden. (c)……..……..……..
He knew corner of the garden, and knew   (d)……..……..……..
in part of the garden primroses and bluebells(e)……..……..……..
bloomed. He was very fond watching the(f)……..……..……..
sunrise on bright April days would he  (g)……..……..……..
sometimes used slip out of the house a long walk before breakfast. (h)……..……..……..


(a)partofBertrand Russell’s
(b)childhood themost

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In the following passages, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with word that comes before and the word that comes after it. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined:

Before  WordAfter
From very early times, India been (a)……….……….……….
famous spices, textiles, jewellery  (b)……….……….……….
and pearls. The Arabs among     (c)……….……….……….
the first to come India for trade. (d)……….……….……….
Later, the Portuguese, the Dutch, French  (e)……….……….……….
and the English followed. They fought themselves(f)……….……….……….
to control trade. The English the most powerful.  (g)……….……….……….
They traded the English East India Company. (h)……….……….
Before WordAfter
(a)India   hadbeen
(e)Dutch, theFrench

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